heARTofCOOL + War⭐️Drobe
A ☀️Light Being BEAMING 🚀 Curating Art, Well-Being & Travel Experiences. Affiliated with: @wardrobegalaxy (Skateboards) & HOUSE 💜f Cool
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🌈The MOST ⚡️ POWERFUL ⚡️ FREQUENCY ⚡️ to emit from the HUMAN BODY is AUTHENTICITY - Not L💚VE. 4,000 times MORE POWERFUL than L💜VE is when your WORDS are TRUTHFUL & you actually truly BELIEVE & KNOW intrinsically in your core what you are saying. You can show L🩵VE (whatever that may mean to you - SACRIFICE or FREEDOM) to another being all day long but if it is coming from an inauthentic place; ⭐️A place of lack or even ⭐️ NOT wanting to repeat your parent’s shortcomings/ mistakes OR ⭐️WANTING to be validated or liked or anything else that is transactional in nature Well, the truth is you have now signed up for a web of confusion leading you farther from your most intrinsically POW 💥 ERFUL STATE, which is your own wholeness and self-love unconditional all in the name of some worldly version of L💚VE that’s been marketed to you for hundreds of years. IF YOU CANNOT BE YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF IN WHOMEVER YOU ARE IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH, then one must surely ask him or herself, is there L💜VE rooted in TRUTH or a lie. And if it’s the latter, where is the HONOR and INTEGRITY in that and if you may have children, what are you really modeling for them? HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE IN REAL L💜VING RELATIONSHIPS vs. CO-DEPENDENT ONES? ⚡️AUTHENTICITY is The NEW L💚VE LANGUAGE 4 ME💫. PERIOD. It’s practically the difference between L 🌳 F E & walking 🚶‍♀️ around planet earth 🌍 basically dead ☠️. 🎥 Inspirational Video 1: @postwook 🎥 Inspirational Video 2: @taylnfiore (Curated by @higher.dimension_ )
🌈 A gentle REMINDER 2 us ALL🩵: What and who is truly for you, you could never lose. Anything that is not authentic and true, will always fizzle out and have an expiration date. While change is a catalyst for growth 🌳, have the courage to step into the unknown and the void - where all L 🌳 F E comes from. And KNOW that those who truly L💜VE you will be there through the evolution and fire 🔥 of alchemy - even if you don’t necessarily feel them at times. For in these times, the most important truth, is whether or not: 🩵YOU FEEL YOU! 💚 That YOU KNOW YOU! 💜 That YOU L🩵VE YOU (unconditionally)! 💚That you TRUST YOU! For if these truths are not apparent in your own character and being, how shall you truly participate in the exchange of these energies with someone else. HOW will you decipher the difference between distortion and clarity. Every single person who came into my L🌳FE and did not realize how to feel, know, love and/or trust me, brought me closer to: 💪 FEELING my own POWER, 🔮 KNOWING my own STRENGTH (gilded in COMPASSION), 🩵LOVING my ENTIRE BEING in the most RAW and UNADULTERATED form. 💜TRUSTING my own PROCESS and JOURNEY on this physical plane 🌍. And I hope I 👁️ AM that for them too for we all are simply reflections of one another. The pain, discomfort and grief I may have encountered and fully explored, simply provided the opportunity for the ALCHEMY of my own 🦅 TRANSFORMATION & EVOLUTION 🦅. And the LESSONS were the BLESSINGS. And the thing about all of this is, is the fact 💯 that the story is not finished yet. ⚡️That🩵PART⚡️. TBC…….. 🖼️ Visual Inspiration 1: @orbitgram 📹 Video 1: Words: @rainbowsalt 🙏 Speaker: @the.wanderingpaddy 🙏 Curator: @abundancewhisperer 🖼️Visual Inspiration 2: @myriadwaveart 🙏
