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Watch Out For More Signs Of A Toxic Workplace: Lack of support The best workplaces will invest in their talent to help them grow and become more fulfilled and skilled individuals. The inverse is sadly true; a toxic workplace will not only not offer additional support but may even actively hinder your attempts for growth. If your company doesn’t offer things like continued education, learning opportunities, leadership opportunities, or room for advancement, it might be toxic even if just toward you according to Career Contessa. No boundaries A poor work-life balance is a common denominator of toxic workplaces, and it often starts with no boundaries and poor leadership. If you’re constantly feeling micromanaged, that you can’t make a mistake, or you can’t say no, you’re in a toxic place. Marijana Stojanovic believes respect goes both ways between an employer and an employee. Even though you might not be in charge, your skills, time, and input should be valued. A collaborative team will be more successful. If your managers view you as a tool to get the work done and nothing more, it’s an unhealthy relationship. If you, like the great Rodney Dangerfield, get no respect, you need to take action. Poor interpersonal interactions It isn’t only bosses that contribute to a toxic environment, though they can often be the cause. Your coworkers might also be caught in a miasma of negativity and try to pass it on to you. The Muse’s Puneet Sandhu lists people not trusting each other, people having active contempt for each other, and gaslighting as common ways employees in a toxic environment treat their peers. Fast Company’s Executive Board adds “cronyism”, or a mass of playing favorites, lots of gossip, a sense of disengagement, and hostile nonverbal communication as even more signs of a toxic workplace. • • • • #careeradvice #jobadvice #careerchange #HR #recruitment #workculture #workplaceculture #culture #toxicworkplace #toxicboss #toxiccoworkers #mentalhealth #toxic #communication #corporateculture
Watch Out For These Signs Of A Toxic Workplace: Since the Great Resignation in 2021, more employees than ever are choosing to leave behind their toxic workplaces. A McKinsey Health Institute study found that over a quarter of worldwide workers experience high rates of toxic behavior while at work. A toxic workplace can take its toll on you mentally and physically. Only you can decide whether you can help fix the culture or whether it’s time to move on, but if you recognize these signs, you may need to take action. Excessive stress Not everyone loves their job. Sometimes, we need to take a job we aren’t excited about to pay the bills or learn the skills needed for a dream job. But there’s a difference between not loving your job and being actively drained by it. “As time goes on, you may experience burnout, which is a worldwide epidemic. If left untreated, burnout can even lead to more serious issues like a heart attack or stroke.” –Caroline Castrillon, Forbes Forbes’ Caroline Castrillon writes that a good job should energize you—not the opposite. If you’re feeling mentally and physically drained after every day of work, you might be in a toxic environment. High turnover A good sign that it isn’t just you viewing your workplace as toxic is if your company has a high turnover rate. If your organization churns through new workers at an alarming rate, there’s a good chance there is a deep problem. There are many reasons employees leave jobs, according to Amanda Hetler. Low pay, limited advancement opportunities, role confusion, and poor company culture all lead to high turnover rates. While there are other circumstances that could be going on, high turnover is a big red flag If you’re interviewing for a new job, it never hurts to research the company or even ask why the position is open. • • • • #careeradvice #jobadvice #careerchange #HR #recruitment #workculture #workplaceculture #culture #toxicworkplace #toxicboss #toxiccoworkers #mentalhealth #toxic #communication #corporateculture
How To Answer “What Is Your Greatest Strength?” (Part 2): Think in terms of skills You’re probably good at a lot of things, but not all of them are what a company is looking for when they ask this question. Simply always being on time or knowing how to talk to people isn’t quite enough. Using the job description as a starting point, think of what specific skills are needed in this role, and how can you use them. Soft skills are important in every role, so think of your strengths in terms of tangible skills. The Muse’s Lily Zhang says to really consider what skills you’ll need to excel in this role and to frame your strengths in this way. If you’ll be interacting with clients or customers, discussing your communication skills is wise, while if you’re going to be in a fast-paced environment, you might discuss your ability to multitask and prioritize. Being able to frame your strengths in a specific and tangible manner will be more effective than simply saying what you think you’re good at. Use examples Of course, you can’t just expect hiring managers to take your word at face value. I could say “I am the finest writer in all of human history,” but no one would believe it without proof. That’s why you want to support your strengths by showing your potential employer how you’ve used them in the past. Forbes’ Jack Kelly says to once again find the best use for your skills at that organization and show how you’ve utilized them in the past. If you’re a creative type, you might show off a portfolio. You can show how you exceeded monthly sales quotas. If you’ve saved the company money, you can show your interviewer how you did so. The more specific you can be, the easier it is for the interviewer to see you’ve put your strengths into action in the past and can use them to add value to the organization. • • • • #jobseekers #jobsearch #careerchange #careergrowth #careeradvancement #careerdevelopment #getthejob #jobinterviews #interview #interviewquestions #strengths #value #skills #softskills #keywords
