Antics classes in Surrey 💪🏼❤️ AnticsFLEX ONLINE WORKOUTS 💪🏼🎧TransformANTICS personalised nutrition and training plans 💪🏼🍗🥗🍛 SEE WEBSITE FOR DETAILS
El -% de los seguidores de @ptantnyman son mujeres y el -% son hombres. La tasa de participación promedio en las publicaciones es de aproximadamente 0.4%. El número promedio de me gusta por publicación es 24 y el número promedio de comentarios es 2.
@ptantnyman ama publicar sobreFitness y salud, Crianza, Salud y Fitness, Cocina, Comida y Bebida, Gimnasio, Gym/Physical Fitness Center, Home Services.
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NEXT ANTICS CLASS IS TOMORROW (MONDAY EVENING) (19th April) AND IT’S MY BIRTHDAY 🎉 PLEASE ARRIVE EARLY IF AT ALL POSSIBLE TO HELP PREVENT A QUEUE AT THE SIGN IN DESK. We’ll be there an hour before class starts (Overton park, Overton rd, SM2 6QT. 7.15pm) YOU ARE ALL INVITED! ❤️ALL ABILITIES WELCOME❤️ AND THE REST OF APRIL IS FREE FOR EVERYONE ❤️ You do not need to book, you’re welcome to just turn up, HOWEVER... We always do like to have an idea of numbers to help us plan. So if you’re coming, it would be great if you could WhatsApp the following number with your full name, and how many people will be coming with you. 07590 014831 WHERE: Overton Park Overton rd, SM2 6QT TIME: 7.15pm WHAT YOU’LL NEED: -bring a bottle of water. -BRING DUMBBELLS if you have them. If not, anything you can hold to add resistance. -ARRIVE EARLY IF POSSIBLE. To help make the sign in go smoothly, it would be great if you could arrive early. We’ll be there an hour before, so you’re welcome to come and join us for a chat. -lots of smiles and good vibes. PARKING: -usually plenty of parking available in the park. But always advisable to come early in case you need to park on a nearby road. HEALTH AND SAFETY: -please ensure you sign in at the desk. -there will be hand sanitizers at the front desk. -social distancing measures will be in place. FULL TIMETABLE: CLASSES ARE: -SATURDAY MORNINGS at 10am -MONDAY EVENINGS at 7.15pm (Moving to 7.30pm from May) (PLEASE NOTE: Bank holiday Mondays (3rd and 31st May) are in the morning at 10am. -THURSDAY EVENINGS at 7.15pm (Moving to 7.30pm from May). EVERY CLASS IS AT OVERTON PARK WE CANNOT WAIT TO SEE YOU! All you Antics regulars, we’ve missed you. And all of you that will be joining us for the first time, we look forward to getting you involved. ANTICS IS A WELL-BEING COMMUNITY! We aim to leave you feeling incredible physically, mentally and emotionally. AND YOU’LL LOVE THE NEW FORMAT! We’re confident that the new tweaks that we’ve made, have improved your Antics experience even more. SEE YA THERE EVERYONE 💪🏼❤️
IT’S SATURDAY NIGHT DINNER AT THE NYMANS!! AND WE’RE CELEBRATING MY BIRTHDAY 🎉 My actual birthday is on Monday, but I’ll be squatting in a park with loads of people on Monday, so we’ll celebrate tonight. I made a dramatic entrance, and opted to wear my birthday suit. A mixed reception. 🍆🕺🏻 Starters Mick’s back with his hors d’oeuvres again. *mixed. And homemade Mini mac n cheese bites. We had a brief pause in between the starter and the main. So decided to re-inact my birth. It was even more painful for both parties this time round. My beard provided more friction than when I slid out clean shaven, and in a plank position 36 years ago. A quick wash and.....TO THE MAINS..... Beef Wellington Salmon Wellington Spicy harissa chicken Potato dauphinois Mixed vegetables Dad decided this was an ideal time to to check the tyre pressure on his car. Of course he f@ckin did. Tyres were fine...but mum was so angry that she went and slashed two of them immediately. PUDDING TIME!!! A Giant birthday cookie made by mum! It’s huge. But I can’t work out if it’s actually a normal sized cookie, it’s just that mum’s diddy. AND GREAT NEWS FOR PEOPLE COMING TO ANTICS ON MONDAY.... She f@cked up the first attempt. She accidentally made a GIANT COOKIE PIE! It wasn’t the moist cookie she’d hoped for. So the giant cookie pie will be given out at Antics on Monday! GET THERE EARLY FOR A SLICE OF MUM’S PIE! Off to the garden we go to see what awaits us in Howard’s animal kingdom tonight.... 4 foxes, including Samantha Fox and Dr Fox, 2 badgers, a duck-billed platypus, a glowing sea turtle, and a family of cheesestrings. The duck-billed platypus was the only one to try the giant cookie pie. He gave it a 9 out of 10, and will be coming to Antics on Monday for seconds. And how beautiful does mum look!! Especially considering she’s just given birth to a bearded 36 year old 😍🙌🏼 HAPPY SATURDAY EVERYONE LOVE THE NYMANS ❤️
