📖 🇩🇰This is not just inspiring quotes. It is daily stories from how I changed. Why? To make you realize you are a winner
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Day 87: This is a good question, that I'm sure a lot of you can identify with. I can. The reason is that a lot of people fear change. And in order to get the life we want, we often have to change friends or change our job or change something else. Something else that we know well. The consequence of this is, that even though we are designed to achieve, we end up doing the same thing over and over. Day in and day out. I realized that I for a long time stayed in situations where I felt miserable. Because I was afraid to change. But they I realized one thing. Staying in a situation where you feel miserable is like giving up on yourself. If you don not structure your life in a meaningful way where each day has value, you throw you well being away. You can throw it away to alcohol, drugs, eating, cutting and a number of other things. You do this destructive behavior for so lang, that you start to think: "This is who I am." But that is not who you are. That is just you being caught doing the same thing over and over. You are designed to achieve. This means that you are designed to change. If you should change one thing today, what should it be? And what is stopping you? I was mostly stopped by bad excuses. So I tried to cut the bad excuses. This is where I started to change. You area winner ❤ #adailyroadtosuccess#addictedtosuccess#success#successful#successquotes#development#patience#motivation#motivational#faith#dontgiveup#winning#willpower#believeinyourself#seizetheday#workhard#change#mentalhealth#entrepreneur#day87
Day 86: Everybody has a desire to do something, but not everyone havs the ability and discipline to dedicate themselves to do it. A lot of people have big goals, so do I. But with many of my goals I realized, that I just looked at them and thought: "This is impossible. There is no way. It requires too much work." This is when I learned, that my desire has to match my dedication and my discipline. When it comes to my own development and personal growth I have wanted to check out a lot of times, because I became afraid and overwhelmed. There is a big difference between saying: "I want to change" and then starting to change. It is scary to change. When you set a goal, that includes making a change, you have to let go of the destructive sides of who you have been. It sounds great, but it is not easy. If it was easy, everybody would do it. So why don't everyone do it? The reason is that most people are too attached to who they have been. I'm sure you hear it all the time: "I've always been this way." I'm sure you've said it yourself. The travel from who I was towards who I want to be is exciting and wonder. And fearful. My way to handle my fear, is to tell myself: "This is good for your. No matter how painful it is, this is good for you." When fear enters my body, I feel the fear, and I try to do it anyway. This is why you have to take one step at a time. Because it is not easy to change. It is easy to set a goal to change, but it is not easy to do it. The only way you successfully can change, is by looking at the first step, and get at the first step. And enjoy you did it. When you are at the first step, you look at the next step, and walk. On a good day, perhaps you can take two steps, but you can't take too many steps at a time. If you think I'm wrong. Then try to visualize why people fall on staircases. Think for a moment. So.... why do they fall? They fall because they take too many steps at the time. You are a winner ❤ #adailyroadtosucces#addictedtosuccess#success#successful#development#patience#change#motivation#motivational#faith#willpower#believeinyourself#dedication#disciplin#mentalhealth#entrepreneur#day86
Day 85: I love this phrase. Mostly because it used to annoy me a lot, before I knew how true the message in these words was. I've spend a long time trying to improve myself, however for the first long period, I wasn't taking it as serious as a could. I could show up for a session, and the amazing person who is helping me could ask: "Are you really trying?"