Headline24 News App Promote- Free Coins

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Headline24 News App Promote- Free Coins

Deadline:01 Nov, 2019
Travel 11 Mar, 2019
Headline24 is an news platform which will give free coins to users who read news, give comments and sharing to friends!

Hot news has everything - using intelligent algorithms to recommend information that you are interested in, countless influencers interact with you here;

Discover life and record life — there are wonderful short video without advertisements

The exclusive field meets the personality - from sports news to entertainment news are fully covered;
No limit for influencers. All influencers can join the program.

Each influencer is required to download the app and register your own account. You will find an unique PROMOTE CODE in profile page just beside your name.

Please share this code to your fans and let them fill this code during registration. Thus both influencer and fans can get the free coins.
Those coins can redeem gifts from android phones to money in future.

Users can also get the free coins through following :
1. read the news for >10 articles
2. comments for >5 articles.
3. login the app for 7 consequently days
4. share to other friends using their own promote code. Each register user will have an own promote code in his profile page in app.

What you are waiting for? Just use your fingers and start to earn free coins now!