🖌 🇧🇪 Conservation artist 💰 > 22K€ donated 🏆 DSWF finalist 2019, 2021, 2022 & 2023 🏅 2022 DS Art of Survival Award winner
نسبة -% من متابعي @art4conservation لديهم نسبة أنثى، و -% ذكور. معدل التفاعل المتوسط على المنشورات حوالي 5.69%. المتوسط ​​لعدد الإعجابات في الردود هو 115 وعدد الإعجابات في المتوسط ​​هو 15.
@art4conservation يحب نشر حولالفنون والحرف اليدوية, الأعمال والتمويل.
معدل المشاركة
المشاركة لكل منشور
متوسط الإعجابات لكل منشور
متوسط التعليقات لكل منشور
الترتيب العالمي
ترتيب البلد
ترتيب الفئة
اتجاهات نمو المتابعين والمنشورات
اتجاهات نمو معدل المشاركة
جنس الجمهور
مجموعة العمر المهيمنة
الإشارات - الحسابات
الإشارات - الوسوم
معدل المشاركة
الإعجابات والتعليقات
المؤثرين الملفتين للانتباه
قبول الجمهور للعلامة التجارية
المنشورات الأخيرة
First out of 5 artworks shared 🐋 I’m incredibly excited to share my first of 5 artworks that will be part of the Realms of Hope exhibition in November. A group of male Humpback whales chasing a female during a spectacular ‘Heat run’, showing a glimpse of the spectacular events that take place below the ocean’s surface. In the next days I will share my personal experiences with these spectacular animals over the years. I had some stunning encounters, but the most memorable was in South Africa in 2018. It involves breaching individuals close to our 3 persons boat! Madness. It is these encounters that fuel my creative spirit for years. It’s a feeling that is hard to describe really. For now, I hope that you will enjoy this imagery, I had a wonderful time creating it. Realms of Hope is a unique exhibition between November 22 - 26 in London to celebrate the beauty of nature and some of the great success stories in conservation through the eyes of 6 renowned and award-winning artists. @zoefitchetart @cole.stirling @d.bosanquet_art @kc3dmedia @stephenrewfineart @art4conservation Art 4 Conservation has partnered with The David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation @dswfwildlife to raise funds for their essential conservation efforts across Africa and Asia, donating 50% of the proceeds to their cause. #wildlifeart #realmsofhope #wildlifeartist #wildlifeartivism #theartofsurvival #wildlifeconservation #artivism #wildlifeartistry #wildlifeartwork #art4conservation #dswfwildlife #dswf #a4c #endangeredspecies #believeinspireprotect #artworkforcharity #artcommunity #artforcharity #animalart #artexhibition #oxogallery
The David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation 🐘 Silent Auction is now open! This Friday, @dswfwildlife is holding its annual DSWF Wildlife Ball in The Dorchester in London, and I am so excited to go! During the evening, a silent auction is held where you can place bids on amazing wildlife art, photography prints and various items and trips. For those who cannot attend, you can still support conservation and place your bids on the online auction via the LINK IN MY BIO 🥳 DSWF is raising funds for their vital conservation work to fight wildlife crime and protect some of the last strongholds of endangered species across Africa and Asia, as well as the brave wildlife rangers who keep them safe. I am very delighted to be part of their silent auction as a Guest Artist for the Wildlife Ball collection, along with 16 other incredibly talented wildlife artists, and original art of David Shepherd, Mandy Shepherd and Emily Lamb. We created original artworks especially for this event, and I did a Hyena in pastel pencils which you can see here ;)! GO CHECK THEM OUT NOW!! 🤩 #wildlifeartist #dswfwildlifeart #dswfwildlife #wildlifeart #wildlifewarrior #dswfwildlifeball #wildlifeball #hyenaart #silentauction #dorchestercollection #wildlifeartwork #wildlifepainting #animalportrait #animalpainting #pastelpencils #pastelpencilart #pastelart #wildlifecharity #wildlifeconservation #artforconservation #artistsforconservation #art4conservation #artauction #fightprotectengage #conservationsilentauction #endangeredspecies
‘Rainforest Painters’ 60 x 80 cm – acrylics on canvas. No. 2/5 artworks that will feature in our Realms of Hope exhibition at Oxo Gallery in London, in support of @dswfwildlife @dswfwildlifeart alongside the works of 5 other renowned and award-winning artists. Seeing my first Macaws in the wild was a physically challenging but unforgettable experience. On May 26th 2022 I was standing on the famous ‘Crocodile Bridge’ that crossed the Tarcoles river near Carara National Park in Costa Rica. I had just driven down my car from the cold cloud forest slopes of Monteverde National Park and hadn’t realised the dramatic temperature change due to the air conditioning of the vehicle. Carara is basically at sea level and has a much more warm and humid climate than the mountainous regions of Costa Rica. As I was exiting the car, my camera and bino lenses condensed immediately and I could barely cope with the heat and humidity. Drenched in sweat, I walked down the bridge to see the crocodiles lie on the river bank. It was here, in this beautiful river bank setting, that was surrounded by lush rainforest, that I noticed multiple birds painting the sky red. Scarlet Macaws! I almost jumped off the bridge in my excitement, I couldn’t believe I just saw these utter gems of birds. Though this was a personal ‘birding’ highlight in my life, I have yet to fulfil another dream, which is to see a group of Macaws on a clay lick in Peru. This painting is a celebration of this spectacular wildlife event that can be observed in Manu National Park in Peru, where these animals are being protected against pet industry poachers. Species portrayed: Red-and-Green Macaws). Photo reference source: Alamy – Frans Lemmens photography. #wildlifeart #wildlifeartwork #wildlifeartist #wildlifeportrait #wildlifeconservation #wildlifepainting #birdart #macawart #manunationalpark #peruwildlife #birdpainting #acrylicpainting #acrylicsoncanvas #acrylicartwork #art4conservation #artforconservation