..... That sentenced annoyed me for the first two years, because deep down I knew I hadn't said 100 % yes to become the best version of myself. Because deep down I knew that saying yes to this, means saying yes to start to work with the hardest version of myself. It means to question thought patterns, it means to question my mind, it means reliving repressed emotions and life episodes, it means looking at myself deep down, and figure out: "How do I start to take care of me as a whole". It is a process that can take years. So why do it? Really, what's in it for me? Or you? Let me tell you what I believe. I believe that despite grief, anger, sad flashbacks, a whole new way look at yourself what you will gain in the end is the greatest gift a human can have in life. Despite the fact saying yes to go all the way, means that you sometimes will have the worst odds against you, I believe that in the ind it will be better then what you can ever imagine. There is no other feeling like that. Like I said, it took me two years before I was really ready to take the step down to my subconsciousness, and I'm taking one small step at a time. However, two years ago i decided I would do this, and I've spend two years to prepare, but now I am doing it. Slowly, because otherwise I will fall. I'm patient, and I don't know who I will become, and that's a part of the adventure. All I know is that I believe it will be better then I can imagine. So tell me.... What is stopping you from trying to go all the way? You control the speeder, and you always will. Even baby steps are great steps. You are a winner 💖#adailyroadtosuccess#addictedtosuccess#success#successful#successquotes#development#patience#motivation#motivational#faith#dontgiveup#winning#willpower#believeinyourself#seizetheday#workhard#change#mentalhealth#entrepreneur#day85
Day 84: When it comes to being the best version of yourself, the keyword is to practice letting go of your mind and learning to listen to your heart (It sounds like a cheap cliché, right?). Yes it does, however the things about clichés are that they often are true. I've been standing in a lot of situation saying that I wanted to change, I wanted to do better and most importantly: I wanted to feel better. The thing is that for a long time it didn't happen. I felt like I worked my ass off, I did what multiple guidelines said I should, but it didn't feel right. I've been working for 2 years, but I didn't get the essential point until 1 week ago. The point that I had to stop trusting my mind, and start trusting my heart. My personal problem is that my mind has a lot of disruptions, a lot routines and habits that shape my behaviour and inhibit my development. Can you imagine? After 2 years of hard work, I realize that I had not cracked the real code. One week ago I started over with my personal development. The best of the things I've been practicing the last two years will help me, and they will still be implemented, however I still have to let go of a lot of it. Because for 2 years (or actually my whole life) I trusted my mind. Now, I have to either take a break, close my eyes or sit in silence to figure out: "What does that little fella, named "Heart" that I haven't trusted for the most of my life, try to tell me? Learning to trust your heart is not something you can just do from one day to another, because if you do, it is probably your mind that controls you. But it is something you can decide that you wanna work hard on. Believe me, trusting your heart is a god damn long process. Therefore most people never get to it. Just remember, if you keep trusting your mind, you will have to decide all day every day the rest of your life. If you decide and practice to trust your heart, it is the last decision. So.... Do you wanna give it a try? I do, and it is the best thing I have ever done. You are a winner 💖#adailyroadtosuccess#addictedtosuccess#success#successful#successquotes#development#patience#motivation#motivationalquotes#faith#dontgiveup#entrepreneur#day84
Day 83: "I believe in your dream". Yes, that the words I would have told my little self. And your little self, if I could. But why? Humans have great potential inside of them, and lots os science show how little brain power we use. You see, when you were little you were an artist, you didn't care too much about others and you were comfortable in wanting to become a billionaire or change the world. You always spoke the truth and han an amazing energy. Remember? When I write this, I'm sure you do, and I'm sure it makes you happy. But where did things go wrong? Things went wrong when we started letting mass thinking from the world around us hypnotize our mind with sentences like: "Don't think big, play small" "Don't be different" and the older you get the more often will people tell you: "Be realistic, you can't change the world". The positive thing? It's normal to program yourself to disbelieve in you and your dreams because of the box the world has created. Life is all about freedom, everybody talk about it. So why live it in a box? Fella, don't believe that mass thinking is the right thinking. Believe in the child inside you, the one who dares to dream. Let me challenge you: eauty of your dreams. So... Let me challenge you. Take a moment to listen to you inner child, and answer this question, what is your dream? You are a winner 💖#adailyroadtosuccess#addictedtosuccess#success#successful#successquotes#development#patience#motivation#motivational#motivationalquotes#faith#dontgiveup#winning#willpower#believeinyourself#seizetheday#workhard#change#mentalhealth#mentalstrenght#growth#faithfulness#innerchild#entrepreneur#entrepreneurship#dream#day83