How To Answer “What Is Your Greatest Strength?” When participating in a job interview, there’s a good chance you’ll come across many of the same common interview questions. With so much practice, it’s easy for job seekers to answer the standard questions like “What is your greatest strength?” Companies want to learn the type of value you’ll bring to the organization, so it makes sense they’d want to know your best qualities. Break through to the heart of the question and dive at your greatest, most relevant strengths by considering these points. Be prepared You don’t want to be on the spot listing things you think you might be good at aimlessly. Because this is such a frequently asked question, you’ll want to take the time to actually know your strengths and practice answering the question. Job Hunt’s Susan P. Joyce says to start by asking yourself the question along with asking people you trust the same question. Self-scouting is always a great way to come up with a list of prepared answers, but asking others is a great way to find things you may have missed. Once you have a list of your best strengths in mind, you can practice your answer using the following points to build confident and impressive answers. Consider doing a mock interview or working with a mentor to practice. Focus on the job description Not every strength will be the absolute best option for every job opportunity. Even when you’re looking for a specific title, different companies will have different needs, and you might need to pull the right tool from your utility belt. Make sure to do a deep review of the job description. You’ll get a good idea of what the company really needs right away, according to Joel Schwartzberg. With their biggest needs being directly identified, you can tailor your answer easily. Just like we’ve said to utilize keywords in your resume, be sure to circle back to these keywords when answering the question. • • • • #jobseekers #jobsearch #careerchange #careergrowth #careeradvancement #careerdevelopment #getthejob #jobinterviews #interview #interviewquestions #strengths #value #skills #softskills #keywords
How To Create A Culture Of Belonging In The Workplace (Part 2): Share the spotlight Something anyone in an organization can do to grow a sense of belonging is to elevate others and spread and share the spotlight. No one likes a manager or project leader that hogs credit, and if you’re willing to highlight everyone’s accomplishments and unique skills, you’ll build a stronger culture. “Model inclusive behavior by being empathetic and listening to all voices on your team, including those who may feel “othered.” –Julia Taylor Kennedy and Pooja Jain-Link Julia Taylor Kennedy and Pooja Jain-Link of Harvard Business Review state that a good senior leader is inclusive. Create diverse teams and elevate those on the team. Highlight the accomplishments of those who may feel “othered” and make sure they feel seen. Even if you aren’t a team leader, you can still publicly praise your coworkers and thank them for any effort or help you receive from them. This goes a long way toward showing someone you consider them an equal and value their contributions. Be generous with appreciation At the end of the day, the easiest way to forge a culture of belonging is to be generous with your gratitude and show empathy at every given chance. Simple acts of kindness and thanks go a long way. William Arruda says that the best leaders are those with high emotional intelligence, and highly emotionally intelligent people understand that people want to be appreciated. A simple “I appreciate the work you do” can pay massive dividends. Entrepreneur’s Terrell Strayhorn says that certain micro-actions can lead to belonging. In addition to thanks, welcoming newcomers publicly, having route check-ins, and bringing up their talents uprooted make an employee feel seen and appreciated. • • • • #workculture #careerculture #culture #workplace #workenvironment #belonging #value #inclusion #DEI #mentalhealth #togetherness #teamwork #gratitude #appreciation #growth