NEXT ANTICS CLASS IS THIS MONDAY EVENING (19th April) AND IT’S MY BIRTHDAY 🎉 (Overton park, Overton rd, SM2 6QT. 7.15pm) YOU ARE ALL INVITED! ❤️ALL ABILITIES WELCOME❤️ AND THE REST OF APRIL IS FREE FOR EVERYONE ❤️ You do not need to book, you’re welcome to just turn up, HOWEVER... We always do like to have an idea of numbers to help us plan. So if you’re coming, it would be great if you could WhatsApp the following number with your full name, and how many people will be coming with you. 07590 014831 WHERE: Overton Park Overton rd, SM2 6QT TIME: 7.15pm WHAT YOU’LL NEED: -bring a bottle of water. -bring dumbbells if you have them. If not, anything you can hold to add resistance. -ARRIVE EARLY IF POSSIBLE. To help make the sign in go smoothly, it would be great if you could arrive early. We’ll be there an hour before, so you’re welcome to come and join us for a chat. -lots of smiles and good vibes. PARKING: -usually plenty of parking available in the park. But always advisable to come early in case you need to park on a nearby road. HEALTH AND SAFETY: -please ensure you sign in at the desk. -there will be hand sanitizers at the front desk. -social distancing measures will be in place. FULL TIMETABLE: CLASSES ARE: -SATURDAY MORNINGS at 10am -MONDAY EVENINGS at 7.15pm (Moving to 7.30pm from May) (PLEASE NOTE: Bank holiday Mondays (3rd and 31st May) are in the morning at 10am. -THURSDAY EVENINGS at 7.15pm (Moving to 7.30pm from May). EVERY CLASS IS AT OVERTON PARK WE CANNOT WAIT TO SEE YOU! All you Antics regulars, we’ve missed you. And all of you that will be joining us for the first time, we look forward to getting you involved. ANTICS IS A WELL-BEING COMMUNITY! We aim to leave you feeling incredible physically, mentally and emotionally. AND YOU’LL LOVE THE NEW FORMAT! We’re confident that the new tweaks that we’ve made, have improved your Antics experience even more. SEE YA THERE EVERYONE 💪🏼❤️
* Derechos de autor: Los creadores de contenido son los propietarios predeterminados de los derechos de autor. Esta información, incluyendo imágenes, textos, videos, publicaciones y perfiles, se publica en dominios públicos y en las respectivas redes sociales para visualización pública.
Preguntas frecuentes: Estadísticas e información de Instagram para @ptantnyman
¿Cómo puedo acceder a las estadísticas y análisis de Instagram para @ptantnyman?
StarNgage ofrece informes analíticos completos que brindan métricas clave e información para brindarle una comprensión completa de @ptantnyman. Puede explorar varios aspectos, incluidas las estadísticas de seguidores de Instagram, como las tendencias de crecimiento de seguidores y publicaciones, la tasa de participación y sus tendencias de crecimiento. Además, puede acceder a información sobre el número promedio de me gusta y comentarios por publicación, información sobre las características demográficas de sus seguidores o audiencia, datos de afinidad de marca, menciones de hashtags relevantes, cuentas similares y las publicaciones más recientes.
¿Cuál es el recuento actual de seguidores para @ptantnyman en Instagram?
Hasta la última actualización, @ptantnyman ha acumulado una dedicada base de seguidores de 5,239 en Instagram.
¿Qué información e análisis se incluyen en el informe completo para @ptantnyman en Instagram?
Nuestro informe analítico completo de Instagram ofrece una visión general exhaustiva de @ptantnyman en Instagram. Este informe incluye información detallada sobre el crecimiento de seguidores a lo largo del tiempo, métricas de participación y frecuencia de publicaciones, tanto semanal como mensual. Para acceder a este informe detallado, regístrese y cree una cuenta nueva de StarNgage o inicie sesión en su cuenta existente.
¿Puedo realizar un seguimiento de cómo ha evolucionado la tasa de participación de @ptantnyman en Instagram?
Sí, las herramientas analíticas de StarNgage le permiten realizar un seguimiento de cómo ha evolucionado la tasa de participación de @ptantnyman en Instagram. Estos datos le ayudan a evaluar la efectividad de las estrategias de participación de @ptantnyman.
¿Cómo puedo entender las características demográficas del público de @ptantnyman en Instagram?
Obtener información sobre las características demográficas del público de @ptantnyman en Instagram puede ser extremadamente valioso. Le permite adaptar su contenido de influencer y estrategias de marketing para resonar mejor con los seguidores de @ptantnyman, ya que tendrá información sobre su edad, género, ubicación e intereses.
¿Cómo puedo aprovechar los datos de afinidad de marca para mejorar mi estrategia de marketing en Instagram con @ptantnyman?
Los datos de afinidad de marca son una herramienta poderosa para comprender en qué marcas o productos está más interesada su audiencia. Esta información puede guiar sus colaboraciones de contenido y asociaciones en Instagram, mejorando su participación con su público objetivo.