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Average engagement rate on the posts is around 1.22%. The average number of likes per post is 243 and the average number of comments is 18.

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190 15

[Calling All Ducky Fanatics - Part II] 最近香港掀起一遍鴨子浪潮,不論男女老少都被這股熱潮吸引著。然而喜歡吃北京烤鴨的朋友,亦會被另一股熱潮所吸引,最近京滬佳餚推出的京滬香酥烤鴨只需$208/隻(原價$428),逢星期一至星期四全日供應(公衆假期除外),每日限量供應100隻,Duck Duck 聲正在全城起哄! 在享用低於半價的烤鴨的同時,在下午茶時段推出的全城最抵最優惠驚喜下午茶($129/2位),套餐包括四款點心、一客涼菜、客小菜、一客小食和兩客甜品,驚喜價更已包括茶芥加一,十分抵食。另外還可以追加香酥烤鴨 (+$128/例),或是全隻都只是$208/隻。 驚喜下午茶($129/2位) 招牌小籠包/蜜汁叉燒包 可以稱得上招牌小籠包果然皮薄饀靚兼爆汁,另一款粵式點心蜜汁叉燒飽也豪不遜色,絕對是滬粵點心的代表。 紅油抄手 抄手沾滿了酸酸辣辣的紅油醬汁,十分醒胃。 咖喱三寶 香辣惹味的咖喱汁有香港人至愛的三寶,魚蛋、豬皮和蘿蔔。 四喜烤麩 像海綿一樣的烤麩索滿甜甜的醬油,加上冬菇、荀片,就是一款經典的滬式涼菜。 醬香回鍋肉 回鍋肉是不少人吃上海菜的必點小菜,香辣的醬汁與豬腩肉、椰菜、豆乾同炒,材料雖然簡單,但味道卻殊不簡單,佐飯一流。 香菇醬火鴨炒飯 套餐還包括一碟炒飯,用香菇醬、火鴨粒和菜粒同炒,飯粒乾身分明。 薄荷綠豆沙 最後的甜品是薄荷綠豆沙,薄荷味十分突出。 #京滬佳餚 📍尖沙咀漢口道亞太中心地庫

242 22

[Calling All Ducky Fanatics - Part I] 最近香港掀起一遍鴨子浪潮,不論男女老少都被這股熱潮吸引著。然而喜歡吃北京烤鴨的朋友,亦會被另一股熱潮所吸引,最近京滬佳餚推出的京滬香酥烤鴨只需$208/隻(原價$428),逢星期一至星期四全日供應(公衆假期除外),每日限量供應100隻,Duck Duck 聲正在全城起哄! 京滬烤鴨($208/隻) 原價$428/隻,現在只需要$208 就可以享用原隻香酥片皮烤鴨。 鴨胸的皮,油份比較豐膩,可以配合白砂糖增添口感亦可解膩。 鴨脾部份加點蒜蓉在皮與肉之間,蒜香令味道更添層次。 嫩滑的鴨肉和香脆的鴨皮可以放在薄餅上,加入自己喜歡的配料,例如青瓜、蜜瓜、大葱、山渣條、海鮮醬等,令味道和口感倍增。 #京滬佳餚 📍尖沙咀漢口道28號亞太中心地庫

222 17

[Dine with a 180° Harbour View] If dining with a 180° harbour view is on your wish list, then this is the place for you! Located on the waterfront of East Tsim Sha Tsui, with an entire wall of glass looking out towards the Victoria Harbour, StarVerse offers an unobstructed view of the city’s skyline. For those who want to enjoy a relaxing business lunch or a romantic date night against the backdrop of Hong Kong’s iconic harbour, come check this out! Lunch Set ($128) Daily Soup & Bread The pumpkin soup was naturally sweet and fragrant. Salmon Sushi Roll The salmon sushi roll has a nice crispy exterior but a soft and moist interior. Maskter Stock Pork Belly An Asian-inspired appetizer - Gua Bao. The soft pillowy Bao Bun is stuffed with a tender caramelized pork belly. Black Angus Hanger Steak (+$68) The hanger steak was amazingly tender and packed with intense beefy flavor, and it went so well with roasted potatoes. Pan-seared Prawn Linguine w/Avocado Cream Sauce The prawn was bouncy and flavourful, and the linguine was nicely al dente, creamy, yet firm to the teeth. Dessert These two little chocolate puffs were soft and delicate. The lemon tarts were delightfully bright, refreshing, and tangy. Coffee or Tea #starverse #星滙演 📍尖沙咀麼地道66號尖沙咀中心三樓

