سكاي نيوز عربية
الخبر الاكثر دقة وسرعة على مدار الساعة عبر شاشتنا ومنصاتنا الرقمية. www.facebook.com/SkyNewsArabia www.skynewsarabia.com
17.2% of @skynewsarabia's followers are female and 82.8% are male. Average engagement rate on the posts is around 0.04%. The average number of likes per post is 1,189 and the average number of comments is 20.
@skynewsarabia loves posting aboutNews & Politics.
Engagement Rate
Engagement per post
Average likes per post
Average comments per post
Global Rank
Country Rank
Category Rank
Follower and Post Growth Trends
Engagement Rate Growth Trends
Audience Gender
Dominating Age Group
Mentions - accounts
Engagement Rate
Likes and Comments
Notable Influencers
Audience Brand Affinity
Recent Posts
كشفت بيانات مقلقة للغاية أن مستوى غاز ثاني أكسيد الكربون في الغلاف الجوي للأرض حاليا، أكبر بنسبة تزيد على 50 بالمئة مما كان عليه خلال حقبة ما قبل الصناعة، مما يدفع الكوكب إلى ظروف لم يشهدها منذ ملايين السنين. وتظهر أحدث القياسات الصادرة عن الحكومة الأميركية، الارتفاع المستمر في انبعاثات ثاني أكسيد الكربون، الذي يعد المسؤول الأكبر عن أزمة الاحتباس الحراري. وتأتي القياسات بعد أحدث تحذير من جانب العلماء من أن العالم قد يستمر في الانزلاق نحو تغير مناخي "كارثي"، حتى لو انخفض انبعاثات الغازات بشكل كبير، وهو ما لا تزال الحكومات تفشل في تحقيقه. وقال رالف كيلينغ، عالم الكيمياء الجيولوجية الذي يرصد قياسات ثاني أكسيد الكربون في معهد "سكريبس" لعلوم المحيطات في هاواي: "إنه لأمر محزن أننا نفتقر إلى العمل الجماعي لإبطاء الارتفاع المستمر في ثاني أكسيد الكربون". وأضاف في تصريحات نقلتها صحيفة "غارديان" البريطانية: "قد لا يكون استخدام الوقود الحفري متسارعا بعد الآن، لكننا ما زلنا نركض بأقصى سرعة نحو كارثة عالمية".
* Copyright: Content creators are the default copyright owners. These information including images, texts, videos, posts and profiles are published on public domains and respective social media for public viewing.
FAQ: Instagram Statistics and Insights for @skynewsarabia
How can I access Instagram statistics and analytics for @skynewsarabia?
StarNgage offers comprehensive analytical reports that provide key metrics and insights to give you a complete understanding of @skynewsarabia. You can explore various aspects, including Instagram follower statistics, such as follower and post growth trends, Engagement Rate, and its growth trends. Additionally, you can access information on the average number of likes and comments per post, insights into your followers or audience demographics, brand affinity data, mentions of relevant hashtags, similar accounts, and the most recent posts.
What is the current follower count for @skynewsarabia on Instagram?
As of the latest update, @skynewsarabia has accumulated a dedicated following of 3,025,413 followers on Instagram.
What insights and analytics are included in the full report for @skynewsarabia on Instagram?
Our full Instagram analytical report provides a comprehensive overview of @skynewsarabia on Instagram. This report includes detailed information on follower growth over time, engagement metrics, and post frequency, both on a weekly and monthly basis. To access this in-depth report, kindly register and create a new StarNgage account or log in to your existing account.
Can I track how @skynewsarabia Engagement Rate has evolved on Instagram?
Yes, StarNgage's analytics tools allow you to monitor the evolution of @skynewsarabia Engagement Rate over time on Instagram. This data helps you assess the effectiveness of @skynewsarabia engagement strategies.
How can understanding @skynewsarabia audience's demographics on Instagram?
Gaining insights into @skynewsarabia audience's demographics on Instagram can be immensely valuable. It enables you to tailor your influencer content and marketing strategies to better resonate with @skynewsarabia followers, as you'll have information about their age, gender, location, and interests.
How can I leverage brand affinity data to improve my marketing strategy on Instagram with @skynewsarabia?
Brand affinity data is a powerful tool to understand which brands or products your audience is most interested in. This information can guide your content collaborations and partnerships on Instagram, enhancing your engagement with your target audience.