Clay, play, & other things. Founder @thesanctuarybyrachel 🏺
Kvenmaður af rachelsaundersceramics á Instagram er 69.7% og karlmaður er 30.3%. Meðaltal umhugsanir á tilkynntum er um 2.27%. Meðaltal líkings á innlegg er 1,899 og meðaltal ummæla er 42.
@rachelsaundersceramics elska að senda inn umHönnun og handverk, Sýning vöru, Skartgripir, Hönnun, Módeleggja, Arkitektúr.
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Hello! Today is my birthday, which is the most vulnerable day of the year for me (fellow Aquarians, can you relate?). I thought I would keep the momentum going and share something that I am terrified to release. Apparently it’s good to lean into the spaces you want to completely run and hide from and today I do just that. After over a year in the making, I share with you ‘The Sanctuary’—my online home in which I warmly welcome you into. Born from a lifelong passion of seeking, and sometimes finding, I’ve built a welcoming cyber abode to house all my personal insights, resources, thoughts, experiences, and of course, inspirations. I’ve wanted to create a more efficient way to share all that helps me with as many as possible in a way that feels nurturing and beautiful. It’s a place to share the more personal parts of my lived experience, as well as offer the insights and references I’ve been collecting for decades—in a more efficient and intimate manner. Updated weekly, The Sanctuary is where I share how I support my ADHD as a creative entrepreneur, my personal journal, original recipes, playlists, books, and films categorized by mood, and an extensive list of all my travel destinations, guided meditations, inspired imagery, resources for my favourite healers, and so much more. Like all of you, I have felt my soul go through many changes over the past few years. I have gotten clear on what I want more of and what I want less of, what truly fulfills me and what has turned into noise. It is my intention to be of greater service to my incredible community in this new way, and I hope you will join me. The Sanctuary is officially live @thesanctuarybyrachel Thank you so much for reading and being here with me, I appreciate you all more than I can say.
I’ve spent very little time in my life thinking about the fact that I have no post-secondary education. I’ve always been a self-guided learner and I am a proficient student of YouTube. I’ve scrapped things together on my own terms pretty well regardless of a degree and was lucky to find a path that served me while evading tuition fees. But giving myself this past month to live in a big stone villa with a bunch of strangers (quick to become friends), bonded by experimentations in new mediums, the exchange of knowledge, deep talks, and late nights— I feel enriched by an experience I didn’t know I was missing. It felt like a snippet of a sorority, an art school vignette under the most ideal circumstances. Our dormitory looked more like a scene from Call Me By Your Name and our daily classes revolved around swimming in the sea and leisurely cracking into the table of art supplies to see what wanted to come forth. I wrote poetry and read for the first time in ages and made cyanotypes and smudged charcoal into a big group painting and for the first time in my adult life felt like I didn’t have to sing for my supper. I could just make subpar expressions with no emphasis on outcome and move on to the next. I think an important part of tapping into your innate creativity is learning how to do it consistently and dropping the need for everything to be profound. It keeps the taps on so the good stuff can flow freely when it’s ready. I’ll be sharing the rest of my takeaways over on @thesanctuarybyrachel this week, so if you’re craving an experience like this one stay tuned and I’ll be talking about my honest reflections. 1. The Super 8 we all passed around which I’m excited to see the footage from 2. Washing off my first cyanotype in the back yard 3. My lace undies imprinted on indigo under the Grecian sun 4. Collecting the patterns from the vintage lace I was so enamoured with 5. Cyanotype cherubs from the curtains 6. A dramatic moment of evening artistry 7. Painting with natural pigments collected from the island 8. Drawing people’s auras with pencil crayons 9. Failed lace cyanotype cause it was too windy 10. Getting my degree in boat lounging
* Eignarréttur: Efnihöfundar eru sjálfgefni eignarréttaraðilar. Þetta fréttir, sem innihalda myndir, texta, myndskeið, innlegg og próf á samfélagsmiðlum, eru birt á opin svæði og samfélagsmiðlum þeim til að vera opinberum auglýsingum.
Algengar spurningar: Instagram tölfræði og skoðanir fyrir @rachelsaundersceramics
Hvernig get ég fengið aðgang að uppboðum og greiningu Instagram fyrir @rachelsaundersceramics?
StarNgage býður upp á ítarlegar greiningarskýrslur sem veita lykiltölur og skoðanir sem gefa þér fullt skilning á @rachelsaundersceramics. Þú getur skoðað ýmsa viðburði, svo sem Instagram fjölfuna staðla, svo sem fjölfunartölur og vöxtuatriði, áhuga ábendingu og vöxtuatriði. Þú getur einnig fengið upplýsingar um meðalfjölda líka og ummæla á innleggum, viskun um þáttakendur eða áheyrendur og afurðum, minntum um viðeigandi heiti, svipuðum reikningum og nýlegustu innleggum.
Hvað er núverandi fjöldi fylgjenda fyrir @rachelsaundersceramics á Instagram?
Frá síðustu uppfærslu hefur @rachelsaundersceramics safnað sérstökum fylgingu af 85,556 fylgjendum á Instagram.
Hvaða gagnaflæði og greiningu fjallar fulla skýrsla um @rachelsaundersceramics á Instagram?
Okkar fullkomna Instagram greiningarskýrsla veitir fagskyldri yfirsýn yfir @rachelsaundersceramics á Instagram. Þessi skýrsla gengur út í dýpri upplýsingar um vöxt fjölgunnar yfir tímann, skiptivinnuatriði og postingageta, bæði á viku- og mánaðargrundvelli. Til að fá aðgang að þessum umfangsmiklu skýrslum skaltu skrá þig og stofna nýtt StarNgage reikning eða skrá þig inn í þinn meðfylgjandi reikningur.
Get ég fylgt því hvernig áhuga ábending @rachelsaundersceramics á Instagram hefur þróast?
Já, StarNgage greiningarverkfæri leyfa þér að fylgja vöxtu áhuga ábendingar fyrir @rachelsaundersceramics á Instagram. Þessir gögn hjálpa þér að meta hversu árangursrík er áhuga ábendingarstefna @rachelsaundersceramics.
Hvernig get ég notað skilning á ákveðnum hópi áheyrenda á Instagram?
Að fá innsýn í aldurshóp ástilltrar áheyrnar á Instagram getur verið ómælanlegur gildi. Það gerir þér kleift að höggva á áhrifasiður áverkar samfélagshlut þátttakenda á @rachelsaundersceramics, þar sem þú færð upplýsingar um aldurstölu, kyn, staðsetningu og hagsmunatengsl þeirra.
Hvernig get ég notfært mér greiningu á auðlindahagkvæmni til að bæta markaðssetningaráætlun mína á Instagram með @rachelsaundersceramics?
Auðlindagreining er öflugt verkfæri til að skilja hvaða vörumerki eða vörur buntru aðhafendur þínir hafa mest hagsmun af. Þessar upplýsingar geta haft áhrif á samstöðu þína við þá fylgjendur sem þú hagntúar á Instagram.