Welcome to the official account for NASA's Hubble Space Telescope! The observatory and account are operated by @nasagoddard.
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Just in time for Jupiter reaching opposition, this Hubble image shows a unique view of the gas giant planet as seen in ultraviolet light! When a planet is at opposition, its position is the exact opposite of the Sun in the sky. This makes it appear large and bright, so look up tonight to find Jupiter. The data used to create this ultraviolet image is part of a Hubble proposal that looked at Jupiter’s stealthy superstorm system. The researchers plan to map deep water clouds using the Hubble data to define 3D cloud structures in Jupiter’s atmosphere. Hubble's unique ultraviolet-observing capabilities allow astronomers to study the short, high-energy wavelengths of light beyond what the human eye can see. Ultraviolet light reveals fascinating cosmic phenomena, including light from the hottest and youngest stars embedded in local galaxies; the composition, densities, and temperatures of the material between stars; and the evolution of galaxies. Read more at the link in our bio! Swipe over to see Jupiter in visible and infrared light (from @NASAWebb). The infrared view reveals new details in the higher-altitude layers of Jupiter's atmosphere, including a high-speed jet over the equator. Image descriptions: 1 - The planet Jupiter with its cloud bands seen in shades of pink, rusty red, blue, and purple. The Great Red Spot is a deep navy blue, surrounded by bands and swirls of pink, and light blue. 2 - Jupiter with wavy atmospheric bands, colored white, red, orange, and brown. The Great Red Spot is at lower center, seen as a rusty red oval. 3 - Jupiter's Great Red Spot appears white with light pink around the edges. The planet is striated with swirling horizontal stripes of green, periwinkle, light pink, and cream. Horizontally across the equator is a wide cream-colored band, whose height extends about 1/7 of the planet. This is the planet’s equatorial zone. The stripes across the planet interact and mix at their edges. Along both of the northern and southern poles, the planet glows in green. Bright red aurorae glow just above the planet’s surface at both poles. #NASA #Hubble #Jupiter #stargazing #astronomy #astrophotography #planet #space
These images are pretty crab-tivating. 🦀 The Crab Nebula is a supernova remnant (the "leftovers" of a star's explosive death) that's about 6,500 light-years away. Hubble has observed this nebula several times (including the first image seen here in visible light), helping scientists learn more about the lives and deaths of stars. Plus, astronomers will have newer Hubble data to review within the next year or so from the telescope’s reimaging of the Crab Nebula, which can be compared and analyzed alongside @NASAWebb data. Swipe over to find Webb's new infrared image of the same nebula. In this region of light, Webb reveals new details, including what's known as synchrotron radiation. Seen as the milky smoke-like material throughout the nebula's center, this radiation is caused by the nebula's pulsar (a rapidly rotating neutron star). The pulsar’s strong magnetic field accelerates particles to extremely high speeds and causes them to emit radiation as they wind around magnetic field lines. Image descriptions/credits: A side-by-side-comparison of the Crab Nebula as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope in optical light (first image) and the James Webb Space Telescope in infrared light (second image). In both images, the oval nebula’s complex structure lies against a black background. On the nebula’s exterior, particularly at the top left and bottom left, lie curtains of glowing red and orange fluffy material. Interior to this outer shell lie large-scale loops of mottled filaments of yellow-white and green, studded with clumps and knots. In the Hubble image, the central interior of the nebula glows brightly, while the Webb image shows translucent thin ribbons of smoky white in the same area. Around and within the supernova remnant are many points of blue-white light in the Hubble image, and blue, red, and yellow light in the Webb image. Hubble image credit: NASA, ESA, J. Hester, A. Loll (Arizona State University) Webb image credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, T. Temim (Princeton University) #NASA #Hubble #Webb #science #space #stars #nebula #astronomy #universe #cosmos
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Hasta la última actualización, @nasahubble ha acumulado un dedicado grupo de 6,499,635 seguidores en Instagram.
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Nuestro informe completo de análisis de Instagram proporciona una visión general completa de @nasahubble en Instagram. Este informe incluye información detallada sobre el crecimiento de seguidores a lo largo del tiempo, métricas de participación y frecuencia de publicaciones, tanto semanal como mensual. Para acceder a este informe detallado, regístrate y crea una nueva cuenta de StarNgage o inicia sesión en tu cuenta existente.
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