The official Instagram account of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS). #myTTPS
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10 Sangre Grande Young Men Receive Free Haircuts for Christmas, Upcoming School Season from Community Cops, Barbers TEN young men from the Sangre Grande community stepped into the Christmas season “fresh” after receiving free haircuts courtesy of their local community police and barbershop. The project was in partnership with PCs Felix Persad and Kern Dates of the Eastern Division Community-Oriented Policing Section (COPS) and Barbers Dexter Baboolal, Kester Bascombe and Marlon Baptiste of the Fine Cutz Beauty Lounge. The charitable event has been ongoing for some years now in which the barbers selflessly volunteer their professional services and time usually before the commencement of every school term. PC Persad, who is the pioneer for this particular annual project, “Christmas Hair Cutz Event,” said it was all about ensuring that the youngsters were not only groomed but ultimately cared for. According to the COPS officer, “The children were all happy to be gifted with this special haircut and style. The haircuts and partnership not only last for the Yuletide season but go all the way into the upcoming school season where COPS officers further the work with families in making life much more bearable and enjoyable.” The COPS Eastern Division also applauded and thanked the barbers for unresistingly adopting the idea and for giving back to the future generation. The event was another initiative a part of the Eastern Division’s thrust of community and stakeholder engagement through meaningful and sustained connections throughout all neighbourhoods under its care. 📸 Courtesy Eastern COPS
Valencia Parents, Children Learn to Bake Breads, Make Candles, Soap, Gifts in Christmas Short Course Several Valencia families will on Christmas Day awaken to the warm aroma of freshly baked bread and cakes and scented candles and even open their own homemade gifts. This season is one that 38 children and 15 adults would not forget as they graduated from the Valencia Stretch Police Youth Club’s (VSPYC) Christmas Short Course which ran every Saturday from November 25th to December 9th. The sessions were held at the Little Mount Zion Spiritual Baptist Church located at the Eastern Main Road, Valencia. The course, which taught families about interior designing, baking, soap and candle making, was hosted in collaboration with Project GRACE and funded through the Pan American Development Foundation. According to the Team Lead, PC Kern Dates, the programme included several volunteers from the community who all united to ensure that families would not only experience a better yuletide season this year but be equipped with new skills. “The programme was developed to encourage parents and their children to participate together and it was successful in so doing,” PC Dates said. He explained, “Initially, the programme was developed with a decorative piece as the participants learned first-hand how to make an ornamental light gift box. This session was facilitated by Leslie Lamothe who patiently demonstrated to the class the accurate method of getting the job.” PC Dates added, “At the second session, Ann Marie Jeremiah taught the participants the importance of the right ingredients and the methods for making bread, sweet bread, plait bread and Christmas bread which they all did for themselves after.” “The third session was facilitated by Christiana Jeremiah-Edwards and Brenda De Gannes who taught the process of candle and soap making,” the Community-Oriented Policing Section police officer said. To get involved in future VSPYC projects, please call PC Kern Dates at 788-3242. 📸 Courtesy PC Kern Dates
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