241 18

至「強」招牌三寶 每次經過大圍港鐵站都會望到這間掛著大紅燈籠的地標食肆 - 沙田新強記燒鵝海鮮酒家。不少客人專程入來沙田都是為了品嚐他們的招牌菜「沙田三寶 - 雞粥、乳鴿、燒鵝」。這家老字號酒家除了招牌三寶,還可以找到不少的懷舊菜式和手工點心。 金牌燒乳鴿($68) 鎮店之寶之一,金牌燒乳鴿,原隻上並沒有斬件,肉汁緊鎖在內,用手拿著慢慢品嚐,真係好味到手指都舔埋。 沙田新強記雞粥($60/位) 粥底綿滑並充滿雞油的香氣,雞件嫩滑有雞味,沙鍋盛載的雞粥更可保持溫度。 新強記燒鵝飯($68) 燒鵝的皮很薄,下面一層薄薄的鵝脂加上香嫩的鵝肉,甘香而不膩,配合酸梅醬汁,味道更豐富。 椒鹽豆腐($58) 金磗一般的椒鹽豆腐,一口一粒。豆腐炸至外脆內軟,火喉到位,香辣的椒鹽令味道更有層次感。 黑椒蒸爽肚($36) 這是一款懷舊點心,黑椒蒸爽肚,豬肚爽彈帶點嚼口,適量的黑胡椒不但增添香氣,更可為味道提鮮。 #沙田新強記燒鵝海鮮酒家 📍大圍海福花園47-50號地下 #沙田新強記 #新強記 #沙田三寶 #懷舊點心 #乳鴿 #沙田雞粥

250 17

[灣仔悠閑飲茶記] 這家位於灣仔QRE Plaza 的百花漁莊,晚市以火鍋為主打,午市則供應各式南北美點。餐廳位於廿八樓,景觀十分開揚,外望翠綠的山景,內部的裝飾雅緻舒適。星期六的中午來到,坐在窗旁位置,呷一口茶,一邊享用精美的點心,一邊望著窗外的風景,感覺悠然自得。 百花炒麵王($108) 炒麵加入了蔥段、洋蔥、冬菇絲等的材料增加口感,每條麵條都沾滿濃香的豉油,爆炒過的蔥段亦為麵條增添香氣。 水晶蝦餃皇($48) 一籠四隻的蝦餃皇,比起普通的蝦餃大一倍,晶瑩的外皮包裹着飽滿爽彈的蝦肉,看到已令人食指大動。 燒賣雙拼($48) 兩款不同口味的燒賣,分別是乾蒸牛肉燒賣和蟹籽燒賣。一個價錢,兩款口味,一次過試齊。 蜜汁叉燒包($38) 叉燒包可以說是點心中的經典,飲杯茶,食過包,更是飲茶的指定動作。叉燒肥瘦適中,外皮鬆軟,口感軟糯,重點是一定要襯熱食! 紅糖果仁冰粉(免費) 2-3人贈送紅糖果仁冰粉、4人起贈上海燻魚。 茶位 @$13/平日 $16/假日,餐前小吃($16) #百花漁莊 📍灣仔皇后大道東202號,QRE Plaza 28/F

