Dasha 🌹Daily Dose of Vitamin D
Founder ♥️🧘‍♀️ @flowstate___yoga Mission 🌎 @children_arethefuture @brightfuture.org_ Featured Vogue, ABC, Discovery Become a Certified Yoga Teacher👇
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I envision a world where the sacred energy of love & peace are as common as food & shelter, available necessities for all to co-exist harmoniously on earth. 🌹 I envision a home, with no walls except mountains & sky. Water fresh from the spring, food grown on the land. Families raising children in village style communities where everyone flourishes as an ecosystem of contribution & collective evolution. Education systems that feed the hearts & souls as much as the minds & that guide children to become better human beings instead of robotic human doings. I see a future for humanity, after this era of awakening, where laughter & joy are common sounds echoing everywhere & everyone is celebrated for their magical uniqueness & purposeful contribution as sacred offerings of their soul’s true essence. I envision a world where children are taught to meditate & master their minds / emotions with yoga classes offered in the schools. @children_arethefuture 🌸👼✨ We are donating 20% of all profits from @flowstate_yoga_ teacher trainings, online courses & retreats to support the @children_arethefuture initiative. You can support by spreading the word, sharing our posts, referring your friends, donating to the campaign &/or joining the team to create a better future for all. Also tag us @children_arethefuture in any posts with kids doing yoga or meditation for a chance to be featured! 🧘‍♀️ Now we are preparing to launch the @children_arethefuture campaign this July, and I am really excited to share more soon🥰🙏 Drop ♥️♥️ if you also believe #childrenarethefuture & that together we can positively alter the course of the future of humanity. 👇 I love you. Happy Saturday. #bali @flowstate_yoga_ #flowstate #ceremony #volcano #dance #prayer #flow #namaste #om #1111 #ytt #ytt200 #yogateachertraining
Did You Know? 🌳♥️ Redwood trees often grow in these circles surrounding one large tree, as the large center tree drops seeds to “plant the future” & once the large center tree dies, it’s off spring carry on the legacy with these magical tree families, like the one in this video. This is divine order. I first learned about this years ago & since then i have felt such a deep nourishing bond with these ancient wise tree ancestors. Often if I feel a calling for our ancestor’s guidance, I turn to nature, prayer, yoga, ceremony, breath, fasting, plant medicine & communion with silence or music, singing is such a powerful elixir to connect us with the present moment. Mantras like this transport us to another dimension so we may see with eagle vision, so the bigger picture of life can be revealed. 🕊️ Much of humanity is laser focused on the current state of the world. If we can see a wider time-line, we can see that our destiny as a species is to evolve. Although the condition of humanity can often feel like a digression, we must remember that sometimes we must revisit the historical patterns, which is happening with the current wars on earth, as a final completion of the toxic patriarchy that is dying. Those old paradigms are expired, as we all know, however this appears to be a last attempt to keep those old divisive programs alive. They won’t survive here long. Humanity is ready for a new vibe. Let’s all keep the faith & trust in knowing everything is happening for a reason that will be revealed in the right time. Allow the division to pull us all closer to God, to mother nature & to our center of self, which is love 🙏♥️🕊️ It’s time for leaders to rise & for the light to outshine the dark forces on earth. Comment “I am light” if you’re on team love, peace & light & are committed to shining ✨☀️✨ song is “Gayatri Mantra” by @samgarrettmusic #peace #prayer #meditation #flowstate #yoga #flow #breathe #music #medicine #redwoods #love #1111
Life Update 💜 Family is everything 🙏 I pray every day. I hear the stories about a possible WW3 & I wake up in the morning praying for humanity. I wake up thinking about ways we can help. I still believe in goodness. I believe humanity is & has been going through the dark night of soul for the past 3-4 years during this pluto transit. I started talking about this in 2017 & everything I predicted has come to pass & even more. Eclipse portals make it more extreme every 6 months. What is this time on earth teaching us? I still truly believe it is all leading back to oneness. We have to hit rock bottom as a human species apparently. Only then will the truest healing begin. We are not there yet, but close. This hamas terrosism is closer to rock bottom than we have been since ww2 holocaust. What did we learn from that tragedy? There is evil on earth but I feel that goodness will always win. Too many suffer needlessly from it. This is when we get closer to God. Do what brings you closer to God. Go into nature. Meditate. Breathe. Be around children, nature & animals. Give yourself space & time to process & heal. Healing is best if done with support. Find your tribe & stay connected. 