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-% de los seguidores de @yodda3x son mujeres y el -% son hombres. La tasa de participación promedio en las publicaciones es de alrededor del 0.9%. El número promedio de likes por publicación es de 480 y el número promedio de comentarios es de 12.
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An online petition has gathered #millions of signatures calling for leniency for a 26-year-old truck driver who was sentenced to 110 years in #prison for vehicular #homicide in an #explosive accident at the base of a Colorado mountain highway that killed four people in 2019. More than 4.5 million people had signed the petition urging Gov. Jared Polis to grant clemency or commute Rogel Aguilera-Mederos' sentence by Tuesday, The Denver Gazette reports. Truckers nationwide have voiced outrage over the sentence on Twitter, using the hashtags #NoTrucksToColorado and #NoTrucksColorado, among others. The Democratic governor's office said it would welcome an application, while Aguilera-Mederos' attorney told KDVR-TV that a request could take time because the sentence was just handed down Dec. 13. Aguilera-Mederos was convicted in October of #vehicular homicide and other charges stemming from the April 25, 2019, crash. He testified that he was hauling lumber when the brakes on his semitrailer failed as he was descending a steep grade of Interstate 70 in the Rocky Mountain foothills. His truck plowed into vehicles that had slowed because of another wreck in the Denver suburb of Lakewood. He was traveling at least 85 mph (137 kph) on a part of the interstate where commercial vehicles are limited to 45 mph (72 kph). The chain-reaction wreck involving 28 vehicles ruptured gas tanks, causing a fireball that consumed vehicles and melted parts of the highway. Prosecutors argued that as Aguilera-Mederos' truck barreled down from the mountains, he could have used a runaway ramp alongside the interstate that is designed to safely stop vehicles that have lost their brakes. Aguilera-Mederos testified he was struggling to avoid traffic and to shift his truck into lower gear to slow it down. #Yodda3x #explore #fyp #foryou #Explorepage #Explore #foryoupage #billionsinthehood
A woman who accused singer #TreySongz of sexually assaulting her in a #Miami nightclub has now implicated #Diddy and the nightclub in question in a new $20 million lawsuit. Jahuara Jeffries filed suit in the Miami- #DadeCounty Circuit Court last week, Insider reports In the court documents, she alleges that the incident with Songz, born Tremaine Neverson, began when she decided to leave Diddy’s New Year’s Eve party around 4:00am on January 1, 2018. As she and a friend were waiting for an Uber to take them to South Beach hot spot E11EVEN, Songz reportedly offered to drive them. The two women joined the singer in a private car driven by his security guard, who is listed as defendant John Doe in the suit. Upon arriving at the venue, Jeffries says the R&B star invited them to join him at his table, where food and alcohol had been provided. “While Plaintiff was dancing on the couch, she noticed Defendant Songz standing on the floor next to her,” the lawsuit says. “She then felt fingers being inserted into her vagina, turned around, and saw Defendant Songz pulling his hand away from her bottom.” Jeffries says she immediately got off the couch and was approached by another woman who asked what was wrong and then told her Songz had done the same to her. According to the lawsuit, Songz proceeded to tell the women to eat so that they could sober up. Jeffries says that she was still in shock when she agreed to leave the venue with the singer. When he took off his shirt in the car, Jeffries began recording their interaction, in fear that she would be assaulted again. That’s when she says the singer became aggressive and ordered his security guard to stop the car. She says the two men proceeded to physically kick her out of the vehicle, causing her to scrape her legs as she hit the ground. #Yodda3x #pdiddy #new #Explorepage #Explore #news #billionsinthehood
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Preguntas frecuentes: Estadísticas e informes de Instagram para @yodda3x
¿Cómo puedo acceder a las estadísticas y análisis de Instagram para @yodda3x?
StarNgage ofrece informes analíticos completos que proporcionan métricas clave e información para brindarte un entendimiento completo de @yodda3x. Puedes explorar varios aspectos, incluyendo estadísticas de seguidores de Instagram, como las tendencias de crecimiento de seguidores y publicaciones, la Tasa de Participación y sus tendencias de crecimiento. Además, puedes acceder a información sobre el número promedio de likes y comentarios por publicación, información demográfica de tus seguidores o audiencia, datos de afinidad de marca, menciones de hashtags relevantes, cuentas similares y las publicaciones más recientes.
¿Cuántos seguidores tiene actualmente @yodda3x en Instagram?
Hasta la última actualización, @yodda3x ha acumulado un dedicado grupo de 54,549 seguidores en Instagram.
¿Qué información y análisis están incluidos en el informe completo de @yodda3x en Instagram?
Nuestro informe completo de análisis de Instagram proporciona una visión general completa de @yodda3x en Instagram. Este informe incluye información detallada sobre el crecimiento de seguidores a lo largo del tiempo, métricas de participación y frecuencia de publicaciones, tanto semanal como mensual. Para acceder a este informe detallado, regístrate y crea una nueva cuenta de StarNgage o inicia sesión en tu cuenta existente.
¿Puedo realizar un seguimiento de cómo ha evolucionado la Tasa de Participación de @yodda3x en Instagram?
Sí, las herramientas analíticas de StarNgage te permiten realizar un seguimiento de cómo ha evolucionado la Tasa de Participación de @yodda3x en Instagram. Estos datos te ayudan a evaluar la efectividad de las estrategias de participación de @yodda3x.
¿Cómo puedo comprender la demografía de la audiencia de @yodda3x en Instagram?
Obtener información sobre la demografía de la audiencia de @yodda3x en Instagram puede ser de gran valor. Te permite adaptar tu contenido de influencer y tus estrategias de marketing para conectarte mejor con los seguidores de @yodda3x, ya que tendrás información sobre su edad, género, ubicación e intereses.
¿Cómo puedo aprovechar los datos de afinidad de marca para mejorar mi estrategia de marketing en Instagram con @yodda3x?
Los datos de afinidad de marca son una poderosa herramienta para comprender qué marcas o productos interesan más a tu audiencia. Esta información puede guiar tus colaboraciones de contenido y asociaciones en Instagram, mejorando tu participación con tu público objetivo.