211 14

陳儀興尚潮樓(鰂魚涌)- 功夫潮菜 以一杯「功夫茶」開始,並以一杯「功夫茶」作結,一頓正宗滋味的功夫潮州菜就由這一小杯茶逐一呈獻。 這家位於鰂魚涌的陳儀興尚潮樓,其本舖在新蒲崗已開業六十年,此分店更是其首家在港島區開的分店。餐廳以正宗的潮州菜為宗旨,傳承著傳統的潮汕口味,精心做出各款潮汕經典。 鵝三寶($298) 陳年的潮州滷水充滿醇厚馥郁的香氣,這個鵝三寶分別是,鵝件、鵝腸和鵝肝。鵝件皮香肉滑、鵝腸爽脆、至於鵝肝就軟滑甘香,齒頰留香。 潮州魚丸肉碎煮汕頭白($208) 這款湯菜是潮州白魚丸肉碎煮汕頭津白,魚丸和津白浸在高湯內,津白吸收了湯的鮮甜,魚丸爽彈,整個菜式看似簡單,味道卻很突出。 普寧豆醬煮海魚($368) 這個是普寧豆醬煮大黃花,魚肉十分嫩滑細緻,配合惹味的普寧豆醬令魚肉增添不同層次的味道。 二十年老菜甫燉鮮豬肚($78) 用上了二十年的老菜甫燉鮮豬肚,湯水的味道是醇香樸實,滋潤生津。 胡椒鹹菜鮮豬肚湯($78) 同樣是豬肚湯,加入了胡椒鹹菜卻帶出完全不同的味道,鮮香鹹辣的味道為味蕾增添多重的層次。 潮州白粥($15) 功夫茶(@ $15) 陳儀興尚潮樓 - 鰂魚涌 📍鰂魚涌英皇道1001號7/F, 1室 #陳儀興尚潮樓 #陳儀興 #鰂魚涌美食 #打冷 #潮州菜 #香港必吃 #香港好去處 #香港旅游攻略 #食在香港 #香港探店 #香港美食 #香港打卡 #香港生活 #蠔餅

226 20

[More Than Just A Restaurant] Vivere is a stylish, vibrant restaurant, bar, and event space situated on the 11th floor of Sugar+. Blending magnificent views of the city with elevated Italian menus, Vivere truly offers something for everyone, whether you’re looking for a quality meal or a place to entertain. Filled with stunning atmosphere, cocktails, and wines, they also bring the best Drag Shows in Hong Kong along with dinner and brunch at various times, so be prepared to get a little tipsy with friends and have an unforgettable time. Avocado Crostini ($108) This Avocado Crostini has the perfect combination of creamy avocado, milky Mozzarella, juicy ripe tomatoes, and crunchy toasted baguette slices. Caprese Salad ($118) A simple yet classic Italian salad made with slices of fresh mozzarella, tomatoes, basil, and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar. Spicy Vodka Rigatoni ($138) This Spicy Vodka Rigatoni is most likely a spin on penne alla vodka, it’s spicy, creamy, cheesy, and just addictive enough to keep you coming back for more. Beef cubes ($238) The bite-sized Ribeye beef cubes are quickly seared on high heat to form a flavorful crust on the outside while keeping the inside pink for tenderness. The Padron peppers were served and brought the dish with a Mediterranean flavor. Lava Cake ($108) To round off the meal, we had the chocolate molten lava cake with ice cream. The slight bitterness of chocolate and the sweetness of vanilla ice cream was a match made in heaven! The Killshot ($118) A cocktail concoction with rum, apricot brandy, banana liqueur, citrus, and passion fruit syrup. Fancy Butt ($78) A very refreshing cocktail with fresh lychee, Apple, and ginger beer. #viverehk #愛活軒 📍Level 11, Sugar+ Building, 31 Sugar Street, Causeway Bay

