نسبة 63.5% من متابعي @mybestfriendhank لديهم نسبة أنثى، و 36.5% ذكور. معدل التفاعل المتوسط على المنشورات حوالي 9.29%. المتوسط ​​لعدد الإعجابات في الردود هو 29,096 وعدد الإعجابات في المتوسط ​​هو 807.
@mybestfriendhank يحب نشر حولالحيوانات, حيوانات أليفة, المنزل والحديقة.
معدل المشاركة
المشاركة لكل منشور
متوسط الإعجابات لكل منشور
متوسط التعليقات لكل منشور
الترتيب العالمي
ترتيب البلد
ترتيب الفئة
اتجاهات نمو المتابعين والمنشورات
اتجاهات نمو معدل المشاركة
جنس الجمهور
مجموعة العمر المهيمنة
الإشارات - الحسابات
الإشارات - الوسوم
معدل المشاركة
الإعجابات والتعليقات
المؤثرين الملفتين للانتباه
قبول الجمهور للعلامة التجارية
الحسابات المماثلة
المنشورات الأخيرة
this is my best friend hank ready to visit his friends again. . a year ago this morning, our best friend passed away unexpectedly. it was absolutely devastating, and working through it has been . . . hard. for a lot of reasons. mostly, simply because we lost the thing that was most important to us in the whole world. . it was also hard for us, and for many of you grieving with us, that we couldn’t safely hold a public gathering in his honor due to the pandemic. for all he accomplished, all the kindness he spread and good work he did in our city—we would have loved to send him off with some new orleans style fanfare. . still, it was always our plan to allow you to visit him again when it was safe, and while we’re all remembering him today (we made his favorite for dinner—blueberry muffins), we’d like to show you what we’re working on. . in the front yard of hank’s house, there is now a beautiful stone with our favorite picture of him etched onto it, ready to be visited, talked to, and loved. we love to boop his snoot and invite you to as well. . and, so that friends can enjoy a blueberry with hank when they visit, we have planted blueberry bushes in the flowerbed next to his stone. they are young and will take time to produce, but for now we always have blueberries in the fridge. . our forever grief thankfully now includes a lot of humor in remembering what a weirdo hank was. we still miss him every day, but we also now laugh with him every day, talking to him on the way in and out of the house and still finding his personality all over our lives. . we’d love for you to stop by and have a laugh or a cry with us too. . more details are available on his website in the memorial tab. thanks always for your kindness. 🐽❤️
this is my best friend hank living on in the love he left with us. . today is “HANKS”giving—our boy’s favorite holiday. we’ll be setting out an extra plate for hank, but we also thought today was a good day to share some news. . meet his new sisters. on the left, nina (5 years old) is a gentle giant whose favorite food is bananas. she loves digging holes in the yard after it rains. nina often looks startlingly like hank, and they actually met at a play date when hank was a baby. phoebe (4 years old next month) is small but scrappy. her favorite food is whatever nina is having, and if you have chapstick in your pocket she will find it. she LOVES music. and, she uses a lot of the same snuggle techniques that hank did. both, of course, have moved into the big bed with us and have joined our family permanently. . hank opened a section of our hearts that we hadn't accessed before. when he left us, that love didn't leave with him. we had so much more of this new love to give him. years and years worth, now with no place to go.  . then two local pig friends reached out, each needing a new home for different reasons. they came from loving homes who are still involved but who knew that their girls needed more space and attention. we thought about what hank would want. . you all know what he would want. . we're not planning to use this channel to post about them. it will always be dedicated to hank. but, we wanted to let all of you know that these girls are with us now and helping us to heal. . and we think that means that hank is with us too, because the love he built in us has a place to go again. love in action in our home every day—that's hank saying hello.