DAY 82: Do you have things in your life, that the voice in your head tends to stop? I do. Therefore, this truly is a liberation. You are not the voice in your head, however it takes something to learn to live your life based on this fact. It takes self discipline. Self discipline isn't something that comes to you becaue you want it, it is something you create because you need to have it. You can create it when you are no longer willing to tolerate, and therefore make a decision to become better. I can guarantee you, you will have to use your mind to create self discipline. Perhaps you tell yourself the lie I tend to tell myself: "I use my mind all the time and the voice in my head is screaming out loud", however truth is that I don't use my mind when I say this, my mind uses me. I'm sure the same happens to you, if you know this line a little too well. The question is always: Is it worth it? To work my ass of to distance myself from the voice in my head. Besides that, do I have the time? If you doubt about time, I wanna tell that I have long been thinking I was busy and effective. I was busy, but I was not effective. I just cluttered my life with stuff that demanded me, drained me and stopped me from being my best self. And if you doubt about the worth of it, try to imagine this. You lay in death bed. Standing around the bed are goals, dreams, ideas and abilities that were given to you by life, that you never acted on, because your mind used ou. They are staring mad at yo with tears in their eyes telling you: We came you you, only you could have given us life! Now we must die with you. You don't know even know who you could have become. Ask yourself again.... Is it worth it? You bet it is. You are a winner 💖#adailyroadtosuccess#addictedtosuccess#success#successful#successquotes#development#patience#motivation#motivational#motivationalquotes#faith#dontgiveup#winning#willpower#believeinyourself#seizetheday#workhard#change#mentalhealth#entrepreneur#eckharttolle#mentalstrenght#growth#faithfulness#day82
Day 81: You become what you think about. Some of you are probably sitting right now thinking: NOT TRUE! Because if I think about becoming rich, I don't. And I have to say, you are partly correct. If you think about becoming rich, you don't become rich.... It is a materialistic thing. It is like you can't think about becoming in shape, and then get in shape. However you can think about getting in shape, and it can get you through the tough road it is to get in shape and eat healthy. Your thoughts define your attitude towards what you are doing. You can think about becoming rich, and you will start focusing on how to become rich in life. After that you will probably start getting a mindset as an entrepreneur and consider: "Okay, how do I live my dream, how do I make my passion into profit. Am I willing to pay the price" etc. The difficulty about this fact is that it is easy to visualize good things, when things are good in life. However the real challenge is to visualize good things when thing are bad. When things are bad, is the time where you really have to master the law of attraction. There are many things to get what you want, but basically it all begins with how you choose to think. And yes, how you think is a choice. If you right now think: "That is a lie", that is a thought you have chosen. But let me tell you a fact, that isn't just a thought: The law of attraction. We attract what we focus on. So do you. So practice to focus on what you really want in life, and not what is easiest to focus on. It takes time, however you could start now, and tell yourself: I believe in this post. This post is true. I will implement this post. Tell this to yourself 5 times. You see? You already start to attract this post in a new way. You are a winner 💖#adailyroadtosuccess#addictedtosuccess#success#successful#successquotes#development#patience#motivation#motivational#entrepreneur#entrepreneurship#focus#thinking#motivationalquotes#faith#dontgiveup#winning#willpower#believeinyourself#seizetheday#workhard#change#mentalhealth#mentalstrenght#growth#faithfulness#day81
