Martin Bie | Hunting • Outdoors • Norway
Hunter in Norway • Ambassador @bergarainternational @hikmicro_outdoor @atecsilencer @vornequipment @harthunting_official
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Back on to thinning out the badger population. The landowner of where I hunt asked if I could take a couple of them out. A perfect opportunity to test out my SQ50 thermal sight! With heavy rain I was ready to cancel the hunt. I started reading up on badgers. Some say they don't like rain, while others said they come out to feed on worms, and often abit earlier then they usually head out. The last statement turned out to be correct. Two badgers popped up on my trailcam an hour before they usually do. I geared up and headed out. Two badgers and a fox was already out on the field. The fox seemed to have adapted to what the badgers where doing. I managed to sneak into the shack unoticed. The young fox was to busy to notice I was just 15 meters behind him at the closest. After about half an hour in the shack, the first badger came into my shooting lane. 50 meters away he draws his last breath. I decided to stick around as my previous experience is that the other badgers usually return within 10-20 minutes. 30 minutes later, still no badgers, but I start seeing a couple of foxes running about. One decided to head into my shooting lane, and I dropped him at about 90 meters. As I packed my stuff, I spotted two more badgers running about, so I have to make a return trip and see if I cant take a couple more. #bergaraproteam #bergara2023 #bergararifles #bergaraprecison #norma #B14crest #a-tec #hawkelife #jakt #jagen #caccia #chasse #polowanie #oxota #caza #jagt #jagd #hunting #hikmicro #hikmicronorge #harthunting #hartofficial #predatorhunting #thermal #huntingwiththermal #thermalhunting #predatorjakt #badgerhunting #foxhunting #revejakt
What a hunt! We arrived to our little cabin at the mountain on tuesday, and left it today on thursday with new memories that wont be forgotten anytime soon! We kicked og well when my buddy @nordic_civilian shot a calf the first evening. And I was so lucky to be able to follow up with this beautiful spike on wednesday evening! As we closed in on the last minutes of daylight, two young spikes showed up at around 150 meters. After a few minutes of observing them, they stop looking my direction and starts eating. I quickly and clumsily adjust my camera before finding them in my sight. I could not have have had any more stable position then I did. I adjusted for the drop and sent it. The spike took of, showing signs of a good hit. I link up with my buddy, the spike ran out my line of sight. So the questions and taughts of a bad shot settled in. We walk to a small hill, just where I could not see him anymore. We scout with our handheld thermals. Nothing. Starting to feel the stress, should probably get Kira and start tracking. I do one more swipe with my FH35 falcon, this time closer. And sure enough, just 6 meters away from us in the dark, my spike! The relief! The shot sat where it should, went straight through it's heart. To my buds big dissapointment. This meant no red deer heart stew that night, like the night before. A heavy but cherishable hunt! #bergaraproteam #bergara2023 #bergararifles #bergaraprecison #norma #B14crest #a-tec #hawkelife #jakt #jagen #caccia #chasse #polowanie #oxota #caza #jagt #jagd #hunting #hikmicro #hikmicronorge #harthunting #hartofficial #jafi #vornequipment #deerhunter #deerhunting #hjortejakt #reddeerhunting #mountainhunting
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StarNgage bietet umfassende Analyseberichte, die wichtige Kennzahlen und Einblicke liefern, um ein umfassendes Verständnis von @nordic_game_hunter zu erhalten. Sie können verschiedene Aspekte erkunden, einschließlich Instagram Follower-Statistiken wie Follower- und Beitragswachstumstrends, Engagement-Rate und deren Wachstumstrends. Darüber hinaus können Sie Informationen über die durchschnittliche Anzahl von Likes und Kommentaren pro Beitrag, Einblicke in Ihre Follower- oder Publikumsdemografie, Markenaffinitätsdaten, Erwähnungen relevanter Hashtags, ähnliche Konten und die neuesten Beiträge erhalten.
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Seit dem letzten Update hat @nordic_game_hunter auf Instagram eine engagierte Anhängerschaft von 10,679 Followern aufgebaut.
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Unser vollständiger Instagram Analysebericht bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über @nordic_game_hunter auf Instagram. Dieser Bericht enthält detaillierte Informationen zum Wachstum der Follower im Laufe der Zeit, zu Engagement-Metriken und zur Beitragsfrequenz sowohl wöchentlich als auch monatlich. Um auf diesen umfassenden Bericht zuzugreifen, registrieren Sie sich bitte und erstellen Sie ein neues StarNgage-Konto oder melden Sie sich bei Ihrem bestehenden Konto an.
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Ja, die Analysetools von StarNgage ermöglichen es Ihnen, die Entwicklung der Engagement-Rate von @nordic_game_hunter im Laufe der Zeit auf Instagram zu verfolgen. Diese Daten helfen Ihnen dabei, die Effektivität der Engagement-Strategien von @nordic_game_hunter zu bewerten.
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Einblicke in die Demografie des Publikums von @nordic_game_hunter auf Instagram können äußerst wertvoll sein. Dies ermöglicht es Ihnen, Ihre Influencer-Inhalte und Marketingstrategien besser auf die Follower von @nordic_game_hunter abzustimmen, da Sie Informationen über Alter, Geschlecht, Standort und Interessen haben.
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Markenaffinitätsdaten sind ein mächtiges Instrument, um zu verstehen, welche Marken oder Produkte Ihr Publikum am meisten interessieren. Diese Informationen können Ihre Content-Kooperationen und Partnerschaften auf Instagram leiten und Ihre Bindung an Ihre Zielgruppe verbessern.