By @katievigos Registered Nurse 🔻Reminding birthing people of their power 🔻Healing through story telling ACTION 👇🏼
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In order to further examine why Black women and birthing people have higher maternal mortality rates than their non-Black counterparts (3-4x higher than white people specifically), we must learn the truth about modern gynecology {trigger warning}. __ In this photo, activists Darializa Aquila-Chevalier (23), Jewel Cadet (29), Alexis Yeboah-Kodie (23), and Jamilah Felix (21) protest at the Central Park statue of Dr. J. Marion Sims, who is considered to be "the father of modern gynecology." The protest was organized by Black Youth Project 100 @byp100. __ In the 19th century, Dr. Sims performed surgical experimentation upon enslaved Black women WITHOUT their consent or the use of anesthesia. At the time, it was commonly believed that Black people did not feel as much pain as white people and therefore did not require anesthesia. __ One of his victims, Lucy, upon whom he operated in the presence of twelve doctors without anesthetics, nearly died from sepsis (severe, systemic infection) after he experimented with using a sponge to wipe her bladder during the surgery. __ After Dr. Sims perfected his technique of fistula repair on his Black victims, he began performing the procedure on white women... WITH anesthesia. __ Institutionalized racism is at the foundation of modern obstetrics and gynecology. The system was literally designed to cause harm to Black people. Whether by gross negligence or implicit bias, this is the reality they face when seeking medical care. __ Action points: advocate for your institution to mandate implicit bias and anti-racism training for all employees. Call it out when you see it. Educate yourselves on how you are complicit. Connect with @rebirthequity for implicit bias training resources. Share more action points in the comments! 📷 @byp100
This message will be repeated here no matter the day, week, month, or news cycle. Black birthing people are 3x more likely to die from pregnancy and childbirth related complications than their white counterparts. This is a statistical fact. This is the starting point for our efforts as birth workers. Until this improves, nothing else will. __ Why? Institutionalized, systemic racism is the root cause. The practice of modern Obstetrics & Gynecology itself was founded in racism and exploitation of Black bodies (google: J. Marion Sims). A lifetime of enduring these violent systems of oppression (including barriers to accessing healthcare, the school to prison pipeline, police brutality, and much more) leaves Black bodies more vulnerable to maternal mortality (google: weathering). The practice of modern midwifery was stolen and appropriated from Black and Indigenous midwives and birth keepers, who now make up only a tiny fraction of practicing midwives in the US. The concerns of Black birthing people are ignored, and their pain diminished (google: Serena Williams birth). When they enter a hospital to give birth, they enter a system that was literally designed to cause them harm. These are just a few reasons why we continue to see massive disparities in maternal and neonatal outcomes. __ One of the best ways to protect Black birthing families is by supporting Black birth workers tangibly/financially. They are the ones who can best serve their communities. Link in stories/bio to donate. __ 📷 @everymomcounts
(Reposting yesterday’s message, as it was brought to my attention the use of a black square + blm hashtag is actually harmful to the movement and activists on the ground right now.) __ As an advocacy platform and human being, I publicly condemn police brutality, white supremacy, and the rampant anti-blackness and racism within our society-- and especially within the birth community. Building and moderating this platform as a white birth worker has been a constant and humbling learning experience. It has revealed layer upon layer of my own internal bias and conditioning. It has caused harm even when I believed my intentions were good. I want to thank those who have performed untold amounts of emotional labor throughout the last six years by calling me out and inviting me in to do better. I understand the work of accountability and dismantling systems of oppression will never end. I understand anti-racism is not an identity to adopt, but rather a practice of *action* within myself and amongst my friends, family, peers, and community. I understand it must be the foundation of this advocacy work. There is little I can personally say to ease the grief and pain of my fellow human beings at this time. But as the founder of this platform I feel compelled to make the stance of Empowered Birth Project known: black lives matter. Black joy matters. Black birthing families matter. Black futures deserve to be fiercely honored, protected, and uplifted. Love, @katievigos __ #empoweredbirthproject
Just want to give a personal update to this wonderful community. ❤️ I have not been as active with this platform as I would like to be in a time of crisis. I know so many of you have had your lives turned upside down by #covid_19... your birth plans disrupted, loss of employment and insurance, difficulty accessing services, formula and diapers vanishing off the shelves, acute stress making birthing and parenting even more challenging... I am so sorry. These are really hard times. __ I’ve been preoccupied working on the frontlines as an ICU nurse here in Los Angeles. We haven’t yet seen the surge of patients like areas such as NYC... but we are preparing for it. The last few weeks have been a whirlwind. I feel as safe and supported by my employer as I could possibly be, and for that I am truly grateful. However, witnessing the struggles of my fellow healthcare providers across the country is heartbreaking. And also terrifying. __ My survival instincts have been telling me to decrease stress as much as possible, given the circumstances. I’m soaking up time with my children and resting on my days off. If things get really bad, I’ll be at high risk of exposure and illness. I’m getting my affairs in order for the worst case scenario, but also staying positive. I have been pouring the energy I would normal expend via social media advocacy into my self care and my family. I have been writing a little more over on @katievigos if you’d like to follow along there. __ I’m still working on more resources to share here as I am able. Feel free to share in the comments below what pages, people, and resources you have been finding helpful during this time. 👇🏼 __ Love, @katievigos #yournurselovesyou
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