Day 80: Last time I wrote I said I had a job for august. It has been a job that required all my time. It was great, however I am done. And I will write on a daily basis. I really have been missing it. Enough about me. A clear vision is the number one thing. A clear goal of where you want to go, because only then you will get there. Exactly like an airplane. The key thing is to know where you are going and be passionate about it. If you don't know where you are going you will never get there. Period. If you think big, and you have big goals you become big. Is this just something you get? No... No no no. I am not saying that. I have worked hours and days to make my vision clear. I have horrible days like everybody else, however I know what I want. I have some kind of mental guideline, I accept that sometimes I walk on the wrong road, however I always know that I have to go back. My vision is clear. It is not easy, because I dream big. I really dream big, but I always small. Some people think that dreaming big equals that you have to start big. It doesn't. It's like taking 3 steps at a time, it looks good but you are probably gonna fall. Have a clear vision, but don't rush. When things are right they will happen to you. If your vision really is clear, it will show you the way. I am not just asking if you have a vision, I am asking if you have a clear vision. You are a winner ❤#adailyroadtosuccess#addictedtosuccess#success#successful#successquotes#development#patience#motivation#motivational#motivationalquotes#faith#dontgiveup#winning#vision#visualize#clarity#willpower#believeinyourself#seizetheday#workhard#change#mentalhealth#mentalstrenght#growth#faithfulness#entepreneur#entrepreneurship#day80
Day 78: This really is the only fiction in life, that is true. The funny thing about our mind, is that it believes what we tell it over and over again. A true belief is not made in a day, therefore they take time to change. Most people never learn to use this, because then don't understand that they have complete authority over what's real in their life. It looks like hard work to change your mind. Do you ever consider that if you look yourself in the mirror an repeat 10 times per day: "I'm a winner" things happen in your mind. In the beginning it will feel awkward, everything does. However if you keep doing it will become a habit. It is not because people are lazy they don't change, it is because they don't know how little a step that is required to build momentum. They flip on tv and dream about what they would do if they had a million dollars, when they could be taking the first step towards becoming the best version of themself. Why do you think people say: "Everything you can imagine can become real?" Because... Our mind believes what we tell it to. I have a challenge, a wish. If you don't truly believe that you are worthy, try to tell yourself out loud: "I am worthy" at least one time, and if you can, 10 times. If you tried to do this once a day, it will be the first step to change the only true fiction in life, which is the narrative you use, that holds you back. I like to repeat to myself: "I am a winner?" And you see? Today I repeat it for people everyday. And I believe in it. I truly believe in it. That I am, and.... YOU are a winner ❤#adailyroadtosuccess#addictedtosuccess#success#successful#successquotes#development#patience#motivation#motivational#motivationalquotes#beliefsystem#faith#dontgiveup#winning#entrepreneur#entrepreneurship#willpower#believeinyourself#seizetheday#workhard#change#mentalhealth#mentalstrenght#growth#faithfulness#day78
Day 77: Let me start out making one thing clear. This can be very provoking to be told if you are having a bad day. I know. It is like speaking of mindfulness when you are absolutely angry. However, mindfulness can prevent anger. Remembering that no one is you and that is your power, can actually prevent bad things from happening when you are having and bad day. And how is that? You are a unique individual on this earth, you have a great amount of possibilities to become the person you want to be. Not the person you look up to, but the person you want to be. If you look up to someone never say: "I wanna be like them" beacuse you never will be. No one is you. No matter who you are you have some greatness within. Some people hide it, and some people have hidden it for so long that it lays deep down in their subconscious mind. However it is there. Life is about finding out what makes you special, what makes you the person you are, and how can you use yourself to become the version of yourself you want to be? Some people say: "I am useless" but that is not who you are, that is something you tell yourself you are. You tell yourself a lot, that does not make it true. Who you are has to be felt, it can't be spoken. Certainly not if you are suffering from a lack of self confidence. So.... Who are you? You are a winner ❤#adailyroadtosuccess#addictedtosuccess#success#successful#successquotes#development#patience#motivation#motivational#motivationalquotes#faith#dontgiveup#winning#willpower#believeinyourself#seizetheday#powerofyou#workhard#change#mentalhealth#mentalstrenght#growth#faithfulness#day77
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