A free tool for PLEASURE & BEAUTY

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A free tool for PLEASURE & BEAUTY

Deadline:31 May, 2021
19 Apr, 2021
1. Touch X stimulates the nerve endings and enhances blood flow. Your face has much of the same erectile tissue, and it responds in much the same way to a gentle massage. By promoting healthy circulation, Touch X can reduce puffiness around the eyes. The result: a refreshed feeling and firmer facial skin. Better than facial yoga, and more fun to do.
2. The beautiful curves of Touch X can be used to massage in lotions and serums more effectively than your fingers alone. Touch X combines silky-smooth silicone and powerful, reverberating vibrations to help serums glide onto your skin more thoroughly.
3. Touch X can help you recharge and refresh, so you feel in complete control, at all times. Spray yourself with a face mist spray then massage the spray into your forehead, temples, nose and neck.
4. We-Vibe Touch X stimulates your blood flow, giving your skin a luminous glow. We all know a fresh, natural face is the perfect base for any makeup application. Massage your concealer into your skin with the Touch X turned on medium, the vibrations will smooth it in and blend it perfectly.
Post an Instagram feed about one or all the 4 beauty functions the Touch X can do, with images that you create by yourself, of you using the tool