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Do you want to receive handwritten letters from us? Last slide will make you jump in joy 🙈 So a couple of weeks back we did 90s nostalgia drive, and most of you mentioned how handwritten letters are no more a thing. We heard you.. keep reading... We have decided to send handwritten letters to 200+ readers 🤗 We are grateful for each and every one of you who have been supporting us in all our efforts to bring this community even closer. Be it the trips to mountains, book exchange festival, local meetups, book fair presence. Etc. Fill the form from the link in bio and lets join on this journey - together, we can bring back back the beauty of handwritten letters. Lets normalise this. Once you receive our letters, you can write us back. Let this love grow 🙈 Handwritten letters are more than just ink on paper; they are a tangible expression of love, gratitude, and nostalgia. The curves and loops of each letter, the smudges and the ink blots, all hold within them the story of the writer's emotions and thoughts. The sight and feel of a handwritten letter evoke a sense of intimacy and closeness that digital communication simply cannot replicate. In a world where everything moves so fast, where conversations are truncated into bite-sized messages, and where a few clicks can convey a range of emotions, a handwritten letter stands out as a beacon of authenticity, warmth, and sentimentality. It is a reminder of a simpler time when people took the time to connect with each other on a deeper level. It is a testament to the beauty of human connection, a reminder that the written word, especially when handwritten, can convey a wealth of emotions and meaning. More details soon. For now, lets fill the comment box with love and nostalgia.
We all have moments that we wish we could go back to, moments when we were struggling with our thoughts and emotions, but we couldn't put them into words. Those moments when we cried ourselves to sleep, hidden behind closed doors and under pillows. But, what if I told you that you don't have to keep those emotions locked inside you anymore? What if I told you that you have a platform to express yourself, to tell your story, to let your voice be heard? "Silent Cries," an anthology of poems, is an open opportunity for the poet inside you, to speak up and tell the world about your struggles with society and yourself. It is a celebration of the brave you who fought against all the demons inside your head and is still standing firm. It is a tribute to the strength that kept you going even when the days were hard, when the darkness was all-encompassing, and the weight of the world felt unbearable. This anthology is a sanctuary, a safe space for you to let out all those emotions you held onto for so long. It is a call to arms for all the poets out there who have something to say but never had the courage to say it out loud. So let your pen be your sword, and your words be your armor. Let your cries be heard by all, for the time is now. Let the world know that you exist, that your pain is real, and that you are not alone. Maybe through our platform, your words will reach the world. In this anthology, we want to acknowledge the struggles, desires, difficult situations, mental health, and thoughts of those who have been through it all. We want to create a community of poets who support each other, who understand the importance of mental well-being, and who believe that our voices matter. So let us come together, let us write away our pain, and let us publish it for the world to see. Let us make "Silent Cries" a masterpiece of emotions, a testament to our strength, and a beacon of hope for those who are still struggling in silence. How to submit - Check the link in bio Last date to submit - 30th April,2023 There is no participation fees. You can submit in English and Hindi Langauge. #poetsofinstagram #poetssociety #poets #poetrycommunity
There’s always excitement when we are in December, because this is when we were born. This is the month where we started this page, so this is the month when we are the most joyous of all. This year, hence, we have planned a few exciting things. Ways to celebrate with you that will lift up our moods, and to give something back to this wonderful readers' community. With activities like book exchange, an all exclusive birthday party get together, and charity campaign for less privileged readers. We can't wait for things to get started. So, this is it. This is internet's one of the biggest book exchange campaigns, where approx 2000 readers will be participating.. Sending books to strangers and receiving books in return is a joy that runs unparalleled, especially for us, for lovers of books, of words. So, let it begin. We declare the bookoholics book exchange open to you. Get ready to send and receive books, and make friends out of strangers, friends that will stay with you for a lifetime. People that love reading as much as you do. People with whom you can have timeless conversations about all the plot twists and crying sessions of every book you have loved together. Wrap a book that is close to your heart, with a note for the lucky reader who gets your book and send it across to our address below. And in return, we will send you a favourite read of another reader and a note from them delivered at your address! And, and, you will also get little extra bookish goodies as a thank-you from Team Thebookoholics. Cool right! 😍 Last date to send the book is 31st Mar, 2023 So start packing! Our address: Thebookoholics C-25, 2nd Floor, Vaishali Marg, Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur, 302021 Once you have dispatched the book, please fill the Google form, mentioned in the bio. For more details, link in bio.
* Derechos de autor: Los creadores de contenido son los propietarios predeterminados de los derechos de autor. Esta información, incluyendo imágenes, textos, videos, publicaciones y perfiles, se publica en dominios públicos y en las respectivas redes sociales para visualización pública.
Preguntas frecuentes: Estadísticas e información de Instagram para @thebookoholics
¿Cómo puedo acceder a las estadísticas y análisis de Instagram para @thebookoholics?
StarNgage ofrece informes analíticos completos que brindan métricas clave e información para brindarle una comprensión completa de @thebookoholics. Puede explorar varios aspectos, incluidas las estadísticas de seguidores de Instagram, como las tendencias de crecimiento de seguidores y publicaciones, la tasa de participación y sus tendencias de crecimiento. Además, puede acceder a información sobre el número promedio de me gusta y comentarios por publicación, información sobre las características demográficas de sus seguidores o audiencia, datos de afinidad de marca, menciones de hashtags relevantes, cuentas similares y las publicaciones más recientes.
¿Cuál es el recuento actual de seguidores para @thebookoholics en Instagram?
Hasta la última actualización, @thebookoholics ha acumulado una dedicada base de seguidores de 423,700 en Instagram.
¿Qué información e análisis se incluyen en el informe completo para @thebookoholics en Instagram?
Nuestro informe analítico completo de Instagram ofrece una visión general exhaustiva de @thebookoholics en Instagram. Este informe incluye información detallada sobre el crecimiento de seguidores a lo largo del tiempo, métricas de participación y frecuencia de publicaciones, tanto semanal como mensual. Para acceder a este informe detallado, regístrese y cree una cuenta nueva de StarNgage o inicie sesión en su cuenta existente.
¿Puedo realizar un seguimiento de cómo ha evolucionado la tasa de participación de @thebookoholics en Instagram?
Sí, las herramientas analíticas de StarNgage le permiten realizar un seguimiento de cómo ha evolucionado la tasa de participación de @thebookoholics en Instagram. Estos datos le ayudan a evaluar la efectividad de las estrategias de participación de @thebookoholics.
¿Cómo puedo entender las características demográficas del público de @thebookoholics en Instagram?
Obtener información sobre las características demográficas del público de @thebookoholics en Instagram puede ser extremadamente valioso. Le permite adaptar su contenido de influencer y estrategias de marketing para resonar mejor con los seguidores de @thebookoholics, ya que tendrá información sobre su edad, género, ubicación e intereses.
¿Cómo puedo aprovechar los datos de afinidad de marca para mejorar mi estrategia de marketing en Instagram con @thebookoholics?
Los datos de afinidad de marca son una herramienta poderosa para comprender en qué marcas o productos está más interesada su audiencia. Esta información puede guiar sus colaboraciones de contenido y asociaciones en Instagram, mejorando su participación con su público objetivo.