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69.3% dei follower di @fitlilnurse sono donne e il 30.7% sono uomini. Il tasso di coinvolgimento medio sui post è di circa il 2.5%. Il numero medio di like per post è 702 e il numero medio di commenti è 30.
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Say hello 👋🏼 to your newest…… • • • OR nurse!!!!!!! After my big move next month, I am so happy to announce that I will be starting a long, six month orientation as a nurse in the OPERATING ROOM 😆🥳 I know what most people are thinking here.. why the big change? Don’t get me wrong, I love the PICU and have had a wonderful experience on my unit for the past three years. I love taking care of kids. I love supporting families. I love being able to say that I literally “saved someone’s life”. I love a good challenge. But that’s just it. I knew that working in an ICU was going to be a challenge when I signed up for it. I knew it was going to be stressful, I knew that I’d see things I never even imagined, I knew it would be hard, I knew there would be tears. And it is indeed all of that. I don’t (and will never) regret my experience. My co-workers are absolutely incredible and are always the most supportive human beings ever. In my 3 years of experience, I STILL learn something new every single time I go to work and that is something that I will never take for granted. But starting in a new city, having to apply to a new job REGARDLESS, I really thought to myself, do I want to put myself in a situation where I KNOW that I will continue to be anxious? Or should I try something new and hope for the best? The OR has always been a place that fascinates me. Ever since I watched my first open heart surgery in anatomy class in high school I have always wished to work there one day. In nursing school, I even chose to have my preceptorship in the Peds PACU and I was able to watch countless amounts of surgeries (and then help to recover the patients of course 😆). I am so excited to take this next step and to be able to follow my passion; and who knows where this journey will take me 🙏🏽🤍 **Also, I am not in ANY MEANS saying that my new job will not be stressful either, but I know that it will be a different kind of stress 😌**
5 years. This is the time it took me to learn how to incorporate health and fitness into part of my LIFESTYLE rather than crash and burn dieting, binges, and quick “fixes”. 5 years ago, I thought “wheat” bagels were healthy. I literally ate one every single day.. until it got to this point (above, left) where I saw myself in a bathing suit and felt so disappointed. Since that point, I graduated from nursing school, I took nutrition classes and I did SO MUCH RESEARCH on my own time. I learned all about macro and micronutrients, I watched countless videos about weightlifting ...and later, I progressed on to became a Certified Personal Trainer because I loved it so much It took me a long time, but I’ve finally reached the point in my life where I know that perfect balance I started feeding myself FUEL and I started taking my vitamins everyday. After some time, I really started to notice a difference in not just my physical apperence but in EVERYTHING.. I all of a sudden had energy, I wasn’t as stressed out, I felt LIFTED. I do, indeed, still enjoy bagels. Cheese fries are my absolute favorite. Tacos are my guilty pleasure. and I don’t ever feel bad for eating them!!! I learned what “moderation” meant for ME. I realized that I could still enjoy these foods that I love so much, but I had to learn the right balance of how often I could do it without feeling bad It definitely takes time and a lot of effort But I am telling you that it’s WORTH IT to put your health FIRST 👏🏽 Put some effort into learning about nutrition Find foods you LOVE Find exercises you ENJOY And you too, my friend, can change your life 😊👏🏽
Taking a second to address something very important in the nursing community right now: 𝙉𝙐𝙍𝙎𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝘽𝙐𝙍𝙉𝙊𝙐𝙏 Are you a nurse? Do you feel drained? Do you feel mentally and physically EXHAUSTED? Have you lost all of your motivation to progress at work? Do you ever feel hopeless? Or anxious? If your answer is YES, to any of these questions, I can tell you 100% that you are not alone. I would like to say that I am a pretty positive person most of the time. I know that I have OCD tendencies and anxious thoughts occasionally, but usually I know how to control these things on my own. Over the course of the past few weeks, my anxiety has definitely taken over and has been at an all time high. I have been on an emotional roller coaster- sometimes feeling great, yet other times, in a depressive state. And when I try to explain it to people or when they ask “why?” I really don’t have an answer for them other then I feel “burnt out”. Nothing about my job has changed. I’d even like to say that I love my job. The people are great, the patient population is great, the management is great… but even with these circumstances, I have not felt great. I have felt completely unmotivated to go to work. And when I am at work, I feel completely drained and stressed the entire time I am there. I have tried REALLY hard to take care of myself and do things that make me happy. I started studying for my CCRN hoping that this would help provide me with more motivation, I took a break from social media, I have been going hard in the gym, really focusing on my nutrition and I KNOW, irresponsible of me, but I even booked a trip. I am finally feeling a litttttttle bit more myself again but I felt the need to come back on here and address this matter because I know that I am not alone. And I want you to know that YOU are not alone either if you are feeling this way. Each day that passes I know that things are getting better and that we are one step closer to beating this thing. I know that motivation is hard to come by these days, but I want you to know that I still believe in you, and I believe in me too. Let’s fight together and make it out stronger than ever, OK? 🤍
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Domande frequenti: Statistiche e approfondimenti di Instagram per @fitlilnurse
Come posso accedere alle statistiche e all'analisi di Instagram per @fitlilnurse?
StarNgage offre report analitici completi che forniscono metriche chiave e approfondimenti per darti un'e comprensione completa di @fitlilnurse. Puoi esplorare vari aspetti, inclusa la statistica dei follower di Instagram, come l'andamento della crescita dei follower e dei post, il tasso di coinvolgimento e l'andamento della crescita. Inoltre, puoi accedere alle informazioni sul numero medio di like e commenti per post, approfondimenti sulla demografia dei tuoi follower o del tuo pubblico, dati di affinità di marca, menzioni di hashtag rilevanti, account simili e i post più recenti.
Qual è il conteggio attuale dei follower per @fitlilnurse su Instagram?
All'ultimo aggiornamento, @fitlilnurse ha accumulato un seguito fedele di 31,059 follower su Instagram.
Quali approfondimenti e analisi sono inclusi nel rapporto completo per @fitlilnurse su Instagram?
Il nostro rapporto analitico completo di Instagram fornisce una panoramica completa di @fitlilnurse su Instagram. Questo rapporto include informazioni dettagliate sulla crescita dei follower nel tempo, le metriche di coinvolgimento e la frequenza dei post, sia settimanali che mensili. Per accedere a questo rapporto approfondito, registrati e crea un nuovo account StarNgage o accedi al tuo account esistente.
Posso tracciare come è evoluto il tasso di coinvolgimento di @fitlilnurse su Instagram?
Sì, gli strumenti di analisi di StarNgage ti consentono di monitorare l'evoluzione del tasso di coinvolgimento di @fitlilnurse nel tempo su Instagram. Questi dati ti aiutano a valutare l'efficacia delle strategie di coinvolgimento di @fitlilnurse.
Come posso capire la demografia del pubblico di @fitlilnurse su Instagram?
Conoscere la demografia dei follower di @fitlilnurse su Instagram può essere estremamente prezioso. Ti consente di adattare i tuoi contenuti influencer e le tue strategie di marketing per farli risuonare meglio con i follower di @fitlilnurse, avendo informazioni sulla loro età, genere, posizione e interessi.
Come posso sfruttare i dati sull'affinità di marca per migliorare la mia strategia di marketing su Instagram con @fitlilnurse?
I dati sull'affinità di marca sono uno strumento potente per capire quali marchi o prodotti interessano di più al tuo pubblico. Queste informazioni possono guidare le tue collaborazioni e partnership sui contenuti su Instagram, migliorando il coinvolgimento con il tuo pubblico di riferimento.