🌈 I 👁️ AM a DIAMOND 💎 AIN’T NO PRESSURE 💨. 🔥 YEP, I said it and meant it and you can ask @artlanta__ ALL ABOUT IT because he most certainly is a RARE & PRECIOUS 💎 DIAMOND ✌️. A VIBRANT & 🌟 bright light he is. With a smile like gilded rainbows 🌈 and a heART of GAIA 🌎 and endless L💚VE unconditional. 🎨 ARTLANTA most certainly is not new to this epic being of a lifestyle as he has always been most certainly true to this. 10 toes down, charging forward like the North Star ⭐️ he is, yet never forgetting about the people and experiences that has contributed to his EVOLUTION. You all most certainly won’t want to miss ART 🖼️ BEAST at this year’s ART 🩵 BASEL as it’s a movement. PURE REVOLUTION ✊. A collective of masterminds and artists who innerstand that we are all connected and human beings first and foremost that came to the planet 🌍 to STAND OUT as opposed to FIT IN. So we shine ✨ our light and radiate our frequency authentically right 💯. TO MY BROTHER & KING RYAN and the rest of the crew - this post is for YOU ‼️ I want to SALUTE you ALL. For all the sacrifices and the valleys you had to weather and terrain you had to cross and torches you had to light just to model a version of what authentic GREATNESS feels and looks like. YOU CREATED YOUR OWN LANE against all odds and you never sold out to accomplish it. That’s L🩵VE. SO when it comes to me and you, it’s ALWAYS L💚VE. ALL THERE IS, IS L💜VE. SO, let’s keep spreading L💙VE as WE 🌳 GROW & GLOW ⭐️ 🙏 Special thank you TO @ethanduran Tecnica @corsaautogroup @tabler @zeroghostclub @lamborghini for a STELLAR 🌟 COLLABORATION. THANK YOU for having a beautiful vision and curating a 🧊FRESH 🧊 EXPERIENCE for us ALL to connect & SATIATE our SPIRITS with ⚡️.
🌈 I 👁️ AM ART 🖼️. Attending the @legendarydamon ‘s “One Night Only Experience” at the Jean-Michel Basquiat 👑KING 🩵PLEASURE👑 exhibit @thegrandla , was a journey of the intersectionality of Art (visual, music, technology & life) & the organic cool nature of how that Art imitates LIFE 🌳. “More than 200 artworks and objects from Basquiat’s estate—most of which have never been publicly displayed—are exhibited in The Grand LA, which was ​​designed by the architect David Adjaye. These are placed throughout impressive re-creations of Basquiat’s formative physical spaces, including the dining room of the Boreum Hill house where he grew up; his Great Jones Street painting studio crowded with paintings, books, and a TV that played clips of The Breakfast Club; and the VIP Room of the iconic artist haunt, New York’s Palladium nightclub. Several rooms are accompanied by QR code leading to one of four playlists created for the show in partnership with Spotify.” - ART NEWS As I explored the Exzhibit, it was clear that music had a powerful impact on Basquiat’s artistic practice. The fact that this Exzhibit emphasized Basquiat’s process and upbringing as an authentic soul on the planet 🌎, is very EVOLUTIONARY within the ART 🖼️ WORLD 🌍 and of course my dear love one LEGENDARY DAMON is at the helm of this expansion. L 🌳 F E is so much more than what we produce. It’s the becoming within the process of manifestation in this material world that is truly THE MASTERPIECE 🎨. Special shout out and congratulations to: @basquiatkingpleasure & @legendarydamon 📸 FIRST photo in reel taken by: @natacam_ 🙏
ANYTHING worth WILD creating is worth the 🕰️ TIME, 😓 SACRIFICE and 🧘‍♀️INTENTION you invest into it. A truth that Empress @jenacovello knows EVERYTHING about; for 7 years ago she began to formulate a mineral based SPF in her “beloved south of France 🇫🇷,” where she spends a great portion of her time perfecting her formulas as she stays committed to disrupting the skin care industry with cruelty and chemical free products for ALL shades and skin types. Yep, it was 2017 to be exact when Jenna embarked upon this journey and now she is proud to to be at the head of leading the way