Unboxing with Metapora

Unboxing with Metapora

Deadline:04 Nov, 2018
Price Range:
Product Link:
Hair & Beauty 30 Oct, 2018
It's your turn!
Be a part of our growing family and share your experience with meta~pora products while inspiring others to be proud of their own skin! 
How? Two words: Be yourself

To introduce our brand, we, Meta~pora is a skincare brand that believes that when you spend so many hours applying creams, serum, masks, and sprays - it has to be something more than just a skincare...
We promote positivity and confidence in our products - making our customers happy in their own skin while striving to remind them of their beauty within! We are an Australian-manufactured product with natural ingredients. You can find more info about us at www.metapora.com

What we are looking for?
Creators that are able to connect to our vision and help us spread it around the social network. 

About this campaign
This campaign is all about promoting, unboxing, giving a review and having fun with us while using our products!
You can use any of the information provided there. 
We're looking into 1 vlog posted on Youtube:

2-10 minutes of unboxing, before and after review and promoting meta~pora itself.

30-90 seconds of bliss! Meaning: raw video of you enjoying the product and giving inspiration about what "authentic beauty" really means - more than just a skincare. It can be a part of the vlog itself or you can cut it out and give us a file. 

1 Instagram post promoting your unboxing vlog or product experience to be shared with your audience (either as a story highlight or IG feed post). 

Ready to glow? Glow with our growing family now!