RIMSports Ab Straps 20% commission with 10% discount for your buyer.

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RIMSports Ab Straps 20% commission with 10% discount for your buyer.

Deadline:06 Nov, 2020
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Product Link:
Health & Fitness 28 Oct, 2020
Product Details:

Please produce 1-2 IG posts - original images/boomerangs/stories/videos

What you get out of this:
1. Your customer receive 10% discount
2. You will be receiving 20% commission on this camping with these specific camp.

How you can track it:
1. Apply for amazon affiliate program and use the code to promote the product, so that you will know if you lead is converted.

-Feature our product
-Create genuine, creative social content that will elicit strong engagement from your followers
-Feel free to cross post to other social media channels like Facebook/Twitter

-Don't use anyone else's content - we want you to create original images/boomerangs/stories/videos