for 🌳 INNOVATIVE 👄GREEN BEAUTY 💚, mastering non-nano mineral SPF technology from a product perspective in the process. “There’s zero white cast! No harsh chemicals, endocrine disrupters that affect your hormones or ingredients that harm coral reefs. Unscented and free of avobenzone, octisalate, homosalate, octocrylene and oxybenzone. Safe if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.” The shades blend easily and can be worn in place of foundation for light coverage during the day. If you love and appreciate absorbing vitamin D through sun 🌞 gazing while protecting your face, neck shoulders and back, please allow me to introduce you to the Tinted & Non Tinted SPF 🧴 50 Mineral Sunscreen by Jenna of @agentnateur ⚡️ 🔊 SPECIAL SHOUT OUT 2🙏: @demureandstylish @forbes @mvpr_nyc 4 covering such a dope product created by a beautiful human being. 💕 & 2 @reginayazdi for creating magical illustrations that capture the essence of this rare and fabulous launch 🚀. 👑To the QUEEN @thehoodhealer 💋 for your presence is THE GIFT 🎁. And to all of other beautiful ladies I met @bevhillshotel : @shop.with.caroline @molly_levin @mostlyrealmom @confectionette @thefullestco & @lalabublgrl 💫 AND to a beautiful soul, @jenacovello . Super grateful to have encountered you that gorgeous day @wecarespa when my sis @aprilpowers.tv made the introduction. YOU are THE GREATEST GIFT 🎁 YOU SEEK ‼️ 💐 CONGRATULATIONS 💐 on your launch beautiful 💜 heART.
* Eignarréttur: Efnihöfundar eru sjálfgefni eignarréttaraðilar. Þetta fréttir, sem innihalda myndir, texta, myndskeið, innlegg og próf á samfélagsmiðlum, eru birt á opin svæði og samfélagsmiðlum þeim til að vera opinberum auglýsingum.
Algengar spurningar: Instagram tölfræði og skoðanir fyrir @heartofcool
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StarNgage býður upp á ítarlegar greiningarskýrslur sem veita lykiltölur og skoðanir sem gefa þér fullt skilning á @heartofcool. Þú getur skoðað ýmsa viðburði, svo sem Instagram fjölfuna staðla, svo sem fjölfunartölur og vöxtuatriði, áhuga ábendingu og vöxtuatriði. Þú getur einnig fengið upplýsingar um meðalfjölda líka og ummæla á innleggum, viskun um þáttakendur eða áheyrendur og afurðum, minntum um viðeigandi heiti, svipuðum reikningum og nýlegustu innleggum.
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Frá síðustu uppfærslu hefur @heartofcool safnað sérstökum fylgingu af 230,752 fylgjendum á Instagram.
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Okkar fullkomna Instagram greiningarskýrsla veitir fagskyldri yfirsýn yfir @heartofcool á Instagram. Þessi skýrsla gengur út í dýpri upplýsingar um vöxt fjölgunnar yfir tímann, skiptivinnuatriði og postingageta, bæði á viku- og mánaðargrundvelli. Til að fá aðgang að þessum umfangsmiklu skýrslum skaltu skrá þig og stofna nýtt StarNgage reikning eða skrá þig inn í þinn meðfylgjandi reikningur.
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Já, StarNgage greiningarverkfæri leyfa þér að fylgja vöxtu áhuga ábendingar fyrir @heartofcool á Instagram. Þessir gögn hjálpa þér að meta hversu árangursrík er áhuga ábendingarstefna @heartofcool.
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Að fá innsýn í aldurshóp ástilltrar áheyrnar á Instagram getur verið ómælanlegur gildi. Það gerir þér kleift að höggva á áhrifasiður áverkar samfélagshlut þátttakenda á @heartofcool, þar sem þú færð upplýsingar um aldurstölu, kyn, staðsetningu og hagsmunatengsl þeirra.
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Auðlindagreining er öflugt verkfæri til að skilja hvaða vörumerki eða vörur buntru aðhafendur þínir hafa mest hagsmun af. Þessar upplýsingar geta haft áhrif á samstöðu þína við þá fylgjendur sem þú hagntúar á Instagram.