251 20

[Feast Your Eyes & Palates] Wondering where to go for lunch in Central? If you’re looking for a sensational dining experience curated by the yakitori kappo specialist, look no further than Kicho. On the brand new lunch set menu, it is no surprise that chicken is predominant. Using exclusively the famed Kuro Satsuma Chicken from Kagoshima, a superior breed and is considered one of the top 3 free-range chickens in Japan. Sit back, relax, and be ready to feast your eyes and palate on the delectable dishes made fresh in front of you with a theatrical 🔥fire 🔥 show! Appetizer The charcoal-grilled chicken breast slices are topped with homemade tosazu jelly with seasonal veggies, everything came together to provide an interesting and harmonious contrast. Side Dishes Three side dishes: Chicken miso, scallions with sesame, and mushrooms with sesame. Soup Followed by a clear chicken soup to warm you up, featuring a chicken meatball with shimeji mushrooms. Charcoal Grilled Minced Chicken with Egg Yolk Rice Bowl ($200/set) If you like Japanese Chicken Meatballs (Tsukune), then this donburi is definitely your best option! The charcoal grilled chicken patty with cartilage is served on top of a raw Nagasaki Taiya egg yolk, with the egg yolk running through the patty and rice, it’s just comforting as it is delicious! Charcoal Grilled Free-Range Chicken with Egg Rice Bowl ($240/set) The chicken was grilled at high temperature from the binchotan charcoal, the meat was crispy, tender, and juicy; while the velvety smooth scrambled eggs went particularly well with the Japanese rice. Dessert Round off the meal with a truly amazing egg pudding for a sweet finish. #kichohk #希鳥 📍Shop2B, 1/F, Manning House, 48 Queen’s Road Central, Central #Kicho #YakitoriKappo #Yakitori #CentralOmakase #KuroSatsumachicken #FreeFlowSake

244 13

「巧」滋味 這家位於旺角的日式壽司店「巧 すしたくみ」,晚市以廚師發辨為主,並配有多項單點菜式。 午市的餐目則以海鮮丼飯、壽司盛合及和式定食為主,價錢由$78 - $318,選擇多元,豐儉由人。 餐廳以和風原木色系為主調,配合柔和的燈光,坐在壽司吧枱前欣賞師傅巧手為客人製作每一件壽司,頓時令人忘卻了置身於繁忙喧鬧的旺角鬧市。 特選三色丼($268) 組成這個特選三色丼的食材有三文魚子、海膽、蔥粒碎拖羅。晶瑩剔透的三文魚子,卜卜脆的口感和入口即溶的海膽形成強烈的對比,加上香滑的蔥粒碎拖羅就成為一個我最愛的的鐵三角組合。 豐州壽司盛合 ($318/12 件) 十二件豐州壽司盛合因應當日貨源選取最新鮮的組合:大拖羅、赤身、池魚、鰆魚、真鯛、鮫鰈魚、帆立貝、魷魚、赤蝦、松葉蟹、海膽和玉子。各款壽司都很新鮮,其中大拖羅油香滿溢、海膽味道鮮甜,真鯛入口帶點爽彈,帆立貝鮮甜。 沙律/味噌湯 午市套餐還附有清新的田園沙律和味噌湯。 甜品 甜品是奶味十分濃郁的牛奶布丁。 巧 すしたくみ 📍旺角山東街53號地舖

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[Gem Hidden in Tai Po Arts Centre] This was an unexpected find! Situated in Tai Po Arts Centre, Pentola may not be very noticeable from the outside as it is secluded right in the revitalized former school building. This Italian restaurant offers a warm and cozy atmosphere with exposed red brick walls and a dim-lit setting with plenty of wooden elements giving it a rustic and relaxing vibe. Focaccia A bag of focaccia served with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. 意大利生牛肉薄切 ($118) The Beef Carpaccio with Parmesan and Rocket was immediately appealing to my eyes. The beef was wonderfully tender, the Parmesan and rocket worked well to bring out the beef’s deeper flavors. 新鮮青口配羅勒蕃茄醬($118) The fresh mussel was juicy and flavourful with a hint of the ocean. The sourdough toast is best for dipping in the basil tomato sauce. 新鮮波士頓龍蝦意粉($228) The fresh, handmade pasta was toothsome with a rustic al dente texture, and you can tell by the difference from the dry pasta. The lobster was meaty and succulent, a perfect match for the dish. 炭燒安格斯封門柳配薯條($198) The Angus Hanger Steak was grilled to perfection, the meat was tender and beefy and every single slice was rich in flavor. Tiramisu ($58) The tiramisu was soft, delicate, and well-balanced. Paradisa ($88) A mocktail with Kakao Cocoa, Uji Matcha, and cream. Mystical Rosa ($88) A tropical concoction with Mango juice, pineapple juice, and orange juice, with a visual-appealing rose made from apple and hibiscus. #pentolahk 📍Unit G01-02, Tai Po Arts Centre