As I was sitting in the - somewhat still busy - metro hall of Embankment at around midnight, I daydreamed away. What a day. After 4 years of absence due to global events we are all too familiar with, The David Shepherd Wildlife Artist of the Year competition returns to the Mall Galleries in London. Monday was the big opening night, and man, was it ever epic. I started painting in 2017, knowing no one in the wildlife art space. I had no clue about the organisations that were fighting for wildlife and leveraging art to raise funds. I had definitely heard of DSWF though. I was an admirer of David himself for years, but I didn’t really know much about the actual community surrounding it and the people at the heart of the organisation. Fast forward 6 years and not only am I so incredibly humbled to be selected as a finalist ànd given the badge of ‘Highly Commended’ in WAY23, I could also barely get through the gallery on the award ceremony (which gives me a great excuse to revisit!) because of the sheer amount of friends and acquaintances present on the night. DSWF has nurtured an enormously powerful art community of wildlife warriors and art collectors alike, that has grown significantly in recent years. It’s an organisation that is genuine in all they do and that is run by superstars. A massive thanks @dswfwildlife @dswfwildlifeart for giving us a platform to make a difference, and for all you do. What I will remember most, aside from the stunning art on display (massive congratulations to all the winners!!) and the collective feeling of empowerment in that room, was the sheer joy some new finalists showed in their eyes, and the travel efforts they had gone through to get there. WAY is regarded by many as the most prestigious wildlife art competition in the world, and seeing this in the emotions of the people whilst talking to them about their experience being a part of this, and their ‘entry’ in this big family is what is what I was daydreaming about in the metro before finally realising I had missed my stop by two stations and that this was the last one of the hour! Ah well… I enjoyed the walk 😉 #wildlifeart #wildlifeartistoftheyear2023
* حقوق النشر: صانعو المحتوى هم أصحاب حقوق النشر الافتراضيين. يتم نشر هذه المعلومات بما في ذلك الصور والنصوص ومقاطع الفيديو والمنشورات والملفات الشخصية على المجالات العامة ووسائل التواصل الاجتماعي المقابلة للمشاهدة العامة.
الأسئلة الشائعة: إحصائيات ورؤى Instagram لـ @art4conservation
كيف يمكنني الوصول إلى إحصائيات وتحليلات Instagram لـ @art4conservation؟
يوفر StarNgage تقارير تحليلية شاملة تقدم مؤشرات رئيسية وإضافات لتمنحك فهمًا كاملاً لـ @art4conservation. يمكنك استكشاف جوانب مختلفة بما في ذلك إحصائيات المتابعين في Instagram مثل اتجاهات نمو المتابعين والمنشورات ومعدل المشاركة واتجاهاتها. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يمكنك الوصول إلى معلومات عن المتوسط ​​لعدد الإعجابات والتعليقات في المنشور الواحد وإلمام بإحصاءات الجمهور أو ديموغرافيته، وبيانات الالتزام بالعلامة التجارية، والإشارات إلى وسم ذي صلة، والحسابات المماثلة، وآخر المنشورات.
ما هو عدد المتابعين الحالي لـ @art4conservation على Instagram؟
حتى آخر تحديث، حصل @art4conservation على متابعين مخلصين مجموعهم 2,406 متابع في Instagram.
ما هي الإضافات والتحليلات التي تشتمل عليها التقارير الكاملة لـ @art4conservation على Instagram؟
تحتوي تقريرنا التحليلي الكامل لـ Instagram على نظرة شاملة لـ @art4conservation على Instagram. يتضمن هذا التقرير معلومات تفصيلية حول نمو المتابعين مع مرور الوقت، ومعدلات المشاركة، وتواتر المنشورات، سواء على أساس أسبوعي أو شهري. للوصول إلى هذا التقرير المفصل، يرجى التسجيل وإنشاء حساب جديد في StarNgage أو تسجيل الدخول إلى حسابك الحالي.
هل يمكنني تتبع كيف تطور معدل المشاركة لـ @art4conservation على Instagram؟
نعم، تتيح أدوات التحليل التابعة لـ StarNgage لك تتبع كيفية تطور معدل المشاركة لـ @art4conservation على مدار الوقت على Instagram. تساعدك هذه البيانات على تقييم فعالية استراتيجيات المشاركة لـ @art4conservation.
كيف يمكنني فهم ديموغرافي جمهور @art4conservation على Instagram؟
تجلب فهم ديموغرافي جمهور @art4conservation على Instagram قيمة كبيرة. يتيح لك ضبط المحتوى الخاص بك واستراتيجيات التسويق مع المؤثرين للتوافق أكثر مع متابعي @art4conservation، حيث ستحصل على معلومات حول سنهم وجنسهم وموقعهم واهتماماتهم.
كيف يمكنني الاستفادة من بيانات الأفليات العلامة التجارية لتحسين استراتيجيتي التسويق على Instagram مع @art4conservation؟
تعد بيانات الالتزام بالعلامة التجارية أداة قوية لفهم العلامات التجارية أو المنتجات التي يهتم بها جمهورك. يمكن أن توجهك هذه المعلومات في تعاونك في المحتوى والشراكات على Instagram، مما يعزز الالتزام مع جمهورك المستهدف.