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Welcome to the world of Moriyama! ⁠ ⁠ Daido Moriyama: A Retrospective - the first UK retrospective exhibition of works by the acclaimed Japanese photographer is now open!⁠ ⁠ Taking over the entire gallery, the exhibition celebrates one of the most innovative and influential artists and street photographers of our day - tracing the path of Moriyama’s career as he transformed the way we see photography and questioned its very nature.⁠ ⁠ The retrospective will focus on different moments of Moriyama’s vast and productive career - beginning with his early works for Japanese magazines, interest in the American occupation, and engagement with photorealism. It was during this time Moriyama established his unique aesthetic, famously known by the Japanese phrase ‘are, bure, boke’ (meaning ‘grainy, blurry, out of focus’). ⁠ ⁠ The second part of the exhibition picks up his work from the self-reflexive period in the 1980s and 1990s. In the decades which followed, he explored the essence of photography and of his own self, developing a visual lyricism with which he reflected on reality, memory and cities through tireless documentation and the reinvention of his own archive. ⁠ ⁠ Immerse yourself in Moriyama’s world now at The Photographers’ Gallery - book your tickets online! Become a member today to get free unlimited entry to our exhibitions!⁠ ⁠ –⁠ ⁠ Daido Moriyama: A Retrospective is supported by @bagrifoundation, The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation, @DaiwaFoundation, @jpflondon⁠
Hello, this is Zhou HanShun @zhouhanshun for #TPGTakeovers.⁠ ⁠ I am a Photographer, Artist, and Creative Director.⁠ ⁠ My photography explores humanity, culture, and spirituality in urban spaces and the natural environment. I often photograph with intuition and create work with a sense of spontaneity.⁠ ⁠ This series, titled “Frenetic City”, was one of the projects I undertook during my stay in Hong Kong from 2014 to 2017.⁠ ⁠ “To say life moves fast in a city is an understatement.⁠ People go through life at an uncompromising, chaotic pace,⁠ overcoming and absorbing anything in their path.⁠ Time in the city seems to flow quicker, and memories in the city⁠ tend to fade away faster.⁠ Nothing seems to stand still in a city.”⁠ ⁠ A UN report suggested that by 2050, the world's population would reach 10 billion, with three-quarters of humanity living in our already swelling cities. ⁠ ⁠ With a population of over 7 million but less than 25% of its land developed, it is one of the most densely populated cities in the world. When I first landed, I was immediately confronted by a society that was in fierce competition for physical and mental space.⁠ ⁠ I decided to capture and re-create the tension and chaos that I experienced in photographic form.⁠ ⁠ Created with multiple exposures on a single B&W negative, each of the photographs in this series is not of a singular moment in time, but a multitude of moments in time captured in a single frame.⁠
Hello, this is Zhou HanShun @zhouhanshun for #TPGTakeovers.⁠ ⁠ I am a Photographer, Artist, and Creative Director.⁠ ⁠ My photography explores humanity, culture, and spirituality in urban spaces and the natural environment. I often photograph with intuition and create work with a sense of spontaneity.⁠ ⁠ This series, titled “Frenetic City”, was one of the projects I undertook during my stay in Hong Kong from 2014 to 2017.⁠ ⁠ “To say life moves fast in a city is an understatement.⁠ People go through life at an uncompromising, chaotic pace,⁠ overcoming and absorbing anything in their path.⁠ Time in the city seems to flow quicker, and memories in the city⁠ tend to fade away faster.⁠ Nothing seems to stand still in a city.”⁠ ⁠ A UN report suggested that by 2050, the world's population would reach 10 billion, with three-quarters of humanity living in our already swelling cities. ⁠ ⁠ With a population of over 7 million but less than 25% of its land developed, it is one of the most densely populated cities in the world. When I first landed, I was immediately confronted by a society that was in fierce competition for physical and mental space.⁠ ⁠ I decided to capture and re-create the tension and chaos that I experienced in photographic form.⁠ ⁠ Created with multiple exposures on a single B&W negative, each of the photographs in this series is not of a singular moment in time, but a multitude of moments in time captured in a single frame.⁠
* Hawlfraint: Mae’r creadurion cynnwys yn berchnogion yr hawlfraint ragosodedig. Caiff y wybodaeth hon gan gynnwys delweddau, testunau, fideos, cofnodion a phroffiliau eu cyhoeddi ar feysydd cyhoeddus ac ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol perthynol ar gyfer gweled gyhoeddus.