How To Create A Culture Of Belonging In The Workplace: Workers rightfully want to feel that their work has meaning and that their contributions matter. For this type of culture to exist, everyone in the organization needs to commit to creating a space of belonging. It takes everyone in a company to foster a sense of belonging. If you want to be part of the solution, we’ve curated meaningful tips to build that culture. Bring everyone on board It seems obvious that for everyone to feel involved, you must actually involve everyone, but what exactly does that entail? How can an organization put that philosophy to life? It starts with extra communication and eliminating a sense of “outsiderness,” according to Jackie Wiles and Jordan Turner of Gartner. Start by actively encouraging employees to appreciate what everyone brings to the table and encourage them to make sure every voice is heard. And if you’re in a leadership role, make sure to do this visibly to lead by example. Meanwhile, strive to notice and appreciate individuality and make sure not to take a one-size-fits-all approach. Invest in growth Another way to show you want your team members to feel like part of an actual team is to invest in their growth. A company willing to invest time and growth in their employees will see a great return on investment. Employers should offer upskilling opportunities and opportunities for growth, if available. When a company takes extra time and resources to help its employees grow, it shows that you value that team member. Feeling like an important player in the organization will foster increased belonging along with having a more skilled workforce, Forbes’ William Arruda says to go even further and provide team training and coaching programs on important topics to help workers gain a stronger sense of their abilities and to provide bonding opportunities with their team members. • • • • #workculture #careerculture #culture #workplace #workenvironment #belonging #value #inclusion #DEI #mentalhealth #togetherness #teamwork #gratitude #appreciation #growth
More Reasons Why Might Not Be Getting Hired After An Interview: You don’t seem passionate While it’s good to not appear desperate, don’t go so far in the other direction that you appear disinterested in the role. Looking detached won’t impress anyone, and the manager will look for someone that does appear interested. “Employers can sense if excitement for a position isn’t quite there. Skills can be taught, but employers desire to see passion and enthusiasm when considering applicants.” –Indeed Small things like showing up late, not making eye contact, and giving quick answers to questions may make you seem disinterested even if you are. Ashley Stahl says to avoid getting to that point by finding things to be excited about when you’re researching the company. See if their mission statement meshes with your goals, find a project you’d be interested in, and come up with some enthusiastic questions. This will help pump you up for the interview as well as provide excellent talking points. You’re boring Unfortunately, even if you abide by the aforementioned tenets, you still might get passed over. You may feel okay about your interview and think your skills might make up for any interview gaps, but the truth is that if a hiring manager finds you to be boring, you likely won’t get the job. The modern job search involves a ton of candidates, and if you aren’t standing out, you may be forgotten. The Muse’s Jeremy Schifeling says the ideal candidate is someone capable of doing the job and being someone people want to be around—“warm and competent.” Try practicing your conversational skills with a friend and make an attempt to be genuine. If you can find a way to connect with the interviewer in an earnest way, you’ll stand out in their memory. Little connections can go a long way. • • • • #jobseekers #careersearch #careerchange #careergrowth #careerdevelopment #getthejob #interview #interviewskills #interpersonalskills #communication #interpersonalcommunication #impress #selfgrowth #selfimprovement
Reasons Why Might Not Be Getting Hired After An Interview: Assuming you’ve made appropriate changes to your resume, application materials, and social media profiles, it might be your interpersonal and interviewing skills preventing you from getting the offer. Do some self-scouting and consider if these reasons apply to you. Your interview skills need work Your resume gives employers a taste of what you’ve done and what you can do, but it’s up to you to reinforce that during your interview. You can have all of the qualifications in the world but won’t get the job if you aren’t persuasive. And don’t forget that your personality is just as important as your skills. Hiring managers are looking for good team fits that they’d enjoy working with. We’ve previously covered some ways to stand out during your interview, but don’t skim on the basics, either! Keyede Erinfolami reminds us to practice active listening, intentional body language, storytelling, small talk, and researching the company beforehand. The more preparation you do, the more confident and interested you’ll appear. You’re desperate Not every job you apply for will be your dream job. You’ll occasionally need to accept a job to build the skills to advance your career or to simply pay the bills, and the job market isn’t kind. But even if you really need the job, you don’t want to appear desperate. Just like in dating, desperation is a major turn-off for hiring managers. You might really need the job or you’re thrilled about the company, but try to downplay it a bit. Zippia’s Maddie Lloyd suggests talking about what you like about the company and including the ways you think you can help them. Your job during the interview is to show that you can provide value to the organization rather than just being a fan. • • • • #jobseekers #careersearch #careerchange #careergrowth #careerdevelopment #getthejob #interview #interviewskills #interpersonalskills #communication #interpersonalcommunication #impress #selfgrowth #selfimprovement
