Yoga From Earth To Air by @YogaBeyond 👇🏼#acrovinyasa
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Mae @acrovinyasa wrth ei bodd yn postio amFfitrwydd a Iechyd, Digwyddiadau, Yoga, Natur a'r Awyr Agored, Anifeiliaid a Chroeso, Iechyd a Ffitrwydd.
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ACROVINYASA™ takes yoga from earth to air. Uniting elements of vinyasa, acroyoga and inversion training, this practice cultivates trust and community in a powerful way. The core of #ACROVINYASA is focused on synchronizing breath in movement, building strength and finding balance. Inspired by traditional yoga asanas and L-based acrobatic flying, this progressive yoga system includes both solo and partner practice. The aerial part revolves around one partner (the base) supporting the other (the flyer) in flying through the air in a sequenced series of yoga postures. Bringing a refreshingly playful approach to an ancient tradition, this practice feels more like a dance with gravity than physical excercise. Getting inverted with a partner is very empowering especially for people who may be fearful of supporting or being supported by others. The necessary component for students learning the practice for the first time is the role of a spotter, who makes sure both base and flyer stay safe and properly aligned. The base lies flat on their back supporting the flyer's weight with extended legs and arms. When students learn proper stacking (vertical bone alignment), they can start balancing more than just their own weight. Regular practice and proper technique allows even a smaller person to skilfully base a larger flyer. This practice derives techniques from traditional yoga streams with the intent to build meaningful human connection within a global community. Learning to trust, clearly communicate and give & receive are some of the deeper benefits. In short, this practice offers a dynamic expansion beyond your solo practice. ACROVINYASA™ is systematically organised into two flows LEVEL 1 and LEVEL 2 consisting of 180 postures (90 yoga and 90 acro). We share the practice not only in classes and workshops around the world, but also with our global online community through this ig account. For more info about teacher trainings visit SWIPE👆🏼to see all 180 postures
October #ACROVINYASA Challenge THE LAST DAY!!!!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Day 30: Low/High RH2 HHandstand . BASE: From Front Plank, maintain RH2H grip (reverse hand to hand grip) with arms extended. Relax toes/ankles and slightly bend knees. Instruct flyer to hold a strong hollow shape, pivot them into a vertical line, bring elbows to the ground. Push into toes to help flyer transition and keep looking up at highest point of flyer (heels or toes). Actively hug hands into midline (Chaturanga Dandasana). Breathe and connect with sensitivity of hands in order to find balance. To take it to the next level, base slightly tips flyer's body toward base's' head and presses up extending arms to straight. . FLYER: From Front Plank, maintain RH2H grip (reverse hand to hand grip) with arms extended. Firm thigh muscles, lift knee caps, lengthen tailbone toward the heels and lift pubis toward navel for hollow body shape. As base brings upper arms to the ground, extend arms by ears and maintain full body integration all the way to the toes. Without pushing lower front ribs forward, allow base to pivot and invert flyer's body. Keep head in neutral, hold shape and let the base balance you. Squeeze, trust and breathe. . SPOTTER: As flyer starts transitioning from Front Plank, maintain a sumo squat and take a ‘sandwich spot’ with hands around front and back of flyer's torso. Check for alignment, be the voice of communication, and bring flyer and base back into balance when necessary. . Post your pics/vids in #ACROVINYASA and tag us in your caption: @ACROVINYASA @YogaBeyond @AloYoga . Have fun, play safe! H&C 🙏🏼 #YogaBeyond ps. Not sure what happened to the sound, but be sure to do your own happy dance afterwards! 😆✨🎉🙌🏽
October #ACROVINYASA Challenge THE LAST DAY!!!!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Day 30: Low/High RH2 HHandstand . BASE: From Front Plank, maintain RH2H grip (reverse hand to hand grip) with arms extended. Relax toes/ankles and slightly bend knees. Instruct flyer to hold a strong hollow shape, pivot them into a vertical line, bring elbows to the ground. Push into toes to help flyer transition and keep looking up at highest point of flyer (heels or toes). Actively hug hands into midline (Chaturanga Dandasana). Breathe and connect with sensitivity of hands in order to find balance. To take it to the next level, base slightly tips flyer's body toward base's' head and presses up extending arms to straight. . FLYER: From Front Plank, maintain RH2H grip (reverse hand to hand grip) with arms extended. Firm thigh muscles, lift knee caps, lengthen tailbone toward the heels and lift pubis toward navel for hollow body shape. As base brings upper arms to the ground, extend arms by ears and maintain full body integration all the way to the toes. Without pushing lower front ribs forward, allow base to pivot and invert flyer's body. Keep head in neutral, hold shape and let the base balance you. Squeeze, trust and breathe. . SPOTTER: As flyer starts transitioning from Front Plank, maintain a sumo squat and take a ‘sandwich spot’ with hands around front and back of flyer's torso. Check for alignment, be the voice of communication, and bring flyer and base back into balance when necessary. . Post your pics/vids in #ACROVINYASA and tag us in your caption: @ACROVINYASA @YogaBeyond @AloYoga . Have fun, play safe! H&C 🙏🏼 #YogaBeyond
