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a belated HVALA VAM to @danas.rs for this amazing interview. It was a real pleasure getting to connect with #UnaMiletic and talk about my original music, the pandemic, the public’s response to my work, and living a creative life. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ some of you have asked about English translations of the interviews I’ve done over the past month - working on this! I’ll be updating the press page on my website soon to include this international coverage, and will be linking to translations there. will update you here on IG once it’s up. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ nova srpski obrada coming to @youtube this month. can’t wait to share it with you. ♥️ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 📸: @ambejphotography

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🎉🎉🎉 Internacionalni festival Skampa u albanskom gradu Elbasanu, koji se 23. put održava od 30. septembra do 6. oktobra, ugostiće Knjaževsko-srpski teatar. Kragujevčani će na ovoj smotri nastupiti sa komadom Novice Savića "Opet plače al’ sada od sreće" u režiji Dragana Jakovljevića, predstavom koja je svoju premijeru imala 2016. godine i već je nagrađivana na međunarodnim pozorišnim smotrama u Bugarskoj i Severnoj Makedoniji. Festival Skampa ugostiće i predstave iz Albanije, sa Kosova, iz Turske, Litvanije, Italije i Srbije. „Posle dužeg vremena gostujemo na prostoru koji nije ex-yu region i učešćem na ovoj smotri ne samo da proširujemo područje naše međunarodne saradnje već želimo da pokažemo da su umetnost i kultura bez predrasuda, jer mnogi naši ljudi na Albaniju gledaju isključivo kroz prizmu aktuelnih odnosa sa Kosovom“, kaže Mladen Knežević, direktor kragujevačkog teatra, dodajući da je „ta potreba za saradnjom obostrana“. Kragujevačka predstava "Opet plače al’ sada od sreće" na repertoaru Skampe je u subotu, 2. oktobra. Tekst: @danas.rs Link ⬇️ https://www.danas.rs/kultura/umetnost-i-kultura-su-bez-predrasuda/ . . . . #skampa #opetplacealsadodsrece #danasrs #internationaltheatrefestival #elbasan #knjaževskosrpskiteatar

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„We will go where the muses reside“ The curator @denis_leo_hegic for @danas.rs Belgrade: *You have chosen to present yourself as a series of "ex-s" - ex-Yugoslav, ex-boyfriend, ex-driver. What does it look like not to be clearly nationally, politically or in any way defined on the Balkans? - The issue of identity is too important to understand it in a one-dimensional way. In principle, our identities are all ex, they are all placed in the past… At the end of the day, what is identity? Place, family, language we speak, religion, the culture we come from? That is the starter package of identity we get with the birth - and they are all rooted long before we were born. None of us invented the language we speak, and the same thing is with culture, with religion, where do we start to define the „ex“? I do not want to limit myself to any former thing and I proudly say that I am an ex-Christian, ex-Jew, ex-Muslim, ex-Buddhist. I am just as much ex-Yugoslav as I am ex-British and ex-Russian. These are all my ex-s that define me and I don’t want to be missing any of them. Accepting the fact that the basis of ​​identity formation is in the past is the first step to embrace the whole range of parameters that make us up. Thus, we will not limit our perception and views, and we will experience the future in a more open and vivid way. Just live a little! #danasrs #interview #denisleohegic #belgradeculture #curatorsperspective #berlinbelgrade #wherethemusesare #museology #cityasmuseum #berlinart #contemporaryart #belgradeart Photo by @ana_batricevic

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