Mindset & Life Performance Coach. International speaker. Proud Pa-Pa & Spouse. MDS Playground Builder. Hunter, fisher and adventurer of life!
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🎂 Happy 17th birthday Cole 🎈 I want to take this moment to let you know just how proud I am of you. You’re smart, funny, athletic, incredibly polite, and I am constantly in awe of the remarkable young man you are becoming. I’m also in awe of you constantly destroying me in basketball, and by this time next year probably being taller than me too. I want you to know that every single parent or coach who has ever had the pleasure of being around you has gone out of their way to tell me just how incredible they think you are. Your attitude, your character, and your genuine kindness leaves a lasting impression on everyone you meet. It fills my heart to witness the positive impact you have on others. I’ve loved watching you grow up playing hockey, and even happier watching you try new sports like baseball, basketball and football, even when it meant stepping out of your comfort zone. You never shy away from trying something new, and that takes incredible strength and humility. It's a quality that will serve you well throughout your life as you continue to embrace new challenges and take on the World. This year, I want to commend you for giving your all and working hard to improve yourself. I'm proud of how you dedicated yourself to amazing grades and learning to manage your time effectively. Even when you had a lot on your plate you, set goals, read, got in morning workouts, ate well and were always looking for ways to improve. As you continue this journey into manhood, aka the KWML, my greatest wish for you is to remain confident in yourself. Know that you are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to. Embrace every opportunity that comes your way, try countless different things, and never be afraid to pursue your passions. Don’t be shy to question authority and learn to follow your gut. But most importantly, do it all with a smile on your face. Life is meant to be enjoyed, and I want you to experience an abundance of joy in everything you do. Happy birthday, Cole! I'm looking forward to a fun summer! Love you, Papa
To my Claire Bear, Congratulations on your graduation! It feels like just yesterday that you were taking your first steps into kindergarten, and now you're taking a giant leap into the next chapter of your life, High School. I couldn't be prouder of the remarkable woman you've become. Claire Bear, your charm and wit have always brightened up our lives. Your sense of humor has brought laughter to our home even on the toughest days. Your quick thinking and clever comebacks (I wonder where you get that from 😁) always leave us in awe. You have a gift for making people smile, and I hope you never lose that spark. As you embark on this new journey, always remember to believe in yourself. You have a world of potential within you, and I have no doubt that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Have confidence in your abilities, and don't be afraid to take risks and chase your dreams. Trust your instincts, for they will guide you along the way. Watching you grow into the woman you are today fills my heart with immense pride. Your accomplishments, both big and small, have been a joy to witness. But it's your character, your kindness, and the love you bring to those around you that make me proudest of all. As you celebrate this milestone, know that I will always be here cheering you on, supporting you every step of the way. Your future is bright and I cannot wait to see the incredible things you will achieve. Always remember that I have your back! I'm proud of you, Love Papa ❤️
6 years ago while attending a Mastermind in San diego, Sara and I decided to go to a super cool Speak Easy on the recommendation of a friend. This Speak Easy wasn’t easy to find. It was hidden down the hallway of the bathroom of another bar, with a hidden door made of fake beer kegs. The Noble Experiment, the name of this place, is nothing short of an experience. From the location, the décor, to the people that worked there, just 35 people at-a-time occupy the covert 750 square-foot converted loft. As “luck” would have it, Sara and I were seated at the bar with Tony as our bartender for the night. As I sipped on my second drink, still taking in the décor and the majesty of my drinks I was consumed by just how incredible this place was. I bombarded Tony with question after question about the establishment, about the staff, the clientele and most importantly HIM. You see Tony had a way about him. A way about how he made his drinks. A way about how AMAZING his drinks were. You don’t go to a place like this to get a rye and ginger or a gin and tonic. NO. You come here for drinks and flavor combinations you have never imagined in your life. You come here for things done much different and much better. You come here for an experience. On my third drink it was apparent that Tony was unlike any other bartender I have ever met. He wasn’t just great, he was exceptional. So I asked him one simple question. “Tony...what makes you better than any other bartender?” His response consumed me. Tony said “I care.” I smiled and repeated those words over and over again and drove Sara nuts. “HE CARES!!!” What a perfect answer. Tony went on to describe to me how he CARES about each and every drink he makes & that he wants it to be the best drink anyone has ever had. He chisels each cube of ice by hand because standard ones dilutes the drink. He takes care with each measurement, each garnish, even each scent he puts on the rim or on top of the drink to highlight or accent the drink! He travels to the top bars to learn from anyone he thinks is better than him. Mastery comes from passion, success comes from caring. We could all learn a thing from Tony ❤.
