The official @ourstreetsnow #BeABetterAlly account 👇 We focus on a different form of oppression every month so we can all become better allies📚❤️
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First consider how many neurodivergent people die following encounters with the police. 🚨🚨 In the U.K., a report found that almost two-thirds of people who died during or following police contact in 2018/19 were described as having "mental health concerns" such as bipolar disorder. The same report disclosed that three-quarters of people who committed suicide directly following police contact similarly had disabilities including bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder. 🚨🧠 In the U.S., a 2016 report suggested that up to half of people killed by law enforcement officers have a mental disability. Even more worrying, it also found that having a mental disability was sometimes used to blame victims for their deaths. Here we see not just the killing of disabled people but also subsequent ableist gaslighting that allows the practice to continue. 🚨🧠 During the month on July the Our Streets Activist will be focussing on neurodiversity, delving into the questions; What is neurodiversity? What is neurodivergent? What is neurodiverse? How do you define neurotypical? We will also be looking at the treatment of neurodiverse people and how their experiences differ depending on multiple factors. As ever, please drop us a DM with anything you feel we should speak about or something we may have got wrong. We hope you enjoy and learn as much as we do this month! The aim of the Our Streets Activist is to eradicate gender-based violence intersectionality, and in doing so, increase our awareness and exposure to oppression outside of our lived experiences. Every month we focus on a different form of oppression so stick around, turn on post notifications & share the account! #feminism #ourstreetsnow #genderbasedviolence #violenceagainstwomenandgirls #lgbtq #neurodiversity #adhd #dyslexia #autism #neurodiverse #diversity #inclusivity #activism
Coprolalia is the medical term used to describe one of the most puzzling and socially stigmatizing symptoms of Tourette Syndrome—the involuntary outburst of obscene words or socially inappropriate and derogatory remarks. Other examples may include references to genitals, excrement and sexual acts. Although coprolalia is the most widely known symptom of TS, it occurs in only a minority of patients with TS. It is most often expressed as a single word, but may involve complex phrases. There is no way to predict who will develop coprolalia. 🦋🦋 Copropraxia is a related complex motor tic symptom involving obscene gestures. For years doctors mistakenly believed that a diagnosis of TS could not be confirmed unless coprolalia was present. Until recently, professionals thought that coprolalia was caused by psychological problems such as extreme frustration, repressed rage or sexuality. It is now understood that the root of this symptom is physical—that is, neurobiological in nature. While little research has focused on understanding coprolalia, data now indicate that fewer than one third of all people with TS exhibit this symptom at some time during their lives. However, for those with coprolalia who are trying to deal with the world—in public places, school, at home or work—just getting through the day can be excruciatingly difficult. 🦋💙 During the month on July the Our Streets Activist will be focussing on neurodiversity. We hope you enjoy and learn as much as we do this month! The aim of the Our Streets Activist is to eradicate gender-based violence intersectionality, and in doing so, increase our awareness and exposure to oppression outside of our lived experiences. Every month we focus on a different form of oppression so stick around, turn on post notifications & share the account! #feminism #ourstreetsnow #genderbasedviolence #violenceagainstwomenandgirls #lgbtq #neurodiversity #adhd #dyslexia #autism #neurodiverse #diversity #inclusivity #activism
Just one in five autistic people in the UK are in any form of employment, according to official data, prompting experts to urge the government to offer greater support and information to employers. Data from the Office for National Statistics’ Outcomes for disabled people research, which for the first time this year asked respondents whether they were autistic, revealed that just 22% of those with autism were in either full or part-time work. This means people with autism are among those disabled people with the lowest employment rate. 📆📈 During the month on July the Our Streets Activist will be focussing on neurodiversity, delving into the questions; What is neurodiversity? What is neurodivergent? What is neurodiverse? How do you define neurotypical? We will also be looking at the treatment of neurodiverse people and how their experiences differ depending on multiple factors. As ever, please drop us a DM with anything you feel we should speak about or something we may have got wrong. We hope you enjoy and learn as much as we do this month! 🌸 The aim of the Our Streets Activist is to eradicate gender-based violence intersectionality, and in doing so, increase our awareness and exposure to oppression outside of our lived experiences. Every month we focus on a different form of oppression so stick around, turn on post notifications & share the account! #feminism #ourstreetsnow #genderbasedviolence #violenceagainstwomenandgirls #lgbtq #neurodiversity #adhd #dyslexia #autism #neurodiverse #diversity #inclusivity #activism
* Hak Cipta: Pencipta konten secara default adalah pemilik hak cipta. Informasi termasuk gambar, teks, video, postingan, dan profil ini diterbitkan di domain publik dan media sosial yang terkait untuk ditampilkan secara publik.
FAQ: Statistik dan Wawasan tentang Instagram untuk @theourstreetsactivist
Bagaimana cara mengakses statistik dan analisis Instagram untuk @theourstreetsactivist?
StarNgage menawarkan laporan analisis komprehensif yang memberikan metrik dan wawasan kunci untuk memberi Anda pemahaman lengkap tentang @theourstreetsactivist. Anda dapat menjelajahi berbagai aspek, termasuk statistik pengikut Instagram, seperti tren pertumbuhan pengikut dan postingan, Tingkat Keterlibatan, dan tren pertumbuhannya. Selain itu, Anda dapat mengakses informasi tentang rata-rata jumlah like dan komentar per postingan, wawasan tentang demografi pengikut atau audiens Anda, data afinitas merek, sebutan hashtag yang relevan, akun serupa, dan postingan terbaru.
Berapa jumlah pengikut saat ini untuk @theourstreetsactivist di Instagram?
Per tanggal pembaruan terbaru, @theourstreetsactivist telah mengumpulkan pengikut setia sebanyak 5,450 pengikut di Instagram.
Apa saja wawasan dan analisis yang termasuk dalam laporan lengkap untuk @theourstreetsactivist di Instagram?
Laporan analisis lengkap kami tentang @theourstreetsactivist di Instagram memberikan gambaran menyeluruh tentang @theourstreetsactivist di Instagram. Laporan ini mencakup informasi terperinci tentang pertumbuhan pengikut dari waktu ke waktu, metrik keterlibatan, dan frekuensi posting, baik secara mingguan maupun bulanan. Untuk mengakses laporan mendalam ini, silakan mendaftar dan membuat akun StarNgage baru atau masuk ke akun yang sudah ada.
Dapatkah saya melacak bagaimana Tingkat Keterlibatan @theourstreetsactivist telah berkembang di Instagram?
Ya, alat analisis StarNgage memungkinkan Anda untuk memonitor perkembangan Tingkat Keterlibatan @theourstreetsactivist dari waktu ke waktu di Instagram. Data ini membantu Anda menilai efektivitas strategi keterlibatan @theourstreetsactivist.
Bagaimana memahami demografi audiens @theourstreetsactivist di Instagram?
Memahami demografi audiens @theourstreetsactivist di Instagram dapat sangat berharga. Hal ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menyesuaikan konten influencer dan strategi pemasaran Anda agar lebih resonan dengan pengikut @theourstreetsactivist, karena Anda akan memiliki informasi tentang usia, jenis kelamin, lokasi, dan minat mereka.
Bagaimana memanfaatkan data afinitas merek untuk meningkatkan strategi pemasaran saya di Instagram dengan @theourstreetsactivist?
Data afinitas merek adalah alat yang kuat untuk memahami merek atau produk mana yang paling diminati oleh audiens Anda. Informasi ini dapat memandu kolaborasi konten dan kemitraan Anda di Instagram, meningkatkan keterlibatan Anda dengan audiens target.