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[Ichiban Saikyozuke] Originating from Kyoto Japan and established in 1927, Kyoto ICHINODEN Hong Kong is the first overseas branch of this nearly century-old Saikyozuke Speciality Store in Kyoto. Famed for its secret saikyozuke - Kuramisoduke 藏味噌漬, Ichinoden Style - Miso Marinated Black Cod is the most popular pick in their signature, and don't miss the limited-time menu of the renowned premium Hiyama Wagyu. 三文魚籽海膽半熟蛋 ($188) The luscious sea urchin is already made me drool, when paired with a salmon roes and soft-boiled egg, it’s just sublime! 三文魚籽帆立貝刺身飯 ($328) This donburi is a total flavor bomb, filled with generous amounts of salmon roes and scallops, how could you say no to this wholesome bowl? 藏味噌漬燒A5和牛($498) Marinated in the Ichinoden Style Miso and grilled to perfection to create an unparalleled umami taste experience, the marbling makes the wagyu super tender and juicy, and extraordinary richness in every bite. 藏味噌漬銀鰤鯧茶漬飯($118) The Japanese rice was cooked perfectly and delicately aromatic, with their Ichinoden Style Silver Hou, the fragrant chazuke dashi soup and roasted sesame seeds added for extra texture and flavor. Dinner Early-bird offer, 20% off for dine-in before 7 pm. #京都一の傳 #kyotoichinodenhk 📍402, 4/F, Ocean Centre, TST

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[百變海鮮魚生丼] 「漁初. 魚丼」- 從店名已經看得出這家日式小店是主打魚生丼,這𥚃的丼飯除了多款預設的海鮮丼飯之外,還設有自選魚生飯,客人可以從數十款新鮮魚生挑選最少三款配料,打造出一個自己心儀的百變海鮮魚生丼。除了魚生丼,餐牌上還有壽司、刺身、熟丼、燒物、串燒 … ,價錢十分親民貼地。 A3 雜錦魚生丼 ($158) 如果你心多多又想試多幾款魚生,這款A3 雜錦魚生丼就最適合了,總共有七款材料,有三文魚、油甘魚、帶子、北寄貝、赤蝦、蟹籽、玉子燒。三文魚和油甘魚都是厚切的,口感十足、帶子鮮甜、北寄具爽彈、大大隻的赤蝦肉質甜美,還有脆卜卜的蟹籽,真是十分之豐富。 自選魚生丼($125) 自選魚生丼,首先選擇酢飯或新鮮沙律菜,然後選擇最少三款配料,每款配料由$20 - $50, 我的選項是:酢飯($15),海膽($50),火炙鰈魚邊($30),吞拿魚($30)。海膽入口即化,經過火炙的鰈魚邊油香四溢,還有三片厚切的吞拿魚。一人一丼飯,酢飯更無限添加。 燒牛舌心($59) 厚切的牛舌心爽口,簡單以鹽燒已能夠帶出其鮮味。 燒雞腎($22) 同樣爽脆的雞腎,口感還帶點嚼勁,質感和味道都恰到好處。 燒雞軟骨($25/2串) 雞軟骨更抵食,$25/2串,粒粒燒至金黃香脆,但又不會太乾,是一款令人容易吃上癮的串燒。 #漁初魚丼 📍長沙灣營盤街147號天悦廣場地下B2舖

* Copyright: Content creators are the default copyright owners. These Images are published on public domains and respective social media for public viewing.


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Brazil Arts and Crafts
0.30 %
United States Fashion, Music, Singer, Entertainment
2.25 %
Russian Federation Musician/Band, Creators & Celebrities
0.69 %
Brazil Product Showcase, Business and Finance