WHO ARE THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN YOUR LIFE? I came across this yesterday and it was too good not to share. The following is the philosophy of Charles Schulz, the creator of the "Peanuts" comic strip. You don't have to actually answer the questions, just read this straight through, and you'll get the point. 1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world. 2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners. 3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America. 4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize. 5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winner for best actor and actress. 6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners. How did you do? The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday. These are no second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners. Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one: 1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school. 2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time. 3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile. 4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special. 5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with. Easier? The lesson: The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They are the ones that care. "Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia." - Charles Schulz
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Domande frequenti: Statistiche e approfondimenti di Instagram per @joe_arko
Come posso accedere alle statistiche e alle analisi di Instagram per @joe_arko?
StarNgage offre rapporti analitici completi che forniscono metriche chiave e approfondimenti per una comprensione completa di @joe_arko. Puoi esplorare vari aspetti, inclusa la statistica dei follower di Instagram, come il crescita dei follower e dei post, Tasso di coinvolgimento e le sue tendenze di crescita. Inoltre, puoi accedere a informazioni sul numero medio di mi piace e commenti per post, approfondimenti sulle demografiche dei tuoi follower o pubblico, dati di affinità di marca, menzioni degli hashtag rilevanti, account simili e i post più recenti.
Qual è il conteggio attuale dei follower per @joe_arko su Instagram?
All'ultimo aggiornamento, @joe_arko ha accumulato un seguito fedele di 16,520 follower su Instagram.
Quali sono i dati e le analisi inclusi nel rapporto completo su Instagram per @joe_arko?
Il nostro rapporto analitico completo di Instagram fornisce una panoramica completa di @joe_arko su Instagram. Questo rapporto include informazioni dettagliate sulla crescita dei follower nel tempo, sulle metriche di coinvolgimento e sulla frequenza dei post, sia su base settimanale che mensile. Per accedere a questo rapporto dettagliato, ti invitiamo a registrarti e creare un nuovo account StarNgage o accedere al tuo account esistente.
Posso monitorare come è evoluto il Tasso di coinvolgimento di @joe_arko su Instagram?
Sì, gli strumenti analitici di StarNgage ti consentono di monitorare l'evoluzione del Tasso di coinvolgimento di @joe_arko nel tempo su Instagram. Questi dati ti aiutano a valutare l'efficacia delle strategie di coinvolgimento di @joe_arko.
Come può migliorare la comprensione delle demografiche del pubblico di @joe_arko su Instagram?
Acquisire conoscenze sulle demografiche del pubblico di @joe_arko su Instagram può essere estremamente prezioso. Ti consente di personalizzare i tuoi contenuti di influencer e le strategie di marketing per risuonare meglio con i follower di @joe_arko, poiché avrai informazioni sulla loro età, genere, località e interessi.
Come posso sfruttare i dati di affinità di marca per migliorare la mia strategia di marketing su Instagram con @joe_arko?
I dati di affinità di marca sono uno strumento potente per capire quali marche o prodotti interessano di più al tuo pubblico. Queste informazioni possono guidare le tue collaborazioni e partnership di contenuti su Instagram, migliorando il tuo coinvolgimento con il tuo pubblico target.