Hilarious Humanitarian LLC.
I was a Social Worker. Now I'm a Gift Shop Owner 🎉 Gifts | Greeting Cards | FUN ✨Get 10% off your first purchase when you connect with me
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As promised I have donated to the National Network of Abortion Funds. This donation comes from proceeds made over the weekend from my small gift-shop that runs out of our family home. A home that supports women & human rights, always. I want to thank every single customer that made this donation possible. I am a very small business that has been open for 1.5 years, we have 1 part-time employee, we operate out of our garage and my 3 small children are in the presence of our operations every day. This donation is HUGE compared to our relative income. Things you can do today (if you can); protest, donate, VOTE. IN. EVERY. ELECTION, stop buying from big companies that donate to politicians who don’t care about human rights, run for office, & hold your representatives accountable. As our friends over at @boredwalktshirts said so perfectly, “Massive Companies like JP Morgan Chase, Apple, etc., made public statements about supporting their employees who need access to abortions. THIS. IS. NOT. ENOUGH... …Abortion access should not just be the province of employees at elite firms with exceptional resources. All Americans should have access to safe legal abortions.” I am speaking for myself here but I have no doubt other owners of small businesses feel the same. Before you leave shitty comments on posts made by small businesses speak to the owners in a respectful and non-confrontational way. Find out what they stand for and what they have historically done to make our world a better and safer place for all. You’re doing no one any favors by accusing small businesses of not “doing enough”, leaving shitty comments on their posts and accusing them of sitting idle. The majority of small businesses owners are just like you…working their asses off to feed their families & dealing with the same horseshit you’re dealing with imposed by the country we live in; all while trying to come up with ways to helps others. If you don’t like my stance on this then please unfollow me. Again, in the wise words of our friends at @boredwalktshirts, If you can't handle me at my most political you do not deserve me at my funniest. 🌟Deanna🌟 Hilarious Humanitarian LLC Founder/CEO
I had such a fun time being interviewed a couple of weeks back by Alex Wilson at the VCReporter in our home and I got the pleasure of showing him where we work, live, and raise our 3 kids, as well as getting the opportunity to tell him the story of my business. He told me he was going to work on an article but he didn't mention it would be the Cover Story or when it was coming out. I didn't ask because I was honestly just grateful and excited to be interviewed by someone who wasn't expecting me to pay for PR placement 🤣🫠 Fast forward to yesterday, I was sitting bedside with my Grandma who was on hospice and making the peaceful transition toward her eternal rest when I got the notification that the article came out. At the moment I only thought it was a digital version of the article. I blame being a little confused about the article based on everything going on with my Grandma but I was still thrilled. I came home today after my Grandma passed & was welcomed home by my children and husband who surprised me with copies of the magazine. The physical version was so so much more than I could have ever expected! I know my Grandma would have been really proud of me and would have not only kept this magazine forever but would have carried a copy with her everywhere she went. It feels spiritually significant that the news of this article came to me during the same time my Grandma was making her exit from this physical life. So much of who I am is due to growing up in a family that was guided and raised in a matriarchal led family where the women; my Grandma, Mom and Aunt were (and are) all fiercely independent, resourceful, determined and resilient. Life is kind of symbolic like that, I suppose ❤️ Rest in Peace, Grandma. You will be missed. 02/27/33 - 06/23/23 • Also, bonus points to anyone in Ventura County that picks up a copy of the VCReporter, takes a picture with it and DM's me ❤️ You can read the entire article by clicking the link in my story.
* Hawlfraint: Mae’r creadurion cynnwys yn berchnogion yr hawlfraint ragosodedig. Caiff y wybodaeth hon gan gynnwys delweddau, testunau, fideos, cofnodion a phroffiliau eu cyhoeddi ar feysydd cyhoeddus ac ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol perthynol ar gyfer gweled gyhoeddus.
Cwestiynau Cyffredin: Ystadegau ac Arweiniad Instagram ar gyfer @hilarioushumanitarian
Sut alla i gael mynediad at ystadegau ac astudiaethau dadansoddol Instagram ar gyfer @hilarioushumanitarian?
Mae StarNgage yn cynnig adroddiadau dadansoddol cynhwysfawr sy'n darparu metrigau allweddol ac awgrymiadau i roi dealltwriaeth gyflawn i chi am @hilarioushumanitarian. Gallwch archwilio gwahanol agweddau, gan gynnwys ystadegau dilynwyr, fel tywydd twf dilynwyr a phost, Cyfradd Ymgysylltu, a thwf. Hefyd, gallwch gael gwybodaeth am y nifer gyfartalog o hoffi a sylwadau y per post, cipolwg ar dystiolaethau gwrando ar ddemograffeg dilynwyr neu gynulleidfa, data cymal cyfeillgarwch brand, credadennau i hashnodau perthnasol, cyfrifon tebyg, a'r cyfnodau diweddaraf o bob post.
Beth yw'r nifer o dilynwyr presennol ar Instagram ar gyfer @hilarioushumanitarian?
Yn nhrydedd yr uwchgynhadledd ddiweddaraf, mae @hilarioushumanitarian wedi casglu dilynwyr neilltuol o 526,118 ar Instagram.
Pa wybodaeth ac astudiaethau dadansoddol sy'n cael eu cynnwys yn yr adroddiad llawn ar gyfer @hilarioushumanitarian ar Instagram?
Mae ein hadroddiad dadansoddol llawn Instagram yn cynnig trosolwg cynhwysfawr o @hilarioushumanitarian ar Instagram. Mae'r adroddiad hwn yn cynnwys gwybodaeth fanwl am dwf dilynwyr dros amser, mesuriadau ymgysylltu, ac amcangyfrif o ba mor aml y mae'n postio, yn wythnosol ac yn fisol. I gael gafael ar yr adroddiad manwl hwn, cofrestrwch a chreu cyfrif StarNgage newydd neu fewngofnodi i'ch cyfrif presennol.
Ydw i'n gallu olrhain sut y mae Cyfradd Ymgysylltu @hilarioushumanitarian wedi datblygu ar Instagram?
Ydyn, mae offer dadansoddi data StarNgage yn caniatáu i chi fonitro sut y mae Cyfradd Ymgysylltu @hilarioushumanitarian wedi datblygu ar Instagram dros amser. Mae'r data hwn yn eich helpu i asesu effeithiolrwydd strategaethau ymgysylltu @hilarioushumanitarian.
Sut alla i ddeall deiliadaeth dilynwyr @hilarioushumanitarian ar Instagram?
Mae ennill dealltwriaeth o ddeiliadaeth dilynwyr @hilarioushumanitarian ar Instagram yn werthfawr iawn. Mae'n eich galluogi i deilwra'ch cynnwys dylanwadol a'ch strategaethau marchnata i gyrraedd y dilynwyr @hilarioushumanitarian yn well, gan fod gennych wybodaeth am eu hoedran, rhyw, lleoliad, a diddordebau.
Sut alla i ddefnyddio data cymal cyfeillgarwch brand i wella fy strategaeth marchnata ar Instagram gyda @hilarioushumanitarian?
Mae data cymal cyfeillgarwch brand yn offeryn pwerus i ddeall pa frandiau neu gynnyrch sydd â diddordeb mwyaf gan eich cynulleidfa. Gall y wybodaeth hon arwain eich cydweithrediadau cynnwys a phartneriaethau trwy Instagram, gan wella eich ymgysylltiad â'ch cynulleidfa darged.