DC Workout Studio
💥30 min workouts 💥Work out twice a week 💥reshape your body inside & out 💥Knock inches off your waist line 💥Fuel For The Body 💥Lifestyle
El -% de los seguidores de @dc_workout_studio son mujeres y el -% son hombres. La tasa de participación promedio en las publicaciones es de aproximadamente 1.1%. El número promedio de me gusta por publicación es 114 y el número promedio de comentarios es 4.
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💕RELATIONSHIPS💕 I believe that amicable relationships with divorced or separated families are important. It’s not the children’s fault that you are no longer together, so why should they suffer. • • Once the bitterness faded away when we separated. My x husband and I made a firm decision that our children’s happiness was our first priority. We were always on speaking terms, the kids could see and talk to their dad when ever they liked (hence he lived in Byron Bay and we lived in Sydney) and the kids would always spend school holidays with him. We kept our family relationship a balanced one and what ever the other parent did when they were not looking after the kids was none of their business as it made it easier. • • As part of the divorce settlement my x husband wanted to share the kids life by having them at an age, before they became independent and would live their own life. I agreed as it was only fair he got to spend full quality time with our children as I had them on a full time basis. • • It’s been close to 5 years that my children had moved in to live with their father, after living with me and then it was the role reversal. It was tough but I know for many years that this was going to happen and prepared myself and my kids. • • Their father had met an awesome woman which made life easy and from time to time I would stay at their house when I was in the area, we spent holidays together, which I am so grateful for, as we got to spend time as a family unit and it made family life so easy. • • Always remember you are the role model of your children’s life! Life is to short to be bickering over the past, its so important to look in to the future and that’s the future of making sure your kids are balanced with family love ❤️ #relationships #familylove #postive #positivelife #love #respect #family
💕#relationships 💕 This picture was taken 6 years ago on Boxing Day!! - - Six years ago today Santa gave me the biggest gift I could ask for! - - I had lost faith, that the person I was going to build a life with was non existent and I was content to be on my own, till that person was to ever cross paths. - - My best friend Justin Moise had invited me to a Christmas party in 2011 which I had a greed to go to, as I was spending Christmas on my own, as the kids were with their dad. - - The night before I had a big night with a girlfriend at the casino and had a cracking hang over and told Justin I couldn't make it! Justin really wanted me to come along, as he knew I would have a great time with his friends, so I got dressed and headed over to Manly. - - I meet all of Justin's friends which included Tezza Bellerby, his mum Margaret Redenbach and brother Sean. We headed to Manly Pacific where the function was. I sat next to Tezz and from that moment he caught my attention. He made me laugh, started great conversation, awesome host and he was a real gentleman (which is very solemn these days!!) and most of all he had this special warm aura that made me feel safe. - - The night went on and we shared a kiss, which for the first time I had actually felt fire works !!! - - Six yours on and we have been through our ups and downs, good times and bad times, happy and sad times, cash rich and cash poor, started businesses, travelled the world and recently married. - - I am blessed to have a person in my life who is my equal, that loves me for me, supports my hopes and dreams and most of all let's me be the person I want to be. I look forward to what lies ahead for us as husband and wife ❤
* Derechos de autor: Los creadores de contenido son los propietarios predeterminados de los derechos de autor. Esta información, incluyendo imágenes, textos, videos, publicaciones y perfiles, se publica en dominios públicos y en las respectivas redes sociales para visualización pública.
Preguntas frecuentes: Estadísticas e información de Instagram para @dc_workout_studio
¿Cómo puedo acceder a las estadísticas y análisis de Instagram para @dc_workout_studio?
StarNgage ofrece informes analíticos completos que brindan métricas clave e información para brindarle una comprensión completa de @dc_workout_studio. Puede explorar varios aspectos, incluidas las estadísticas de seguidores de Instagram, como las tendencias de crecimiento de seguidores y publicaciones, la tasa de participación y sus tendencias de crecimiento. Además, puede acceder a información sobre el número promedio de me gusta y comentarios por publicación, información sobre las características demográficas de sus seguidores o audiencia, datos de afinidad de marca, menciones de hashtags relevantes, cuentas similares y las publicaciones más recientes.
¿Cuál es el recuento actual de seguidores para @dc_workout_studio en Instagram?
Hasta la última actualización, @dc_workout_studio ha acumulado una dedicada base de seguidores de 10,515 en Instagram.
¿Qué información e análisis se incluyen en el informe completo para @dc_workout_studio en Instagram?
Nuestro informe analítico completo de Instagram ofrece una visión general exhaustiva de @dc_workout_studio en Instagram. Este informe incluye información detallada sobre el crecimiento de seguidores a lo largo del tiempo, métricas de participación y frecuencia de publicaciones, tanto semanal como mensual. Para acceder a este informe detallado, regístrese y cree una cuenta nueva de StarNgage o inicie sesión en su cuenta existente.
¿Puedo realizar un seguimiento de cómo ha evolucionado la tasa de participación de @dc_workout_studio en Instagram?
Sí, las herramientas analíticas de StarNgage le permiten realizar un seguimiento de cómo ha evolucionado la tasa de participación de @dc_workout_studio en Instagram. Estos datos le ayudan a evaluar la efectividad de las estrategias de participación de @dc_workout_studio.
¿Cómo puedo entender las características demográficas del público de @dc_workout_studio en Instagram?
Obtener información sobre las características demográficas del público de @dc_workout_studio en Instagram puede ser extremadamente valioso. Le permite adaptar su contenido de influencer y estrategias de marketing para resonar mejor con los seguidores de @dc_workout_studio, ya que tendrá información sobre su edad, género, ubicación e intereses.
¿Cómo puedo aprovechar los datos de afinidad de marca para mejorar mi estrategia de marketing en Instagram con @dc_workout_studio?
Los datos de afinidad de marca son una herramienta poderosa para comprender en qué marcas o productos está más interesada su audiencia. Esta información puede guiar sus colaboraciones de contenido y asociaciones en Instagram, mejorando su participación con su público objetivo.