✨Polish Olympian 🚴🏻‍♀️Professional cyclist for @wmncycling 📍Andorra 🍪☕️🤎coffee, nut butter, baked goodies lover
26.2% o dilynwyr @kasianiewiadoma94 yw benyw ac 73.8% o ddynion. Mae'r gyfradd ymgysylltu gyfartalog ar y postiadau oddeutu 5.82%. Yn gyfartalog, y nifer o hoffi ar bob post gyda 5,748 yw ac y nifer o sylwadau gyda 33.
Mae @kasianiewiadoma94 wrth ei bodd yn postio amChwaraeon, Gweithgaredd Awyr Agored, Ffitrwydd a Iechyd, Beiciau, Mynydd, Antur.
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TdF coming in hot! With the men’s race just days away, the countdown to @letourfemmes is on, with @kasianiewiadoma94 in characteristically optimistic spirits. We recently had the pleasure to share a coffee and a short spin with her on our home roads in Girona… “Life has been treating me really well! Reflecting on the season so far, it was nice to have a little mid season break after the spring campaign, which was really long for me this season. I tried to disconnect from the cycling world yet it was somehow difficult as there are still important goals ahead of me and knowing that I didn’t achieve what I wanted in the first part of the season really kept me “awake”. Spring classics were beautiful yet not very rewarding for me I would say. Sometimes I would miss a bit of luck, sometimes I would miss fresh legs in the final moments, and even though I thought I was really well prepared, the level has gone up so drastically that it wasn’t enough for the win. The big goal for this year is TdF. I like preparing for stage races as you have enough time to go for a training camp and focus on the training that you don’t really do once the season starts with all the classics. I don’t feel any sort of pressure or stress that comes with the TdF, I just focus on the work I need to do in order to be one of the strongest in the mountains. It's definitely a journey that in my case starts after classics, that’s when you make a shift in your training and together with your coach you analyse the course and create a training plan to be as prepared as possible. From a team side we dedicate the time to go to France and do the stage recons so with all that you gain confidence and a calm mind that allows you to race to your best. I do definitely believe that this year’s edition will bring another big wave of buzz and positive impact on women’s cycling. At the end of the day it's the Tour de France and this race is the most iconic, the most loved by fans, the most desired to win so naturally people talk about it more and more, making it even more special. I love the idea that little girls can watch “bigger” girls on TV and start to dream to be just like us, because they can!”
* Hawlfraint: Mae’r creadurion cynnwys yn berchnogion yr hawlfraint ragosodedig. Caiff y wybodaeth hon gan gynnwys delweddau, testunau, fideos, cofnodion a phroffiliau eu cyhoeddi ar feysydd cyhoeddus ac ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol perthynol ar gyfer gweled gyhoeddus.
Cwestiynau Cyffredin: Ystadegau ac Arweiniad Instagram ar gyfer @kasianiewiadoma94
Sut alla i gael mynediad at ystadegau ac astudiaethau dadansoddol Instagram ar gyfer @kasianiewiadoma94?
Mae StarNgage yn cynnig adroddiadau dadansoddol cynhwysfawr sy'n darparu metrigau allweddol ac awgrymiadau i roi dealltwriaeth gyflawn i chi am @kasianiewiadoma94. Gallwch archwilio gwahanol agweddau, gan gynnwys ystadegau dilynwyr, fel tywydd twf dilynwyr a phost, Cyfradd Ymgysylltu, a thwf. Hefyd, gallwch gael gwybodaeth am y nifer gyfartalog o hoffi a sylwadau y per post, cipolwg ar dystiolaethau gwrando ar ddemograffeg dilynwyr neu gynulleidfa, data cymal cyfeillgarwch brand, credadennau i hashnodau perthnasol, cyfrifon tebyg, a'r cyfnodau diweddaraf o bob post.
Beth yw'r nifer o dilynwyr presennol ar Instagram ar gyfer @kasianiewiadoma94?
Yn nhrydedd yr uwchgynhadledd ddiweddaraf, mae @kasianiewiadoma94 wedi casglu dilynwyr neilltuol o 99,462 ar Instagram.
Pa wybodaeth ac astudiaethau dadansoddol sy'n cael eu cynnwys yn yr adroddiad llawn ar gyfer @kasianiewiadoma94 ar Instagram?
Mae ein hadroddiad dadansoddol llawn Instagram yn cynnig trosolwg cynhwysfawr o @kasianiewiadoma94 ar Instagram. Mae'r adroddiad hwn yn cynnwys gwybodaeth fanwl am dwf dilynwyr dros amser, mesuriadau ymgysylltu, ac amcangyfrif o ba mor aml y mae'n postio, yn wythnosol ac yn fisol. I gael gafael ar yr adroddiad manwl hwn, cofrestrwch a chreu cyfrif StarNgage newydd neu fewngofnodi i'ch cyfrif presennol.
Ydw i'n gallu olrhain sut y mae Cyfradd Ymgysylltu @kasianiewiadoma94 wedi datblygu ar Instagram?
Ydyn, mae offer dadansoddi data StarNgage yn caniatáu i chi fonitro sut y mae Cyfradd Ymgysylltu @kasianiewiadoma94 wedi datblygu ar Instagram dros amser. Mae'r data hwn yn eich helpu i asesu effeithiolrwydd strategaethau ymgysylltu @kasianiewiadoma94.
Sut alla i ddeall deiliadaeth dilynwyr @kasianiewiadoma94 ar Instagram?
Mae ennill dealltwriaeth o ddeiliadaeth dilynwyr @kasianiewiadoma94 ar Instagram yn werthfawr iawn. Mae'n eich galluogi i deilwra'ch cynnwys dylanwadol a'ch strategaethau marchnata i gyrraedd y dilynwyr @kasianiewiadoma94 yn well, gan fod gennych wybodaeth am eu hoedran, rhyw, lleoliad, a diddordebau.
Sut alla i ddefnyddio data cymal cyfeillgarwch brand i wella fy strategaeth marchnata ar Instagram gyda @kasianiewiadoma94?
Mae data cymal cyfeillgarwch brand yn offeryn pwerus i ddeall pa frandiau neu gynnyrch sydd â diddordeb mwyaf gan eich cynulleidfa. Gall y wybodaeth hon arwain eich cydweithrediadau cynnwys a phartneriaethau trwy Instagram, gan wella eich ymgysylltiad â'ch cynulleidfa darged.