Tim Wendelboe
Coffee Roastery & Espresso Bar Opening hours: Weekdays: 08:30 - 18:00 Saturday and Sunday: 11:00 - 17:00 We ship world wide from our webshop.
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Tim’s reflections on 2022, Part 4: A personal highlight for me was in March when my wife Cecilie and I had the honor of being Padrino and Madrina (Godfather and Godmother) for Diego and Derlin at their wedding at Finca Tamana in Colombia. Derlin is Elias and Bellanid's eldest daughter, and I got to know Diego many years ago when he joined me as an interpreter at Tamana. Since then, we have become very good friends and it has been a joy to follow the two on their way to where they are today. They are two wonderful, talented, and honorable persons and it was an absolute pleasure to celebrate their marriage and a big honor to be part of their Colombian wedding. In June we celebrated 15 years since we opened the doors to our espresso bar and coffee roastery, which is without a doubt a big milestone for us. We have developed a lot as a company since then, both in form, in size and not least in coffee expertise and quality. I have learned new things every moment of these 15 years and I still look forward to going to work every single day. A huge thanks to all our regulars and guests in the espresso bar and to all our subscribers and online shop customers for all the support over the past 15 years. You have made it possible for us to exist, but also thank you for being part of the development by continuing to visit us, by giving us feedback and motivate us to continue creating the good coffee experiences for each and every one of you. On the anniversary day itself, all the guests who came by our espresso bar could pay what they wanted for the coffee drinks, and the sales went to the construction of a wet mill at Tatmara coffee plantation in Ethiopia. A project that will be finalized in 2023. Thanks to the generous contributions from our guests, we received a total of 5,200 USD that day which goes uncut to the project. It will be incredibly exciting to see what quality Negussie can produce with his coffees when he soon has the opportunity to wash and process the coffee in different ways. I recommend you to listen to our podcast episode with Anders Valde, one of our regular guests, where we look back on our 15 years. (Continues in the next post)
Tim’s reflections on 2022, Part 3: The coffee year 2022 has been fantastic. If you listen to the latest episode of our podcast "Tim Wendelboe coffee podcast", our wholesale manager Ben and myself make a summary of all the coffees we have had in 2022, which in my opinion has been a very good coffee year. I have worked long-term on quality-increasing measures with all the farmers we work with, and the results of this become clearer and clearer every year. All the coffee farmers we work with have put in enormous effort and professional pride in their work, and that results in a fantastic result in the cup of coffee that we and our customers have drunk in the past year. Without their efforts and expertise, we would not be sitting here looking back at what, for me, may have been the best coffee year in the company's 15-year history. A big thank you to and with the deepest respect to James Mugumo Munyiri, the farmer of Kiahia who sadly passed away in the beginning of this year. A big thank you is also sent to Marysabel and Moises at the Caballero farm in Honduras, Elias and Bellanid at Finca Tamana in Colombia, Diego and Fabiola at the Los Pirioneos Farm in El Salvador, Jobneel and Fany at the Nacimiento farm in Honduras, Negussie at the Tatmara farm in Ethiopia, all the farmers at the Karagoto wet mill in Kenya, Kahlid at the Echemo farm in Ethiopia, and all the other farmers, co-operatives, exporters and partners we have done business with throughout the year. I am grateful for the work you put into producing quality coffee that we can share with our guests and customers. I look forward to continuing the coffee collaboration with you in the coming year. (Continues in the next post)
Tim’s reflections on 2022, Part 2: This has also been the year in which customer behavior for the purchase of coffee beans has changed and in which the world has received an enormous digital boost, which means that the expectations of us as a company are just as high for the operation of the online store and website as there are for the quality of the coffee we roast and produces. This development is happening extremely quickly, and our aim to not only deliver exceptional service in our espresso bar, but in all parts of the business, has been tested to the limit when it comes to the digital platforms. Fortunately, I have had a team around me who are not only impressively skilled in all the different fields we need, but they are also extremely willing to learn and change. We have gained more expertise in the administrative and digital areas, which has strengthened that side of our business. The bar team is able to deliver the same high level of coffee and service in the espresso bar, regardless of whether it is abnormally quiet or surprisingly busy, and there is a queue out the door. The team at the roastery has delivered freshly roasted coffee within our quality parameters, regardless of whether we have had 7 or 22 batches of coffee to be roasted and packed in one day. We have evaluated every part of our business along the way, continuously tested new ways of working, and together found what is now beginning to look like a clearer direction towards the new normal for us. We have found a good and well-functioning new normal, and I have my team to thank for that. Those who have been involved for many years have ensured the continuity and experience we need to maintain the level we want to achieve in everything we do. All the new team members who came on board this year have added new energy and experience. Together we have been able to continue our legacy of working environment and culture, and most importantly the service culture towards our guests and all customers, regardless of whether it is physical or digital visits. I am very grateful and proud of that. (Continues in the next post)
Tim’s reflections on 2022, Part 1: 2022 has been a year with many highlights for me. A year of adjustment and learning, exceptional coffees and personal highlights. The most important thing first; 2022 has been a year where we have really felt gratitude towards all our customers, especially guests and regulars in the espresso bar, and all our faithful coffee subscribers. It has contributed to stability in a year where we thought we were going back to normal after a two-year global pandemic where everything was different. 2022 became a year in which we realized that we had to find a new normal. We had to figure out how to adapt, while safeguarding our core values that have remained unchanged for 15 years. At the same time, we managed to implement the experiences from two pandemic years with a steep learning curve on the business side itself and running a company. For me, who is motivated by development, it has been exciting, but also a little scary. We have navigated in more unfamiliar waters where the visiting patterns of our guests in our espresso bar have changed, and we can no longer fully rely our planning on the experiences of previous years. The typical busy hours in the espresso bars are not quite the same as before, for example the escalation towards Christmas has been very predictable every year until 2019. However, this year which was supposed to be the first "normal year" after the pandemic, nothing has followed the normal pattern. The abnormal patterns made it more challenging to plan, both the production of roasted coffee, but also opening hours and staffing. (Continues in the next post)
* Hawlfraint: Mae’r creadurion cynnwys yn berchnogion yr hawlfraint ragosodedig. Caiff y wybodaeth hon gan gynnwys delweddau, testunau, fideos, cofnodion a phroffiliau eu cyhoeddi ar feysydd cyhoeddus ac ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol perthynol ar gyfer gweled gyhoeddus.
