🇮🇳/🇸🇪I never skip my heavy hip thrusts🏋🏽‍♀️🍑 Powered by burgers 🍔 8 week glute guide👇🏽
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Since I started sharing that I’ve been working shift hours for 8 years, this post has been highly requested in my DM. One of the things I struggle with the most is the nutrition part. I struggle to find time to meal prep and sometimes I also find it hard to have time to eat all the meals I need. So it might sound weird to some people that one of the few times I actually(mostly) manage to eat all my meals with perfect time stance etc. is during my night shifts. Here are two questions I believe that a lot of people will have: 1. “How can you eat so many times, I only have 1 lunch break at my work” Answer: We don’t have any “lunch breaks”. We are not allowed to leave our job at all during our shift. If everything goes well, this means that I can eat 20 times if I want to, as long as I keep an eye on my work at the same time. But this also means that if we have a messy work shift with a lot of issues, we might not be able to eat properly at all. The night shifts are usually the calmest ones, hence why I called this video “realistic what I eat when I work night shift”. This is not realistic during my morning/afternoon shifts because usually it’s more busy. 2. “Do you eat during the day too?” Answer: Since I am not in bed until 7-7.30 am after my night shifts, I usually sleep until 5-6 pm. This means that I don’t really have much time to eat during the “day”. So the short answer is no. If I go to the gym before my night shift I eat something light and then I eat my ‘real’ meals at work. I am aware that some people don’t think it’s necessary to have a “shape check” before they post their nutrition, because it can be misleading. “You’ll not look like him/her just because you eat like him/her”. That’s not my point though. My goal with this post is to show that I eat proper meals as often as I can, even if I work irregular and weird hours, that’s the entire foundation to both my strength in the gym and my shape. And in the best of worlds, this post might bring some hope to people who feel that their work makes it hard to reach progress🏋🏽‍♂️ Let me know if you have any questions👇🏽
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