Cwestiynau Cyffredin: Ystadegau ac Arweiniad Instagram ar gyfer @thephotographersgallery
Sut alla i gael mynediad at ystadegau ac astudiaethau dadansoddol Instagram ar gyfer @thephotographersgallery?
Mae StarNgage yn cynnig adroddiadau dadansoddol cynhwysfawr sy'n darparu metrigau allweddol ac awgrymiadau i roi dealltwriaeth gyflawn i chi am @thephotographersgallery. Gallwch archwilio gwahanol agweddau, gan gynnwys ystadegau dilynwyr, fel tywydd twf dilynwyr a phost, Cyfradd Ymgysylltu, a thwf. Hefyd, gallwch gael gwybodaeth am y nifer gyfartalog o hoffi a sylwadau y per post, cipolwg ar dystiolaethau gwrando ar ddemograffeg dilynwyr neu gynulleidfa, data cymal cyfeillgarwch brand, credadennau i hashnodau perthnasol, cyfrifon tebyg, a'r cyfnodau diweddaraf o bob post.
Beth yw'r nifer o dilynwyr presennol ar Instagram ar gyfer @thephotographersgallery?
Yn nhrydedd yr uwchgynhadledd ddiweddaraf, mae @thephotographersgallery wedi casglu dilynwyr neilltuol o 294,215 ar Instagram.
Pa wybodaeth ac astudiaethau dadansoddol sy'n cael eu cynnwys yn yr adroddiad llawn ar gyfer @thephotographersgallery ar Instagram?
Mae ein hadroddiad dadansoddol llawn Instagram yn cynnig trosolwg cynhwysfawr o @thephotographersgallery ar Instagram. Mae'r adroddiad hwn yn cynnwys gwybodaeth fanwl am dwf dilynwyr dros amser, mesuriadau ymgysylltu, ac amcangyfrif o ba mor aml y mae'n postio, yn wythnosol ac yn fisol. I gael gafael ar yr adroddiad manwl hwn, cofrestrwch a chreu cyfrif StarNgage newydd neu fewngofnodi i'ch cyfrif presennol.
Ydw i'n gallu olrhain sut y mae Cyfradd Ymgysylltu @thephotographersgallery wedi datblygu ar Instagram?
Ydyn, mae offer dadansoddi data StarNgage yn caniatáu i chi fonitro sut y mae Cyfradd Ymgysylltu @thephotographersgallery wedi datblygu ar Instagram dros amser. Mae'r data hwn yn eich helpu i asesu effeithiolrwydd strategaethau ymgysylltu @thephotographersgallery.
Sut alla i ddeall deiliadaeth dilynwyr @thephotographersgallery ar Instagram?
Mae ennill dealltwriaeth o ddeiliadaeth dilynwyr @thephotographersgallery ar Instagram yn werthfawr iawn. Mae'n eich galluogi i deilwra'ch cynnwys dylanwadol a'ch strategaethau marchnata i gyrraedd y dilynwyr @thephotographersgallery yn well, gan fod gennych wybodaeth am eu hoedran, rhyw, lleoliad, a diddordebau.
Sut alla i ddefnyddio data cymal cyfeillgarwch brand i wella fy strategaeth marchnata ar Instagram gyda @thephotographersgallery?
Mae data cymal cyfeillgarwch brand yn offeryn pwerus i ddeall pa frandiau neu gynnyrch sydd â diddordeb mwyaf gan eich cynulleidfa. Gall y wybodaeth hon arwain eich cydweithrediadau cynnwys a phartneriaethau trwy Instagram, gan wella eich ymgysylltiad â'ch cynulleidfa darged.