Usembassyskopje's Instagram Audience Analytics and Demographics



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Average engagement rate on the posts is around 0.60%. The average number of likes per post is 66 and the average number of comments is 2.

Check usembassyskopje's audience demography. This analytics report shows usembassyskopje's audience demographic percentage for key statistic like number of followers, average engagement rate, topic of interests, top-5 countries, core gender and so forth.

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65 1

Fighting corruption is taking center stage as a national security priority. At #UNGA76 Ambassador Samantha Power announced a new task force to fund investigators and citizens exposing and fighting corruption. #fight #corruption

57 1

“Vaccinate the World” and “Save Lives Now" are two of the ambitious targets President Joe Biden outlined at the Global COVID-19 Summit on September 22. American institutions of advanced biomedical research, like those at the University of Pittsburgh that Secretary Blinken visited, serve as global hubs for U.S. and foreign researchers and clinicians to drive innovation to save lives and build back better global health security for future preparedness.

96 1

Calling all eligible candidates to apply for the Trades Helper position and get the chance to be part of our team. For details and to apply, see link in our story. #hiring #jobs #vacancy #work #job #workatusrmbassy

143 4

“We will continue to share an appreciation for and support North Macedonia’s cultural heritage… so that generations of citizens from the region, the United States and around the world can come and learn about the important role that Stobi has played in our collective world heritage.” – Ambassador Byrnes at the ceremony for promotion of the Master Conservation Plan for the archeological site Stobi, funded by the J.M. Kaplan Fund @thejmkaplanfund from the United States. The Master Conservation Plan for Stobi was created through a cooperation between National Institution (NI) Stobi and Balkan Heritage Foundation from Bulgaria, with a $100.000 grant of the J.M. Kaplan Fund. Ambassador Byrnes noted the importance of cultural heritage and the U.S. government support through the Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP) to include preservation efforts of Stobi; from the mosaics and the marble architectural elements of the baldachin from the 5th century AD, the frescos in the old basilica from the 4th century AD. #culturalheritage #historiclocations #archeology #history #heritage #stobi

32 1

Денес е Меѓународен ден на преведувачите! Во 1991 година, Меѓународната федерација на преведувачи ја покрена идејата за официјално да се признае Меѓународен ден на преведувачите, за да се покаже солидарност со светската заедница на преведувачи, во обид да се промовира професијата преведувач во различни земји. Темата оваа година е ”Обединети во преводот”. Ова е можност да се покаже гордоста на професијата што станува се позначајна во ерата на растечката глобализација. 👉 Sot është Dita Ndërkombëtarë e Përkthimit! Ne vitin 1991, Federata Ndërkombëtare e Përkthyesve paraqiti iniciativën për njohje ndërkombëtarë të ditës së përkthimit, si shenjë solidariteti me komunitetin e përkthyesve në mbarë botën dhe për të promovuar profesionin e përkthyesit në shtete të ndryshme, dhe tema për këtë vit është ”Te bashkuar në Përkthim”. Kjo ditë është mundësi për të shprehur krenarinë për një profesion i cili po bëhet çdo ditë e më i nevojshëm ne epokën e globalizimit në rritje. 👉 Today is International Translation Day! In 1991, the International Federation of Translators launched the idea of an officially recognized International Translation Day to show solidarity of the worldwide translation community in an effort to promote the translation profession in different countries, and the theme for this year is ”United in translation.” This is an opportunity to display pride in a profession that is becoming increasingly essential in the era of progressing globalization. 👉

95 2

Reform and transparency in the justice sector is key to a fair and equal society, as well as EU accession for North Macedonia. Deputy Chief of Mission Eric Meyer hosted representatives from the rule-of-law sector on Sept. 27 to discuss progress, barriers, and how we can work together to tackle challenges. DCM Meyer noted the Embassy's support in training of prosecutors and judges and the support and cooperation with the Government and with NGOs to increase judicial transparency.

16 0

Today is National Voter Registration Day! The Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) 👉 will make voting absentee as easy as possible — wherever you are and in whichever state you vote in.

17 0

The Embassy’s Resident Legal Advisor Cole Radovich hosted a discussion on financial crimes and investigations for local rule of law journalists together with Ivana Trajcheva from the Organized Crime and Corruption Public Prosecution Office, and Ivica Simonovski from the Financial Intelligence Unit. A huge thank you to the presenters and the participants for a great discussion.

199 3

Амбасадорката Брнз се придружи на @borka_official за годишниот настан, Напред розово прошетка, против ракот на дојка. Зборувајќи на настанот, амбасадорката ја истакна важноста од ваквите настани, особено за време на пандемијата со КОВИД-19, што предизвика големи пречки во детекција и лекување на ракот, како и пад од повеќе од 40% во навременото дијагностицирање на ракот. Ambasadorja Byrnes iu bashkangjit organizatës @borka_official për shëtitjen vjetore Përpara rozë, hapërojmë kundër kancerit në gji. Duke iu drejtuar të pranishmive, Ambasadorja potencoi rëndësinë e ngjarjeve të tilla veҫanërisht gjatë pandemisë me KOVID-19, që ka shkaktuar ndërprerje në detektimin dhe mjekimin e kancerit, si dhe një rrënie prej mbi 40% në diagnostikimin e hershëm të kancerit. Ambassador Byrnes joined @borka_official for the annual Go Pink Walk against breast cancer. Speaking at the event the Ambassador noted the importance of events like this especially in the times of COVID-19 pandemic that has caused a significant disruption in cancer detection, cancer treatment and more than a 40 percent drop in timely cancer diagnosis.

59 1

Secretary Blinken: Look at almost every place where you see threats to international peace and security today – and you’ll find that climate change is making things less peaceful, less secure, and rendering our response even more challenging. #UNGA76

19 0

September 28th is National Voter Registration Day. If you are a U.S. citizen residing overseas, get started on the FPCA to register to vote at

69 0

Macedonian American Alumni Association - MAAA members provided valuable insights and perspectives to Estonian e-governance experts on a fact-finding tour, as part of the newly formed North Macedonia-Estonia-United States Partnership project. The first phase of the initiative is focused on exploring North Macedonia’s digitization and e-governance efforts. MAAA members brought a wealth of industry, government, and private sector experience to the conversation.

* Copyright: Content creators are the default copyright owners. These Images are published on public domains and respective social media for public viewing.


0.71 %
Macedonia Entertainment and Music
2.72 %
Macedonia Sports, News
6.13 %
Macedonia Travel, Fashion Design, Lifestyle
Macedonia Food
0.11 %
Macedonia Life and Society, Automotive, Design, Interior Design
495 / post
0.68 %
Macedonia Beauty and Self Care, Business, Hair & Beauty, Celebrities, Design
0.50 %
Macedonia Travel
0.16 %
Macedonia Product Showcase
3.49 %
Macedonia Fitness and Health, Events, Yoga
0.53 %
Macedonia Food, Travel, Marketing and Advertising, News, Actors
8.61 %
Macedonia Beauty and Self Care
0.57 %
Macedonia Home and Garden
0.70 %
Macedonia Home and Garden, Product Showcase
0.95 %
Macedonia Arts and Crafts
1.60 %
Macedonia Sports, Fitness and Health