Dr Tracey Bell - Bds , MA- MLaw.,Pgd Cosmetic Med
📚DentalAesthetic Medical Clinics 📚Isle of Man , Liverpool 📚Expert Witness 💕30 years experience Dentistry-aesthetics. 🌟Experience ,trust,credible
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❤️I always love the time to read - 🥰And thats is generally about my Subject teeth and skin ageing - CPD, we call it 🥰But whilst On holiday, I always make sure I read what interests me 🙂Fairness, Justice, Psychology - the what, where and when of life, I suppose ✅This book is a great read again - I've read her previous 2 books also 🤩What sticks in my mind, though, is the part about Healthcare and its comparison to the Legal system, although she believes there is no analogy to the legal system 💁‍♀️You see, in Healthcare in general, we care 🌸You attend the doctors - they want you to survive 🌸You attend A and E - they want you to survive 🥰You go to surgery - The consultant wants you to live 🙂All with the one Common Goal - Teamwork and Survival for the human being lying in front of them The Courts she describes Beautifully and lets imagine that the person the patient 🤩You have your solicitor( or doctor) - trying to save you 🙂The Prosecutor - The Other - Wanting to finish you off Whilst the Judge - is quite ambivalent to your fate, making j sure that both "legal Doctors " play by the rules in their life or death tug of war 🥹Yes- no common goal - and one that is deemed a Big tangled web of hope, despair and, in a way, victory for one ( not always the right one ) ⏰Whilst I appreciate that the legal system is there to protect the good of all - it certainly made me think - is it a game, are there any winners and what happens to the losers, or what happens when it goes wrong ✅Have a read for anyone interested in Law, Order and the System. It's a great one ♾️Stories of offenders ♾️Stories Of the CPS and loss of evidence ♾️Stories of sentencing ( and the life of a judge ) ♾️Stories of When Personal Issues Come into Law - and they shouldn't 🌸Enlightening Read, and I'm sure if you are involved in any of the Legal systems - you may reflect upon the situations you may find yourself in and, maybe for the good of all - think, question, and reflect I suppose in Healthcare, I should be grateful #secretbarrister #toothadvisor #lifeofadentist #legalnews #legalaction #nothingbutthetruth #booklover #books #bookstagram #dentist
🌸I'm only 84 years "young " Tracey. "Can you help me? Everyone wants to remove my teeth. I think they gave up on me after I reached 70. I Smiled and started to laugh. "Tell me what you want. " " I want teeth like Joan Collins" she replied 🥹 OK, I thought 👀Molly looked a little puzzled( she's young. I then showed her who Joans Collins was) So, in this case, I have completed very little. ❤️ I explained that Joan Collins would not keep those two upper teeth. She agreed. They have been extracted ♾️However, she was insistent that she was given a new smile, and I think anybody at any age should always be given the opportunity, so here we are. 🥹Almost four weeks in, ✅What have we simply done? We removed the upper two teeth. ✅We have restored the lower teeth; her dentures will be replaced in three months. ❤️She loves the results to date "Do you know what, TRACEY, I don't want to be like Doris that I meet at the butcher "Why? "I ask. "What's wrong with Doris? Well, every time I meet Doris. All I see is her teeth moving She used to be a beauty queen in her day, but all I see now are her teeth 🥰 I smiled ✅She gave me a hug, and no doubt I will see her next week 🤩 Age is but a number, and I suppose at any age, sometimes we think people have given up or lost interest - maybe because of Age ⏰So Joan Collins it Is - in the making - Lipstick Included We will produce new dentures just before Xmas and, of course, give her what she wants Doris, well I am sure she is content also and again, it's all down to perceptions, values and choice Have a good day all😀
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