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@alainesinga ama pubblicare suHiburan dan Musik, Selebriti, Musik, Hiburan, Penyanyi, Selebriti, Film, Musik & Buku.
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Before I performed at ‘Jamaica Family Fest’ last night, a young lady ‘Eastonette Marsh’ and her mother came to me backstage and said to me , ‘Alaine , you’re the main reason why we are here.’ They went on to explain that Eastonette sang my song ‘Born to Win’ at an event recently so you know me, I asked her to sing it for me ,and she did. She wanted to take a picture with me but I had to go on stage, so I asked her to wait until after the performance After my performance, they met met backstage, and I asked her to sing again, this time with me, and everyone else sang along. This moment means so much to me, because of the joy in her eyes, the promise in her voice, the affirmation that she is singing over her life about having the heart of a champion and being born to win. It means sooo much to be because every time I sing this song it reminds me of the power of our words and intentions to change our lives. To call things that are not, out of the ethers, and see them manifest in the most amazing ways. Because when I wrote this song, I did not feel like I was born to win, I did not feel like the heart beating in my chest, was the heart of a champion. But I knew I didn’t want to continue feeling that way and when the inspiration for it flowed through me I really felt deeply that, things could change. Seeing others, especially children, sing it from the depths of their souls with smiles on their faces, declaring these Divine promises over their lives is absolutely priceless! Yes Eastonette you were absolutely born to win!!! Thank you GOD! You are worthy! You don’t have to stay where you are, speak over your life, sing over your life, take action in the direction of greater, and a way will be made. Let the weak say I am strong, let the poor say I am rich!! #BorntoWin #HeartofaChampion #Hope #Declare #Future #Impact #Intention
Performing last night at ‘Jamaica Family Fest’, in Montego Bay, started off like most performances do. Then, in the middle of my set a woman with the most desperate eyes ran to the the front of the stage and said, ‘Alaine , I can’t find my daughter’. I immediately stopped the show and called her up on stage and asked her to describe her daughter. She informed us that her child’s name was Destiny and she was two years old and and that she had on a white dress. She described her further and I implored the crowd to look for her and was calling for her to look on stage because her mommy was right here. Then someone from the crowd said, we have her and they carried her to the stage. We were all relieved because of the obvious other ways that this could have ended but when Destiny was returned to her , her mother was still shaken up, so I asked the crowd to stretch their hands toward them both so we could pray for them. The mother then fainted and I lifted little destiny from off the ground and people rushed on to the stage to care for her. At the same time the battery from my mic fell off and people were understandably nervous. My assistant @r.a.p._love picked up the battery pack off the floor and reconnected it. As the medical personnel tended to the young lady in-front of the large crowd @djchinny_gospeldj said, ‘Alaine, you said you were going to pray for her, pray.’ And I prayed, we prayed. The entire crowd all calling on God to heal and restore her. We give thanks that she regained consciousness and walked off the stage. Afterwards we all broke out in praise and thanksgiving. I am still trusting God, that even now, she is fully well. Thanks to my brother @kevindownswell for praying with me before and after the show and to his team. There are a lot of issues that we are facing as a country, but there is still a lot that is good about us. The unity, the care, the compassion demonstrated last night by everyone who chipped in to lend a hand demonstrates some of the most beautiful qualities of ourJamaican people. Eternal Father bless our Land, Cover our people. Thank you God. #HealourLand #Pray #HumblethemselvesandPray #God #Jesus #2chronicles714
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Domande frequenti: Statistiche e approfondimenti di Instagram per @alainesinga
Come posso accedere alle statistiche e all'analisi di Instagram per @alainesinga?
StarNgage offre report analitici completi che forniscono metriche chiave e approfondimenti per darti un'e comprensione completa di @alainesinga. Puoi esplorare vari aspetti, inclusa la statistica dei follower di Instagram, come l'andamento della crescita dei follower e dei post, il tasso di coinvolgimento e l'andamento della crescita. Inoltre, puoi accedere alle informazioni sul numero medio di like e commenti per post, approfondimenti sulla demografia dei tuoi follower o del tuo pubblico, dati di affinità di marca, menzioni di hashtag rilevanti, account simili e i post più recenti.
Qual è il conteggio attuale dei follower per @alainesinga su Instagram?
All'ultimo aggiornamento, @alainesinga ha accumulato un seguito fedele di 314,410 follower su Instagram.
Quali approfondimenti e analisi sono inclusi nel rapporto completo per @alainesinga su Instagram?
Il nostro rapporto analitico completo di Instagram fornisce una panoramica completa di @alainesinga su Instagram. Questo rapporto include informazioni dettagliate sulla crescita dei follower nel tempo, le metriche di coinvolgimento e la frequenza dei post, sia settimanali che mensili. Per accedere a questo rapporto approfondito, registrati e crea un nuovo account StarNgage o accedi al tuo account esistente.
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Sì, gli strumenti di analisi di StarNgage ti consentono di monitorare l'evoluzione del tasso di coinvolgimento di @alainesinga nel tempo su Instagram. Questi dati ti aiutano a valutare l'efficacia delle strategie di coinvolgimento di @alainesinga.
Come posso capire la demografia del pubblico di @alainesinga su Instagram?
Conoscere la demografia dei follower di @alainesinga su Instagram può essere estremamente prezioso. Ti consente di adattare i tuoi contenuti influencer e le tue strategie di marketing per farli risuonare meglio con i follower di @alainesinga, avendo informazioni sulla loro età, genere, posizione e interessi.
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I dati sull'affinità di marca sono uno strumento potente per capire quali marchi o prodotti interessano di più al tuo pubblico. Queste informazioni possono guidare le tue collaborazioni e partnership sui contenuti su Instagram, migliorando il coinvolgimento con il tuo pubblico di riferimento.