More Leadership Habits To Develop For Career Growth: Be a self-starter It can be hard to show leadership skills if you aren’t leading a team or even a part of one. But one of the strongest ways to show you have leadership potential is to always be proactive and find ways to contribute. Kimberli writes that being someone always willing to suggest new ideas and taking initiative is a great way to get noticed by the bosses. If you aren’t afraid to step up and float an idea, this shows creativity and a willingness to do the extra work. Walden University suggests you can go even further by learning to anticipate organizational needs. This shows a strong understanding of the organization, a focus on the big picture, and the proactive approach needed in a leadership role. Look for growth opportunities Another sign of a great leader is the ability to keep growing and learning. A strong leader needs to be able to adapt and make decisions, and by constantly learning new skills, you’ll be ready to make those decisions. Kimberli says to find training courses and workshops, even if they aren’t required for your role. You can also take advantage of any tuition reimbursement opportunities and take courses to keep learning and upskilling. Do some research to find out what your organization can offer and take advantage! Forbes’ Ashira Prossack also suggests finding a mentor to learn from. An experienced leader in your organization will have insights that can’t be found in an article or in a course, and this person will directly see you making efforts to learn and better yourself. They might be able to recommend you for a promotion down the road. • • • • #careergrowth #careeradvancement #promotions #climbtheladder #careerdevelopment #leadership #leadershipskills #leaders #management #accountability #support #teamwork #bigpicture #personalgrowth
Leadership Habits To Develop For Career Growth: If you’re looking to get far in your career, you’ll need to invest in your leadership skills. Even if you aren’t currently in a leadership position, finding ways to hone and show off leadership-related traits is vital to moving up the career ladder. Soft skills are the key to showing your employer that you’re ready to take on a bigger role in the workplace. The experts at FlexJobs covered nine leadership habits to develop for career growth. We look at some of our favorites and add our own insights. Support your team The best leaders are those that elevate their team members to new heights by celebrating their accomplishments and putting them in the best position to succeed. Leaders that make people actually want to follow them are the most successful. You don’t have to actually be a manager or project leader in order to hone or show off this skill. FlexJobs’ Kimberli Lowe-MacAuley suggests offering to train or mentor new team members along with creating opportunities to make sure every team member is heard. Focus on the big picture Adjusting your focus is a great way to change your mindset and think like a leader. Learn to see the forest for the trees and start thinking about the big picture. Kimberli says to offer solutions that have a greater effect than just the needs of your team. Leaders have to think of what is good for their entire organization, and pitching an idea that doesn’t directly benefit you shows thinking from the top and a willingness to make sacrifices. Forbes’ Erin Urban also writes that sometimes this means focusing on relationships over immediate results. This connects with the above point of supporting your team. Taking the blame for an issue might make you look bad in the immediate future, but your team will respect your efforts to fight for them. • • • • #careergrowth #careeradvancement #promotions #climbtheladder #careerdevelopment #leadership #leadershipskills #leaders #management #accountability #support #teamwork #bigpicture #personalgrowth
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به روز رسانی جدید، @nexgoal تاکنون با حسابی حاصل از گوش دادن شوندگان تعداد 2,833 فالوور در پلتفرم Instagram گردآوری کرده است.
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گزارش آماری کامل ما تکمیل و جامع برای @nexgoal روی Instagram ارائه می دهد. این گزارش شامل اطلاعات مفصلی درباره رشد دنبال کننده ها در طول زمان، آمار درگیری و فرکانس پست، به طور هفتگی و ماهانه می باشد. برای دسترسی به این گزارش عمیق، لطفا ثبت نام کنید و یک حساب جدید StarNgage ایجاد کنید یا به حساب موجود خود وارد شوید.
آیا می توانم پیگیری کنم که چگونه نرخ درگیری صوتی @nexgoal در Instagram تکامل یافته است؟
بله، ابزارهای تجزیه و تحلیل StarNgage به شما امکان می دهد تا تکامل نرخ درگیری صوتی @nexgoal را در طول زمان در Instagram ردیابی کنید. این داده ها به شما کمک می کند تا ارزیابی کنید که استراتژی های درگیری صوتی @nexgoal چقدر موثر هستند.
چگونه درک تماس های خالص مخاطبین صوتی @nexgoal روی Instagram به کمک ما می تواند کمک کند؟
بدست آوردن تجربه از دموگرافی مخاطبین صوتی @nexgoal در Instagram است که بسیار ارزشمند است. این اطلاعات به شما امکان می دهد تا استراتژی های بازاریابی و محتوا را برای ضربه گیری به راحتی با دنبال کنندگان @nexgoal تنظیم کنید و می توانید در مورد سن، جنسیت، محل زندگی و علاقه های آنها اطلاعات داشته باشید.
چگونه می توانم از داده های نوع برند استفاده کنم تا استراتژی بازاریابی خود را روی Instagram با @nexgoal بهبود ببخشم؟
اطلاعات پیدا شده از نوع برند می تواند ابزار قدرتمندی برای درک این باشد که مخاطبان شما بیشترین علاقه را به چه برندها و محصولاتی دارند. این اطلاعات می تواند راهنمایی کننده ای برای همکاری ها و شراکت های حاشیه ای با <no value> روی Instagram باشد و در نتیجه درگیری با مخاطبین هدف خود را پیشرفت بدهید.