💜👼🙏 I am not new to darkness, tragedy or crisis. I experienced it since i was very young when my mother lost her mind. I spent my whole life learning how to heal trauma. Now it motivates me to work even harder. Everyone on earth needs to know how to heal. We are collectively being traumatized, this past few years especially. The past 6 weeks i have been working tirelessly w/ the new Initiative we are launching w/ the US military Department of Defense. @flowstate___yoga is now able to offer full tuition scholarships for all active duty military spouses & soon will be approved for army, guard & reserves & veterans 🏆💜🧘‍♀️ to provide our Trauma Informed yoga & meditation teacher training certification healing online. Together we stand in solidarity as a spiritual family with hope. Never give up hope. I love you. 💜👼🙏 #hope #humanity #love #healing #family #yoga #traumahealing #militaryspouse #military #veterans
Happy #mentalhealthawareness day 🪷💓🙏 Today is an important reminder about the power of the mind. It is either our greatest asset or worst enemy. Meditation & the path of yoga teach us to become the observer of our thoughts. Take a moment to contemplate, what has been arising for you lately in your mind? Is your mind a beautiful garden or are there some weeds to pull out ? The continual observation and witnessing of our thoughts, feelings & responses to life is called mindfulness. This is the first stage of meditation. Called Dharana in yoga: this means concentration. To learn to focus. In a short attention span world, this alone can be life changing. The second stage of meditation is Dhyana, which is to observe & then contemplate if the thoughts and beliefs in your mind are useful for self and others. So often people live as if beliefs are fixed & unchangable, but if you really notice, we are always adapting our beliefs as we evolve & grow. Along the path what remains are universal truths, all else we may discard as we choose our opinions & current viewpoints. The final stage of meditation is samadhi, total absorption with the divine. In this stage everything dissolves & we are just pure essence of being. No thoughts, just feeling interconnected with life itself. It is bliss & beyond. A total joy & oneness arises. Samadhi can be experienced by everyone, the path of @flowstate___yoga teaches many ways to access this wonderful energy & our intention is to extend that immersive experience for as long as possible each time, until we only live in that vibe. All the division, suffering & wars in the world can be eliminated if we can get everyone to experience true meditation, since the soul who experiences this would never consider harming another, as they will only feel love & compassion for all others, as an extension of the one human family under one flow of energy created by God. I pray for humanity every day. I have since i was a child. 🙏 Please join in the collective prayer to end senseless acts of violence on earth. May love prevail. ♥️🙏🌎 Love, Dasha ♥️ #meditation #mentalhealth #sedona #samadhi #yoga #flowstate #love #1010
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StarNgage nabízí komplexní analytické zprávy, které poskytují klíčové metriky a náhledy, abyste plně pochopili @dashama. Můžete prozkoumat různé aspekty, včetně statistiky sledujících na platformě Instagram, jako jsou trendy růstu sledujících a příspěvků, míra angažovanosti a trendy růstu. Kromě toho získáte informace o průměrném počtu liků a komentářů na příspěvek, uvědomění si demografických údajů o vašich sledujících nebo publiku, údaje o značkové příslušnosti, zmínky o relevantních hashtagech, podobných účtech a nejnovějších příspěvcích.
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K nejnovější aktualizaci @dashama na Instagram nasledovalo 96,736 followerů.
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Rozumění demografii sledujících @dashama na platformě Instagram může být nesmírně cenné. Umožňuje vám přizpůsobit obsah influencerů a marketingové strategie, aby lépe rezonovaly s publikem u @dashama, protože budete mít informace o jejich věku, pohlaví, umístění a zájmech.
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Data o značkové příslušnosti jsou silným nástrojem pro pochopení, které značky nebo produkty zajímají vaše publikum nejvíce. Tyto informace mohou vést vaše spolupráce na obsahu a partnerství na platformě Instagram, zlepšující angažovanost s cílovým publikem.