this is my best friend hank holding a place of honor in our home, always. . friends—we have test results, but we've been struggling for quite a while with how much detail to give. we're still crying every day over the loss of our best friend. but—you are all hank's best friends too, and we decided that we simply need to share with you. . if you don't want more details on his passing, skip the next two paragraphs and just know that absolutely everything was done to save hank's life. that everyone was overly-cautious and attentive at every stage of this medical situation. and that nothing at all could have happened differently. . the tests showed that hank had a delayed anaphylactic reaction—his airway swelled up as a reaction to his intubation, but more than 24 hours later. it's rare for that type of fatal swelling to occur so long after the procedure. almost all of the time, if it occurs, it occurs immediately. despite that, he was given a steroid shot at the vet to protect against the possibility. he was given another at home the next day at the first sign of trouble. both were long-acting and still in his system as two teams of vets walked us through cpr. it simply wasn't enough. he passed in his safe spot—his bed—with us telling him that we loved him. . this was an unavoidable tragedy. even if the reaction had occurred at the vet, his doctors say he still would have passed. it is comforting to us that, instead, he was surrounded by love until the end. he got to fall asleep in his bed being held by his mom and dad. his passing will never feel fair, but at the very least, we got to be there for him. . we know this post is sad. and we know how much hank meant to all of you. we're still getting through your messages as fast as we can, but some expired before we could get to them. we are extremely saddened by that—we've never lost a message, ever. if we haven't replied to your message yet and you sent it 3+ weeks ago, it would help us if you resend. . thank you all so much. we'll post this coming week with plans for hank's legacy, but just know that this page will never be sold or removed—you can all come visit hank here whenever you like 🐽❤️
* حقوق النشر: صانعو المحتوى هم أصحاب حقوق النشر الافتراضيين. يتم نشر هذه المعلومات بما في ذلك الصور والنصوص ومقاطع الفيديو والمنشورات والملفات الشخصية على المجالات العامة ووسائل التواصل الاجتماعي المقابلة للمشاهدة العامة.
الأسئلة الشائعة: إحصائيات ورؤى Instagram لـ @mybestfriendhank
كيف يمكنني الوصول إلى إحصائيات وتحليلات Instagram لـ @mybestfriendhank؟
يوفر StarNgage تقارير تحليلية شاملة تقدم مؤشرات رئيسية وإضافات لتمنحك فهمًا كاملاً لـ @mybestfriendhank. يمكنك استكشاف جوانب مختلفة بما في ذلك إحصائيات المتابعين في Instagram مثل اتجاهات نمو المتابعين والمنشورات ومعدل المشاركة واتجاهاتها. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يمكنك الوصول إلى معلومات عن المتوسط ​​لعدد الإعجابات والتعليقات في المنشور الواحد وإلمام بإحصاءات الجمهور أو ديموغرافيته، وبيانات الالتزام بالعلامة التجارية، والإشارات إلى وسم ذي صلة، والحسابات المماثلة، وآخر المنشورات.
ما هو عدد المتابعين الحالي لـ @mybestfriendhank على Instagram؟
حتى آخر تحديث، حصل @mybestfriendhank على متابعين مخلصين مجموعهم 321,990 متابع في Instagram.
ما هي الإضافات والتحليلات التي تشتمل عليها التقارير الكاملة لـ @mybestfriendhank على Instagram؟
تحتوي تقريرنا التحليلي الكامل لـ Instagram على نظرة شاملة لـ @mybestfriendhank على Instagram. يتضمن هذا التقرير معلومات تفصيلية حول نمو المتابعين مع مرور الوقت، ومعدلات المشاركة، وتواتر المنشورات، سواء على أساس أسبوعي أو شهري. للوصول إلى هذا التقرير المفصل، يرجى التسجيل وإنشاء حساب جديد في StarNgage أو تسجيل الدخول إلى حسابك الحالي.
هل يمكنني تتبع كيف تطور معدل المشاركة لـ @mybestfriendhank على Instagram؟
نعم، تتيح أدوات التحليل التابعة لـ StarNgage لك تتبع كيفية تطور معدل المشاركة لـ @mybestfriendhank على مدار الوقت على Instagram. تساعدك هذه البيانات على تقييم فعالية استراتيجيات المشاركة لـ @mybestfriendhank.
كيف يمكنني فهم ديموغرافي جمهور @mybestfriendhank على Instagram؟
تجلب فهم ديموغرافي جمهور @mybestfriendhank على Instagram قيمة كبيرة. يتيح لك ضبط المحتوى الخاص بك واستراتيجيات التسويق مع المؤثرين للتوافق أكثر مع متابعي @mybestfriendhank، حيث ستحصل على معلومات حول سنهم وجنسهم وموقعهم واهتماماتهم.
كيف يمكنني الاستفادة من بيانات الأفليات العلامة التجارية لتحسين استراتيجيتي التسويق على Instagram مع @mybestfriendhank؟
تعد بيانات الالتزام بالعلامة التجارية أداة قوية لفهم العلامات التجارية أو المنتجات التي يهتم بها جمهورك. يمكن أن توجهك هذه المعلومات في تعاونك في المحتوى والشراكات على Instagram، مما يعزز الالتزام مع جمهورك المستهدف.