- Mum of 3 boys - Paediatric Speech Pathologist - Early Intervention & Literacy clinician - Specialist in ADHD - Author & Speaker @thebackchatclinic
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During the recent decade we have learnt so much about our little one’s developing brains 🧠 Particularly our little boys 👶🏻👦 Developmentally more vulnerable, this starts well before they are born. Significant gender differences are seen between male and female social-emotional functions in the earliest stages of development (Shore. A 2017) @ucla The stress regulatory circuit of the male brain, develops much, much slower compared to females. This supports clinically what I’m seeing everyday in @thebackchatclinic And I know @maggiedentauthor agrees 💯 our boys are just more VULNERABLE. Every day I’m seeing struggling boys 🥲 Boys that are stressed. Boys that are anxious. Boys that are struggling to regulate. Boys who come from loving and caring homes where all of their needs are being met 💯 24/7 And sometimes it’s the QUIET boys, yet very busy beneath the surface that concern us most. Those little ducks paddling away under the surface 🦆 So imagine a little boy struggling with any of the above symptoms not experiencing the same care, love or nurture. And the impact on that vulnerable little boy 🥲 for the rest of his life. It’s THE biggest emerging issue here in Queensland. Every day I hear another story from a Teacher or a Mum 🥲 of a child experiencing severe neglect and trauma. And every night when we turn on the news @9newsqueensland we see boys that have been totally uncared for, wreaking havoc in our communities. There just seems to be no end in sight to this vicious cycle. BUT it’s a topic I’m going to talk about in detail on my podcast 🎧 @di4bulimba @annastaciamp #backchatspeechpathology #thebackchatclinic #maggiedent #boysarevulnerable #earlyinterventionspecialist #youthcrimeprevention #youthcrime #queensland #queenslandmums
This looks like just another day in a paediatric clinic, but this photo shows something PHENOMENAL ⭐️⭐️ It marks the change of one child’s whole life trajectory. For this little one from a loving, caring home, his needs being met 24/7 ❤️ yet struggling daily with regulation, life had become almost unbearable for his parents. They’re the parents EVERY Therapist wants in their paediatric clinic. But life was becoming a struggle, where EVERY minute of every day was a battle. This inflexible little guy was struggling terribly 🥲 And as I posted the other evening and tagged the wonderful @maggiedentauthor in, we do see daily, SO so many: - Loved and cared for - Nurtured - Scaffolded Little boys in @thebackchatclinic But gee, it’s hard work behind the scenes. And it’s hard work I’ve experienced personally as a Mum not just, as a paediatric SLP 🙋🏻‍♀️ In the last week, this little one’s life has forever changed 💕 In our first session after very conservative, microdosing under the guidance of his Paediatrician @paedsinapod this little guy: - Shifted his play routine 😲 - Stayed in one room so we could sequence in his play 🐠 🦈 🏥 👩🏻‍⚕️ - Repeated more words and a new variety of speech sounds 🗣 - Easily made transitions, with flexibility and NO meltdowns 💥 NONE. Not one. - Played with a completely new set of toys, while ignoring others he’s played with (for 52 weeks in a row) 🚒 👮‍♀️ 🚨 Some SLPs call this type of treatment NON Neuroaffirming 🤷🏻‍♀️ But this little guy still said NO. He still struggled with his regulation of his attention, & his opposition. And 💯 was still his gorgeous little self. I believe it’s NON Neuroaffirming to keep a child at a stage in development, whereby they can’t develop their brain 🧠🤷🏻‍♀️📚 This littlie already shifted his: - Play - Language - Speech sounds - Working Memory - Number recognition - RIGIDITY All in one single session after very conservative medical intervention💪💪 Imagine his life years down the track - YEARS - all due to this decision. Early intervention isn’t just a game-changer for some children. It’s life-saving for MANY @thebackchatclinic #backchatspeechpathology
My Instagram story message for Mums this week, inspired so many to reach out to me ❤️ One Mum all the way across the country in Perth who I’ve been supporting & guiding her journey with her little one with Autism, said “it’s so good to hear a positive parent story” A Therapist from down south, whose little guy is similar to my Mr 11, messaged me and said “it’s so comforting to know I’m working with someone who has been on this journey before”. And then the Mums in my clinic who, I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️ because they see me and talk to me weekly @thebackchatclinic just get it. Because I do talk a lot 😂🗣🤦🏻‍♀️ so they do hear this message a lot. Early intervention takes time. It takes many, many years. Because plasticity is a process and developing that little brain, takes time. And sometimes you’ll only see the tiniest of steps forward 👣 Like for some of our Mums with little ones with really complex emotional regulation 💥 Little ones that as a result of minimal medical intervention, can now transition, show flexibility, move from a favoured task to a less favoured task. OR even a new task altogether ⭐️⭐️ Without THE BIGGEST of explosions 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 These are ENORMOUS steps forward, in the life of a child. Because each and every single one of those steps, those brain connections add up 🧠🗣📚🎸🚲🏊 And before you know it, your little one will be transitioning, reading, swimming, walking, talking, speaking more clearly, jumping, running. You name it ⭐️⭐️ But it’s a process. A journey. It is a marathon 💪💪 #backchatspeechpathology #thebackchatclinic #earlyintervention #earlyinterventionspeech #earlyinterventionspecialist #speechpathology #speechtherapy #braindevelopment #brisbanebusiness #brisbanemums #brisbanemum
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All'ultimo aggiornamento, @backchatspeechpathology ha accumulato un seguito fedele di 3,238 follower su Instagram.
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