🌎Wilderness guide 🌎Conservationist 🌎Discovering Elephants
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LEADERSHIP IS A LIFESTYLE Some of you may have heard my mantra: ‘Wilderness is not a place, its a way of life.” Perhaps the same applies for leadership? After all, living is not a series of random events. Do our relationships with ourselves, one another and our planet not warrant attention and contemplated leadership? And as life is dynamic, this contemplation and exploration of self must be constant. A lifestyle! With the hot topics of ‘new normals’, ‘post-covid’ or ‘post-pandemic living’ heading our inspirational media waves, it is now time to take stock. And what better time than a forced slow down? It has always been in our hands. Our curiosity, our intelligence, creativity and imagination have essentially created the rod for our backs. A rod which, in very simplistic terms, puts consumerism before ecology. Faster, more, bigger, better; another dollar, another toy. The result? Ecologically speaking: habitat loss, global warming, climate change, over population and loss of bio-diversity. But the erosion of our natural world is far more than this, for ecology is the operating system of everything. It is about the weathering of other precious commodities; those of spiritual loss, loss of balance, loss of empathy, loss of understanding, of respect and of tolerance. The time of separateness must end, as we are now in a time of consequences. We need to lead though our lifestyle. Its time to be more curious, creative and innovative in the challenges we face … the crucial tasks of regenerating the chaos our own incredible intellectual and creative capacity has created. Time to take stock. But lets be brutal about it! Lets reflect without fear! Lets live consciously and question our behaviour. Put need above want. Put the soil above the plant, the forest before the hamburger. The more we reconnect with nature, the more we reconnect with ourselves. Make our own inner leadership a lifestyle! After all, how can we transform and lead the world around us, if we don’t truly LEAD our own selves?
MATES, GREATS & ELEPHANTS Part 3: Voortrekker In June 2019, the legendary Namibian desert elephant Voortrekker, pioneer of the Damaraland desert elephant population was shot. He was killed as a hunting trophy, under the guise of being a problem animal. Voortrekker was a true elephant patriarch, challenging our understandings of the value of older males in elephant society. He was personally responsible for leading family groups to the Ugab River in southern Damaraland making the Ugab/Huab systems perhaps the most viable desert elephant population in the world. This remarkably gentle elephant was even revered by community members, this within a tough landscape of escalating human/elephant conflict. Like an elephant-diplomat his presence was a major role-player in establishing and maintaining a viable and potentially long term eco-tourism revenue stream within the conservancies of the region. He was actually showing us the way if we had just taken a moment to realise it. For me, all of this addresses one of the most crucial fallacies of elephant conservation, trophy hunting, and the notion of sustainable consumption: that older bulls have no value to elephant society and conservation, and can be hunted under the banner of ecological/commercial benefit. As the senator bull, his death was not only a tragedy for desert elephant conservation, but also a landscape of viability and possibility. Another casualty of that day, possibly most significantly, was man’s inability to associate Voortrekker with sustainable tourism value, community benefit, ecological integrity or a sense of wonder. Instead he was killed under the banner of short term greed, stupidity and consumptive madness. RIP Sir Voortrekker … i apologise for what my kind has done. #tellthemwhowereallyare Pic courtesy of : @christophe_pitot @conservation.diaries
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