October #ACROVINYASA Challenge Day 28: Superfree Shoulderstand . BASE: From Front Bird, extend arms with fingers spread wide. Relax toes/ankles and slightly bend knees. Receive top of flyer's shoulders on the heels of hands with fingertips touching flyer's shoulder blades. Bend your elbows as much as necessary, instruct flyer to hold a strong hollow shape and pivot them into a vertical line. Push into toes to help flyer transition and keep looking up at the highest point of flyer (heels or toes). Extend arms to straight and stay strong like in Plank Pose. Tune into breath and the sensitivity of hands in order to find balance. . FLYER: From Front Bird, firmly squeeze arms and hands alongside body. Tilt upper body towards base's extended arms. Firm thigh muscles, lift knee caps, lengthen tailbone toward the heels and lift pubis toward navel. Press shoulder blades onto back ribs, widen them across and release them down the back. Without pushing lower front ribs forward, allow base to pivot and invert flyer's body. Keep head in neutral and relax shoulders into base's hands. Focus on drawing the lower ribs towards the hips creating a strong hollow through the torso. Squeeze, trust and breathe. . SPOTTER: As flyer starts transitioning from Front Bird, maintain a sumo squat and take a ‘sandwich spot’ with hands around front and back of flyer's torso. Check for alignment, be the voice of communication, and bring flyer and base back into balance when necessary. . Post your pics/vids in #ACROVINYASA and tag us in your caption: @ACROVINYASA @YogaBeyond @AloYoga . Have fun, play safe! H&C 🙏🏼 #YogaBeyond
October #ACROVINYASA Challenge Day 28: Superfree Shoulderstand . BASE: From Front Bird, extend arms with fingers spread wide. Relax toes/ankles and slightly bend knees. Receive top of flyer's shoulders on the heels of hands with fingertips touching flyer's shoulder blades. Bend your elbows as much as necessary, instruct flyer to hold a strong hollow shape and pivot them into a vertical line. Push into toes to help flyer transition and keep looking up at the highest point of flyer (heels or toes). Extend arms to straight and stay strong like in Plank Pose. Tune into breath and the sensitivity of hands in order to find balance. . FLYER: From Front Bird, firmly squeeze arms and hands alongside body. Tilt upper body towards base's extended arms. Firm thigh muscles, lift knee caps, lengthen tailbone toward the heels and lift pubis toward navel. Press shoulder blades onto back ribs, widen them across and release them down the back. Without pushing lower front ribs forward, allow base to pivot and invert flyer's body. Keep head in neutral and relax shoulders into base's hands. Focus on drawing the lower ribs towards the hips creating a strong hollow through the torso. Squeeze, trust and breathe. . SPOTTER: As flyer starts transitioning from Front Bird, maintain a sumo squat and take a ‘sandwich spot’ with hands around front and back of flyer's torso. Check for alignment, be the voice of communication, and bring flyer and base back into balance when necessary. . Post your pics/vids in #ACROVINYASA and tag us in your caption: @ACROVINYASA @YogaBeyond @AloYoga . Have fun, play safe! H&C 🙏🏼 #YogaBeyond
* Hawlfraint: Mae’r creadurion cynnwys yn berchnogion yr hawlfraint ragosodedig. Caiff y wybodaeth hon gan gynnwys delweddau, testunau, fideos, cofnodion a phroffiliau eu cyhoeddi ar feysydd cyhoeddus ac ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol perthynol ar gyfer gweled gyhoeddus.
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Mae StarNgage yn cynnig adroddiadau dadansoddol cynhwysfawr sy'n darparu metrigau allweddol ac awgrymiadau i roi dealltwriaeth gyflawn i chi am @acrovinyasa. Gallwch archwilio gwahanol agweddau, gan gynnwys ystadegau dilynwyr, fel tywydd twf dilynwyr a phost, Cyfradd Ymgysylltu, a thwf. Hefyd, gallwch gael gwybodaeth am y nifer gyfartalog o hoffi a sylwadau y per post, cipolwg ar dystiolaethau gwrando ar ddemograffeg dilynwyr neu gynulleidfa, data cymal cyfeillgarwch brand, credadennau i hashnodau perthnasol, cyfrifon tebyg, a'r cyfnodau diweddaraf o bob post.
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Yn nhrydedd yr uwchgynhadledd ddiweddaraf, mae @acrovinyasa wedi casglu dilynwyr neilltuol o 70,866 ar Instagram.
Pa wybodaeth ac astudiaethau dadansoddol sy'n cael eu cynnwys yn yr adroddiad llawn ar gyfer @acrovinyasa ar Instagram?
Mae ein hadroddiad dadansoddol llawn Instagram yn cynnig trosolwg cynhwysfawr o @acrovinyasa ar Instagram. Mae'r adroddiad hwn yn cynnwys gwybodaeth fanwl am dwf dilynwyr dros amser, mesuriadau ymgysylltu, ac amcangyfrif o ba mor aml y mae'n postio, yn wythnosol ac yn fisol. I gael gafael ar yr adroddiad manwl hwn, cofrestrwch a chreu cyfrif StarNgage newydd neu fewngofnodi i'ch cyfrif presennol.
Ydw i'n gallu olrhain sut y mae Cyfradd Ymgysylltu @acrovinyasa wedi datblygu ar Instagram?
Ydyn, mae offer dadansoddi data StarNgage yn caniatáu i chi fonitro sut y mae Cyfradd Ymgysylltu @acrovinyasa wedi datblygu ar Instagram dros amser. Mae'r data hwn yn eich helpu i asesu effeithiolrwydd strategaethau ymgysylltu @acrovinyasa.
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Mae ennill dealltwriaeth o ddeiliadaeth dilynwyr @acrovinyasa ar Instagram yn werthfawr iawn. Mae'n eich galluogi i deilwra'ch cynnwys dylanwadol a'ch strategaethau marchnata i gyrraedd y dilynwyr @acrovinyasa yn well, gan fod gennych wybodaeth am eu hoedran, rhyw, lleoliad, a diddordebau.
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Mae data cymal cyfeillgarwch brand yn offeryn pwerus i ddeall pa frandiau neu gynnyrch sydd â diddordeb mwyaf gan eich cynulleidfa. Gall y wybodaeth hon arwain eich cydweithrediadau cynnwys a phartneriaethau trwy Instagram, gan wella eich ymgysylltiad â'ch cynulleidfa darged.