Wonderbake chocolate chip cookie

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Wonderbake chocolate chip cookie

Deadline:31 Dec, 2020
29 Nov, 2020
- WONDERBAKE serves a home based premium baked good. With more than 12 years experience, Wonderbake ensures you will get the best experience with a choc chip cookie ever. Our customers have been comparing their choc chip cookie experience with other top notch brands and they have chosen ours as the best one yet.

We would like to let our audience get free tasting and share their 'mouthgasm' experience with their crowd.
- Above 18 years old
- Min. 10,000 followers on IG
- Public account

- We will send you a jar of cookie.
- 1 IG Post - pose shot with Wonderbake cookie with captions of your own.
- 1 IG Story Video - At least a 1 min video of unboxing and tasting the cookie. Break the cookie in front of the camera and record yourself biting and munching the cookies. Close up shot to the melted choc chip inside the cookie. Give honest feedback and tell your audience they can get the cookie for free too by just follow our IG @wonderbake.my. Random winner will be selected to get our cookies for free.
- Submit screenshots/links of IG Post and Story as proof of deliverables