Cwestiynau Cyffredin: Ystadegau ac Arweiniad Instagram ar gyfer @timwendelboe
Sut alla i gael mynediad at ystadegau ac astudiaethau dadansoddol Instagram ar gyfer @timwendelboe?
Mae StarNgage yn cynnig adroddiadau dadansoddol cynhwysfawr sy'n darparu metrigau allweddol ac awgrymiadau i roi dealltwriaeth gyflawn i chi am @timwendelboe. Gallwch archwilio gwahanol agweddau, gan gynnwys ystadegau dilynwyr, fel tywydd twf dilynwyr a phost, Cyfradd Ymgysylltu, a thwf. Hefyd, gallwch gael gwybodaeth am y nifer gyfartalog o hoffi a sylwadau y per post, cipolwg ar dystiolaethau gwrando ar ddemograffeg dilynwyr neu gynulleidfa, data cymal cyfeillgarwch brand, credadennau i hashnodau perthnasol, cyfrifon tebyg, a'r cyfnodau diweddaraf o bob post.
Beth yw'r nifer o dilynwyr presennol ar Instagram ar gyfer @timwendelboe?
Yn nhrydedd yr uwchgynhadledd ddiweddaraf, mae @timwendelboe wedi casglu dilynwyr neilltuol o 90,386 ar Instagram.
Pa wybodaeth ac astudiaethau dadansoddol sy'n cael eu cynnwys yn yr adroddiad llawn ar gyfer @timwendelboe ar Instagram?
Mae ein hadroddiad dadansoddol llawn Instagram yn cynnig trosolwg cynhwysfawr o @timwendelboe ar Instagram. Mae'r adroddiad hwn yn cynnwys gwybodaeth fanwl am dwf dilynwyr dros amser, mesuriadau ymgysylltu, ac amcangyfrif o ba mor aml y mae'n postio, yn wythnosol ac yn fisol. I gael gafael ar yr adroddiad manwl hwn, cofrestrwch a chreu cyfrif StarNgage newydd neu fewngofnodi i'ch cyfrif presennol.
Ydw i'n gallu olrhain sut y mae Cyfradd Ymgysylltu @timwendelboe wedi datblygu ar Instagram?
Ydyn, mae offer dadansoddi data StarNgage yn caniatáu i chi fonitro sut y mae Cyfradd Ymgysylltu @timwendelboe wedi datblygu ar Instagram dros amser. Mae'r data hwn yn eich helpu i asesu effeithiolrwydd strategaethau ymgysylltu @timwendelboe.
Sut alla i ddeall deiliadaeth dilynwyr @timwendelboe ar Instagram?
Mae ennill dealltwriaeth o ddeiliadaeth dilynwyr @timwendelboe ar Instagram yn werthfawr iawn. Mae'n eich galluogi i deilwra'ch cynnwys dylanwadol a'ch strategaethau marchnata i gyrraedd y dilynwyr @timwendelboe yn well, gan fod gennych wybodaeth am eu hoedran, rhyw, lleoliad, a diddordebau.
Sut alla i ddefnyddio data cymal cyfeillgarwch brand i wella fy strategaeth marchnata ar Instagram gyda @timwendelboe?
Mae data cymal cyfeillgarwch brand yn offeryn pwerus i ddeall pa frandiau neu gynnyrch sydd â diddordeb mwyaf gan eich cynulleidfa. Gall y wybodaeth hon arwain eich cydweithrediadau cynnwys a phartneriaethau trwy Instagram, gan wella eich ymgysylltiad â'ch cynulleidfa darged.