Plaza Singapura’s #PSBonusTuesday Campaign

Die Geschichte

To promote Plaza Singapura’s Bonus Tuesday event on the 28th Feb 2017, Plaza Singapura partnered with StarNgage to help increase the publicity of the event using micro-influencers. The event features exclusive, and time-limited discounts by over 100 participating shops. In total, 50 micro-influencers were engaged to promote the event on Instagram.

Anzahl der Influencer
Gesamtzahl der Likes
Gesamtzahl der Kommentare
Gesamtzahl der Follower

Das Ziel

Primary Objective – To generate awareness of the PSBonusTuesday event.

Secondary Objective(s) – To drive foot traffic down to Plaza Singapura during the event.

Die Lösung

We have engaged 50 micro-influencers who are of the target age groups. Influencers are given $50 Capitaland Vouchers as incentives.

Influencers are required to

  • 1 x Teaser post announcing the event before the actual event date.
  • 1 x OOTD post featuring influencers going down for the event to reminder their followers about the event on the actual event date.

Die Ergebnisse

  • Exposure to over 316,000 followers of influencers
  • Over 100 campaigns related posts
  • Likes received: 21,000 Likes
  • Comments received: 397 Comments
  • Clicks to event landing page received: 189 clicks

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